"neue" cov emotes




ich denke mal das ihr die net alle auswendig könnt ^^ da hab ich mir ma gedacht weil die hier noch nich sind poste ich die hier mal..
braucht ihr net bei google suchn oder so ^^

afraid - Cower in fear.
assumepositionwall -
batsmash - Hit someone with a bat.
batsmashreact - React to getting hit with a bat.
bowdown - Another bow.
buzzoff/goaway - Makes a go away gesture.
cower - Cower in fear.
curseyou/noooo - Shaking fist.
drumdance - Tuatha Drum dance.
evillaugh - Evil Laugh
fear - Cower in fear.
flashlight - Look around with a flashlight out
hand/talktohand - Hold hand out. Talk to the hand gesture.
handsup - 2 stances with hands up, standing and kneeling.
holdtorch - Hold up a torch.
laptop - Start typing on a laptop
laugh2/laughtoo - Another laugh
ledgesit - Sit on a ledge
ledgesit - Sit on a ledge. 2 postures.
muahahaha - Evil Laugh
panhande - sit and beg with a big mug
peerin - Make hand binoculars and look
protest - Hold up a protest sign
research - Read a book while making gestures with hand.
scared - Cower in fear.
slap - Slap someone.
slapreact - React to getting slapped
slash/slashthroat - Slashing motion across throat
smack - Backhand slap
surrender - 2 stances with hands up, standing and kneeling.
threathand/smackyou - Threaten to Smack someone.
walllean - Casual wall lean. 2 postures.
yatayata - Make talking on and on gesture.

greetz Wolf ^^



huch linksammlung naja da hab ich nun nicht geguckt man möge mir verzeihen