Palin Elfling, Part 1. A fall into darkness.




The sun rose over the village, slowly burning away the mist from between the trees. Despite the early hour the entire village was turned out because today was finally the day when Kalis Elfling was to leave the village in search of his future. Having heard so many stories from Bris and Chel Elfling about the wonders of Paragon City, Kalis had decided to follow them to seek his fortune. Everyone had turned out to wish him well and speed him on his way. Everyone except for Palin Elfling that is. Palin was Kalis’ youngest cousin and had hero-worshipped him for many years. Everywhere Kalis went, Palin was with him. No matter what trouble they got into it was always together and no matter where one went, the other went too. It had been commented on many times that they were inseparable. So, to see Kalis leave was just unbearable for Palin. He just could not face it. He took himself off into the forest so he would not have to watch his best friend desert him.

Palin wandered aimlessly for hours, his thoughts in turmoil ‘How could Kalis leave him behind, was he not good enough, did Kalis think he was too good for Palin now?’ Kalis had tried to explain why he had to leave. He had explained to Palin that he was too young, that his time would come and that Kalis would be waiting in Paragon City for him but Palin would have none of it. Kalis had betrayed and deserted him. Slowly Palin’s thoughts turned to anger and darkness. He would show them, he was better that all of them and he would show them just how good he was. Show them that Kalis was not the only mighty hero. Slowly Palin came to realise that something was not quite right. It was getting dark, the temperature was dropping and the wind rising. What was going on? Palin could not understand. He could clearly see the bright blue sky and blazing sun through the trees, still he felt the cold and could see the darkness closing in. Then the lessons of the elders suddenly came back to him. There are dark places in the forest they said, places that Elflings should not go they said. This was one of those places. Sudden fear gripped Palin and he started to turn away when all the thoughts anger and betrayal came crashing back. Why should he walk away? Was he weak? Kalis wouldn’t have left. He would prove to them that he was better than that. Defiantly Palin turned and stepped into the darkness.

Hours later Palin had still not returned to the village and the villagers began to worry. Everyone knew how close Kalis and Palin were. There was no way that Palin would allow Kalis to leave without saying goodbye. Slowly night began to fall and still Palin had not returned. Fearing that something had happened, the villagers began to search for him. They searched all night and all of the next day without any sign of him. Finally one of the trackers found a footprint and that footprint was leading straight into one of the forbidden glades. Fearing the worst the villagers gathered as many warriors as could be found and entered the glade. Finally they found Palin lying unconscious in the centre of the glade. Wasting no time they grabbed the unconscious Elfling and ran for it, back to the safety of the village. Finally reaching safety they got their fist good look at Palin and could not believe what they saw. He appeared horribly disfigured. His skin was a dead shade of grey and he was so cold to the touch. Worst of all was that all his clothing was burnt and torn away and he appeared to be covered from head to toe in horrible black burns. What had happened to him, who had done this? No one knew and still there was nothing from Palin. Was he unconscious, was he dead. No one knew. They dressed his wounds as best they could and waited.

Finally night settled in and the village slowly fell asleep. Palin’s eyes snapped open, this was his chance. He would show them, never more would they ridicule him. Kalis’ sidekick, Kalis’ lapdog. No more. The thought’s burned in his mind. He would show them all. Slowly, silently Palin raised himself from his bed and became one with the darkness. Palin extended his arms, concentrated and slowly claws began to force themselves out from under the skin of his hands. Palin felt no pain. He felt nothing at all. Quietly, moving with the shadows, Palin approached the guard outside his room. A quick slash and the guard fell, his screams filling the night. Palin never even looked back to see him hit the floor. It was time to show them all. Rushing out into the darkness he sought out those who would betray him. Roused from their beds by the screams the villagers discovered their worst fears come to life. Palin was amongst them, slashing and stabbing with no regard for who was in his way. Family and friends, he cut down them all. Cutting down one after another he would disappear into the darkness only to reappear yards away. No one could anticipate his attacks. All they could do was fall before him. Rushing from the darkness Palin saw a sight he could not resist, a young Elfling girl crying over the body of her fallen brother. Stepping up behind her Palin slashed downwards with all his might taking the girl across her back. Silently the girl fell forward, blood spraying everywhere. Palin raised his hand to finish her off when he heard a sound he thought he would never hear again. An armoured footstep, the sound of an axe being unsheathed. Turning he saw a figure stepping out of the darkness.

“NO” screamed Palin at the approaching figure “You left me, you betrayed me.”

Kalis Elfling stepped forward, pain in his eyes “No Palin, I waited for you to come, but you never did.” Gesturing with his free hand, Kalis took in the devastation and the injured. “This you brought on yourself, this was your doing. You must accept that, let me help you.”

“No. Lies, more of your lies. I’ll kill you.” Screamed Palin, launching himself at Kalis.

Wildly he attacked him, slashing, kicking and stabbing, but he could not lay a hand on him, Kalis was just too strong and quick. Finally Kalis was forced to respond. Lashing out with a blindingly quick blow from his axe Palin was lifted bodily into the air and slammed back into the trees.

Kalis moved to stand over him ”I was wrong,” he said sadly ”There is no hope for you. Go Palin, leave here and don’t come back. If you do I will be waiting and next time I will not be so gentle.”

Screaming in rage Palin ran off into the darkness where he began to plot his revenge against those who had betrayed him, starting with the worst of them all, Kalis Elfling. Planning his return Palin knew just where it had to be done… Paragon City.


Palin Elfling Claws/Dark Scrapper - Yeah he's one of the good guys but that's another story

Kalis Elfling - Inv/Axe Tanker. [i]Kevin is watching... Always[/i]
Proud member of [url=""]Honourable United[/url]
@Tellis - I reserve the right to be ridiculous![/center]



Neat stuff! I want to know more!

Don't ask me about joining Honourable United, I'm lazy. Ask Captain Cathode.

"If I had a punch, I would so hit that guy." - Millenium (because drinking nail varnish remover is for real men)



Ok, Part II's up. It can be read here. Enjoy

Kalis Elfling - Inv/Axe Tanker. [i]Kevin is watching... Always[/i]
Proud member of [url=""]Honourable United[/url]
@Tellis - I reserve the right to be ridiculous![/center]