What's the list of things that ARE coming soon?




Just so I don't flog any dead horses with suggestions, please remind me the stuff that's on the drawing board/planning stages/next wave of Beta updates...

I heard, for example, that we'll be able to Rent Apartments in the future... what else is acoming...?

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
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Just so I don't flog any dead horses with suggestions, please remind me the stuff that's on the drawing board/planning stages/next wave of Beta updates...

I heard, for example, that we'll be able to Rent Apartments in the future... what else is acoming...?

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Welcome to the Suggestions forum, what is your suggestion?

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?



I've not heard of the apartment thing yet. The things I know of that we're getting soon are:

Power customization: We'll be able to give each individual power in our primary and secondary 2 colors. There will also be a second set of animations for superstrength and martial arts.

New character generator: Part of this will be adding the power customization features, but there's other stuff too.

Changes to the difficulty system: We'll be able to set the spawn level of enemies and set it to spawn for a certain number of people on the team, even solo.

Another wave of power proliferation: Blasters get radiation blast, controllers get cold domination, tanks and scrappers get electric armor and electric melee, defenders get traps and assault rifle, brutes get claws, masterminds get thermal, stalkers get broadsword, corruptors get archery and trick arrow

Those things are all coming in issue 16.

Going rogue has also been announced, but we have less information. The only things that have been absolutely confirmed are side switching in some manner or another, and added content dealing with praetorian earth.

As far as I know, it hasn't been confirmed yet, but it seems nearly certain that we will be getting 2 brand new powersets, dual pistols (blast set) and demon summoning (mastermind primary).

That's all off the top of my head, so if I'm wrong about any of it, please forgive me.




As far as I know, it hasn't been confirmed yet, but it seems nearly certain that we will be getting 2 brand new powersets, dual pistols (blast set) and demon summoning (mastermind primary).

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Quoted from Positron in the latest Dev Diary, talking about the making of the going rogue characters. (Maelstrom and Desdemona)

...So that meant we needed a Hero-gone-bad and a Villain-gone-good. Looking back into my stable of old RPG super-heroes I remembered a gun wielding vigilante I used to play called Maelstrom. Since we really wanted to get a dual pistols Powerset into Going Rogue I thought that he would be a great guy to dust off and bring to life in the City of Heroes universe.

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That took care of our vigilante Hero, but I still needed a redeeming Villain. I looked to the other powerset we wanted to put into Going Rogue, Demon Summoning. This was a Mastermind set, so it was already exclusive to villains, making it obvious that whoever we came up with was going to be a demon summoner.

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Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?




As far as I know, it hasn't been confirmed yet, but it seems nearly certain that we will be getting 2 brand new powersets, dual pistols (blast set) and demon summoning (mastermind primary).

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Quoted from Positron in the latest Dev Diary, talking about the making of the going rogue characters. (Maelstrom and Desdemona)

...So that meant we needed a Hero-gone-bad and a Villain-gone-good. Looking back into my stable of old RPG super-heroes I remembered a gun wielding vigilante I used to play called Maelstrom. Since we really wanted to get a dual pistols Powerset into Going Rogue I thought that he would be a great guy to dust off and bring to life in the City of Heroes universe.

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That took care of our vigilante Hero, but I still needed a redeeming Villain. I looked to the other powerset we wanted to put into Going Rogue, Demon Summoning. This was a Mastermind set, so it was already exclusive to villains, making it obvious that whoever we came up with was going to be a demon summoner.

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Okay, I stand corrected.