Hammerhead Badge




Dumb question, but I have the Hammerhead badge, who's description is "This is the Hammerhead Badge"

( good work Nancy drew, lets meet up at mystery creek lol )

Any idea how the hell I managed to get it? All I did was walk up and talk to Kara the Scorpion in Sharkhead Isle.

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



You killed 300 scrapyarders / 100 of Ghost of Scrapyard's minions. It's not entirely sure what does it, two sites have it listed differently. -_-;



Just to say I can confirm it's for 100 of Scrapyard's followers (The ones that spawn with the Ghost of Scrapyard).



Yeah, I was guessing the same because I'm pretty certain I killed far more than 300 scrapyarders, but better safe than sorry. =)



Same here.. I've been killing scrapyarders for 2 weeks now, I've been killing closer to 1300 than 300 of them and didn't get the badge, this morning tho I charged the ghost's followers with Unstoppable and it took me 4 min to get the badge. Damn I didn't try that sooner