Monkey Spanking for a badge.




Anyone else looking for the Zookeeper badge (leads to an accolade)?
I'll be in PI looking to spend 30 or so minutes to get the last batch of 'minkeys' for the badge (I got a bar 4/5 full). Should be fast in a bigger team. Any AT's welcome.
The cheeky 'minkeys' are around lvl 47 to 48 ish and you need 1000 of the blighters for the badge in I6.

I'll pencil in a possible time of Thursday evening (3 Nov)but this is by no means fixed. I will be flexible on a time that suits most.




I need the little buggers too

ps. I can't get on until after 8 pm uk time most likely though



okay doke Chilli,

8:30 UK time will be the start time.

Note this badge is part of the Vanguard Medal



still no more takers.
so looks like its a duet for the monkeys then.

Unless I have some from my SG there too.