MM/FF, feedback needed
Not much to add here other than this:
With pets, the best that you can hope to do is Acc (3) and Dam (3). My pets hit every time and they always do as much damage as possible. Throw a smoke bomb at them and my Jounin are usually doing a good 150-160 per hit.
Yeah, me been thinking about standard ED-slotting too, but if I do 4xdam and 1 or 2 accu I hope to make up for the extra 10% in accu by 3-slotting tactics with tohit buffs. Currently with DOs it's at +34.5%, essentially the same as 1 or 2 accu in any power. With 4xdam in prot and drones I am at +80%. The disorient in assault will only come into play after the Upgrade at 32.
Am at lvl 24 right now, cpl bars from 25 and can't wait to get assault bot
replying to myself here, cue start of true psychosis
Decided to go for recall friend at 24 instead, recommended I am usually the first to leg it when things go awry and scatter back to a safe position. Then I TP others (then on brink of death) to me, and heal them. Meanwhile (my minions are wiped at this point) I start bringing them back up, just in case some baddies follow (aggrorange is insane in some mishes....). Then I send out my minons to stop the followers, giving my team enough time to rez/heal/whatever.
Wouldn't bother with 5x DMG in battle drones, put it to 3x dmg 2x acc and 1x knockback, sure it means you have to move more but with tactics/assault making up the difference in slots you have better luck at keeping pets upright. I'd also recommmend either taking fitness or dropping some more end reds into powers like tactics, I think the FF has less toggles than dark but I'd be surprised if you can keep up your buffing with so fw end reds in you current toggles. Tactics I do as 2x end red 2x tohit
getting 5 minions up and running including 2xbubbles on each bot drains 1 full bar of end. I then pop 1 blue, and trigger assault + tactics + dispersion bubble. Before I have to bubble up again I have regained enough end to remain comfortable. It is only when using Force Bolt repeatedly that I occasionally have to pop a blue. So no health/stamina for me. Nor will I get hasten - as it's not needed.
I've dropped to 2 accu and 4 dam in drones, since drones spawn 2 lvls below me I need that 1 extra accuracy - and the rest is managed by tactics with 3 tohit. Assault gets 1 endred, and dispersion bubble gets 3 def-buff + 1 end red.
Slotting might change a wee bit once I hit 32 and get Upgrade. Currently stomping my way up to 26 and assault bot
Thing with battle bots is I'd either split them 3x ACC 3x DMG or do 2xACC 3xDMG, I'm sure you can find a better use for the slot that you urrently have a DMG in, sure at the moment with DOs/TOs you get a boost but you're starting to get, or should be, SOs so 4x Slots of damage is only marginally better than 3x. Personally I find 2x ACC 3x DMG is fine, I don't need anything better, I have the knockback because I have no other knockback power.
Nah, I think that maaaaybe the drones need the 3 acc. enhancers, since they're fighting two levels below you. Mind you, having 2 acc and 3 slotted tactics might be enough.
I am no numbercruncher and can only rely on what I experience in-game. With 2 accu and 3 tohit I seem to be missing only the occasional laserburst/hlb. As to the 4xdam slotting - yes, that will change when I start getting SO'ed up. As of now - the extra dam with DOs is worth the current slotting (am fighting max +2's at the moment)
I have two ACCs in my battle drones, at lvl33 so SOs, they do miss but not often. I have one SO in tactics (well two one tohit one endrec) I find that more than adequate.
Oh and they're one level below you not two.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
Name: Master Bon'R
Level: 41
Archetype: Mastermind
Primary: Robotics
Secondary: Force Field
01) --> Battle Drones==> Acc(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(3) Dmg(9) Acc(9) Dmg(11)
01) --> Force Bolt==> Acc(1)
02) --> Deflection Shield==> DefBuf(2) DefBuf(5) DefBuf(5) DefBuf(7) DefBuf(11)
04) --> Insulation Shield==> DefBuf(4) DefBuf(7)
06) --> Equip Robot==> Rechg(6) EndRdx(25) EndRdx(33) Rechg(37) EndRdx(40)
08) --> Assault==> EndRdx(8)
10) --> Combat Jumping==> EndRdx(10)
12) --> Protector Bots==> Acc(12) Dmg(13) Dmg(13) DefBuf(15) Dmg(15) Acc(17)
14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14) Jump(36)
16) --> Tactics==> TH_Buf(16) TH_Buf(17) TH_Buf(19)
18) --> Repair==> Rechg(18) Rechg(19) Rechg(21)
20) --> Aid Other==> Heal(20) Heal(21) Heal(31)
22) --> Dispersion Bubble==> EndRdx(22) DefBuf(23) EndRdx(23) DefBuf(25) DefBuf(31) DefBuf(36)
24) --> Grant Invisibility==> EndRdx(24) Rechg(34)
26) --> Assault Bot==> Acc(26) Dmg(27) Dmg(27) Dmg(29) DisDur(29) Dmg(31)
28) --> Pulse Rifle Burst==> Acc(28) Dmg(34) Dmg(40)
30) --> Aid Self==> Heal(30) Heal(36)
32) --> Upgrade Robot==> EndRdx(32) Rechg(33) EndRdx(33) Rechg(34) EndRdx(37) EndRdx(37)
35) --> Repulsion Bomb==> DisDur(35) KB_Dist(39)
38) --> Force Bubble==> EndRdx(38) EndRdx(39) EndRdx(39) EndRdx(40)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Supremacy==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)