A chronicle of roleplaying




Right then folks,i'll be blunt,i'm very bored and decided to make this post in honour of all the roleplayers in the entire world. god bless em.

every character i have ever met has had a backstory and hundreds of adentures before them,so i'd like to request roleplayers come on here,and make a timeline of events that have happened to their character(s)

thanks for your time



right i'll begin then:

Leo rayne aquires his powers and his red demeanor,plus horns and on the date of the 5th of november,becomes guy fawkes,master of mind and fire

the inner demon that gives leo his power begins to become seen and heard by the company of galaxy girls statue,his clsoe friends worry.

Leo professes hisl ove to the radiant athenas hand,causing her to shun him over the demonic possession becoming so frequent,leo is devastated.

the demon takes full control and a huge fight breaks out,many insults that hurt many people are thrown by guy fawkes in this state,with one last word he is killed by the woman hel oves and his best friend Molok.

spends 100 years in torment in hell,he manages to break free but the arch-demon mephistopheles or missionary,follows him to earth

leo rayne comes to galaxy girl after a hundred years of searching and is reunited with his friends,he and a select few know the danger him being there presents when missionary is still searching.