What to slot next?




Golden Golem has just hit level 45 and I have no idea what to slot.

I run hasten as often as possible. I have all resistance toggles in my primary 5 slotted ( 2 end, 3 resist ) as well as tough. Weave is 5 slotted with ( 2 end, 3 resist ). Combat Jumping, Health, Tough hide are all 3 slotted. Dull Pain is six slotted. All of my attacks ( but scorch ) are 6 slotted.

Here are the options that I can think of off the top of my head.

Taunt, currently 1 slotted. Recharge or duration, recharge is probably more useful.
Scorch, currently 1 slotted, a power I do use but only occasionally.
Invincibility, currently 3 slotted for def buffs. I could put to hits or taunts in here. What is the current to hit buff of invincibility. I'm guessing it is in the 1% per region.
Unstoppable, currently one slotted for resistance. I guess putting 3 recharges would make it available about twice a mission.

@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.



I'd six slot Invincibility an End Reduct and a couple of to hit buffs, I'd keep taunt single slotted I only tend to use it to pull stragglers off squishies and keep AV's attention and as you can only affect 5 targets I'd go with recharge so you can spam it if required.

If you have any slots left Scorch is a good bet according to the American boards it gives a better DPS than GFS not sure how but... I also find it useful as a quick attack to fill a gap in my attack chain.



I'd six slot Invincibility an End Reduct and a couple of to hit buffs, I'd keep taunt single slotted I only tend to use it to pull stragglers off squishies and keep AV's attention and as you can only affect 5 targets I'd go with recharge so you can spam it if required.

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The cost I've seen for Invincibility are around 0.20 end per second. I'm not sure that is worth slotting for end reducers.

If the invincibility to hit buff is front loaded like the defence is then it is probably worth slotting for to hit buffs. I would like some numbers if anyone has them.

If you have any slots left Scorch is a good bet according to the American boards it gives a better DPS than GFS not sure how but... I also find it useful as a quick attack to fill a gap in my attack chain.

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Scorch is available most of the time which is why it has a better dps than GFS. Note that some of this may be out of date, GFS's animation time was reduced ( in I5 I think ). However the problem with a short attack like that is that it gives me less time to taunt and stuff. I will slot it, I haven't decided when though.

@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.



Probably the only reason I'd slot an End Red is that my attacks chew through blue being a fire / fire, I know slotting an End Red in them is more efficient but I prefer to cycle my AoEs faster and be more accurate so that I can grab aggro. So every little helps especilly in a prolonged fight.

I suppose it all depends on how you slot in other areas. I believe that the changes to the Inv set is still under test in the US with the recent patch I'll post a link as soon as I find something.



Probably the only reason I'd slot an End Red is that my attacks chew through blue being a fire / fire, I know slotting an End Red in them is more efficient but I prefer to cycle my AoEs faster and be more accurate so that I can grab aggro. So every little helps especilly in a prolonged fight.

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I just run Hasten as much as possible. I have 1 recharge and one end in my attacks. I think if I put an end reducer in Hasten it would be better than a end reducer in invincibility.

I suppose it all depends on how you slot in other areas. I believe that the changes to the Inv set is still under test in the US with the recent patch I'll post a link as soon as I find something.

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The recent patch ( thursday ) had some large changes to Invincibility in it. The US folks ( Tiffany someone ) are testing it but haven't really stated whether they are final or not. None of them have bothered to test to hit buffs yet.

@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.