Coalitions and The Rangers




Well, since by definition the Corrosion Rangers members generally all have alts to play with on CoH we sometimes need more friends to go villaining with...

So here's a shout out to see if anyone want to set up a coalition with us in the world of CoV. There's generally at least some of us on, so any VG's out there (particularly if you already have picked up some of The Coalitions alts) who want to form a coalition with Rangers dark side then let me know.

Corrosion Rangers AWAY!!!



I'll see if I can get E.V.I.L. to coalition as I have Crazy in there and there a friendly and active collection of players of mixed levels.



Dark Lords of the Underworld would be happy of the coalition we have a good member base and normlay have people about when needed

on another note we also have an arcane base and are looking for a svg with a tech based base willing to salvage swop

if your interested contact myself Dark Bru or fellow leader Kronic in game or pm me here either way is fine

There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's

Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url=""][/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50



Ok, I should be on this evening from about 8 as Twisted Feather, so if any Dark Lords or E.V.I.L. leaders are around and want to set up coalition send me a tell.