The City Scoop! ~ Front Page ~July 14th, 2009




The City Scoop

Rikti Invasion Incoming!

July 17th to July 19th

War Returns To Paragon City And The Rogue Isles

A shadow passing overhead...

Fire and destruction raining from the sky...

A warlike adversary returning to menace Paragon City and the Rogue Isles once again...

The Rikti are returning.

Starting Friday July 17th (11:00 AM Eastern / 10:00 AM Central / 8:00 AM Pacific) and lasting through Sunday July 19th (11:59 PM Eastern / 10:59 PM Central / 8:59 PM Pacific)

the Rikti will once again renew their assault. Every hero and every villain's services will be required to repel these vicious invaders if our homeland is to be safe from their murderous invasion.

Everyone will be called to action, will you answer the call?


Vol. 3, Issue 8

July 14, 2009

This Issue:

Official Announcements

Rikti Invasion



Barron's Kitchen

Fan Fiction Spotlight



AE Horoscopes



Base Showcase

Paragon Arcanum








Die Kuche Von Barron

Fish in Horseradish Sauce

This simple dish highlights the spicy-sweet sauce made with horseradish, apples and sour cream. These are very typical ingredients in traditional German cuisine.

Serves 4

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 35 minutes


* 1 1/2 lb. fresh or thawed sole or flounder filet (with or without skin)

* 2 T. vinegar or lemon juice

* 1 T. melted butter

* 4 T. freshly grated horseradish, or 3-4 T. bottled horseradish or to taste

* 1 tart apple, grated

* 3/4 c. sour cream

* Salt

* Sugar



Preheat oven to 350°.

Butter a casserole dish large enough for the fillet or fillets. Rinse and pat the fish dry. Sprinkle with vinegar and brush the melted butter over the top. Place the fillets in the buttered dish.

Bake fillets for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, mix the rest of the ingredients together, seasoning to taste with the salt and sugar.

Spread the sauce over the fish and bake for another 30 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork and sauce is bubbly.Serve with Cucumbers and dill make a great combination, but this salad is tasty with just cucumbers, too. Serves 4.

Prep Time: 15 minutes


* 1 seedless cucumber (long and skinny, slightly bumpy), or 2 American cucumbers

* 3 Tbsp cider or white vinegar

* 1 Tbsp sugar

* ¼ tsp each salt and freshly ground black pepper

* 1 small red onion, sliced and broken into rings (optional)

* 3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill, (leaves from 1 lg. stalk) (optional)



Wash the cucumber(s). If you have unwaxed, seedless cucumbers you can leave part or all of the skin on in strips (attractive when sliced), all others should be peeled. Using a mandoline, a food processor with the thin slicer attachment, or the slicer opening on a cheese grater, slice the cucumber very thin.

Place the vinegar, sugar, salt, and pepper in a serving bowl and whisk until the sugar dissolves completely. Add the cucumber, onion, and dill, if using, and toss well. Marinate for 5 or more minutes and serve.

Fan Fiction Spotlight

Shades of the Past

Rick Valencia breathed deep, inhaling the aroma of a past life. Warm asphalt. Cool sea air. Exhaust fumes. Old wooden buildings. The still-unidentifiable odors from the Chinese general store behind him. He imagined the smell inside Central Station, his old stomping grounds, would also have remained unchanged; sweat, old coffee, and desperation.

How long did we wait in those airports? How long did we sit and wait in that plane? And now, after traveling for nearly a full day, we're on the other side of your nation, and all you can think to do is stand on a sidewalk, waiting! We could have done that in Paragon City!

"Shut up, will you? I haven't seen or spoken to Tom in almost five years, thanks largely to you, and I need to concentrate to find him."

Don't blame me for that! It was your own attempts to evict me that caused your downfall! If you'd cooperated as I suggested-

"You mean as you demanded! And, if I had, we'd both have ended up in prison, the nuthouse, or the morgue, so put a sock in it!

Well, we've both been through some changes, haven't we?

Grog_the_Big has delivered great Fan Fiction for our enjoyment recently. This little taste above comes from "Shades of the Past," a continuation of his story "Shades of Things to Come."

First I would suggest you read "Shades of Things to Come" to be introduced to these wonderful characters, and then move to "Shades of the Past." The writing style is very refined and easy to follow, which helps you jump right in to the story. I'll admit, I read the first few paragraphs and I was immediately hooked due to Rick, the protagonist, and his conversations with his internal partner. Their banter back in forth provides humor as well as insight into the character, helping the reader to become more attached to both of them.

The dialog is also impressive. It sounds very natural and flows well adding to the interactions of the characters. Another unique draw for this story is that it begins outside of our lovely Paragon City. Something that's going to make a few readers iffy is the dreaded Wall-o-Text, which can be daunting at first. However, if you take the time to sit down and read this, you will definitely enjoy it. Check out Grog_the_Big's "Shades of the Past!" Do it, DO IT NOW!





Architect Edition Horoscopes

Aries (3/21 - 4/19): Danger lurks around every corner this week, hopefully you know martial arts or else you might be in some serious trouble. You will find thrills in Impossible Kung Fu Mission! #111367 @Spiral Architect

Taurus (4/20 - 5/20): This week will be a little bit twisted as unexpected things start happening to you. Carry a good luck charm with you just in case. You will find mystery in Deal with the Devil's Pawn #207266 by Telstar.

Gemini (5/21 - 6/21): It's time to revisit a little history this week. Be sure to bring your reading glasses, and your sidekick. You will find Ms. Liberty in Childhood Horrors #5349 by Lord Xenite.

Cancer (6/22 - 7/22): Keeping your feelings inside may strain relationships with friends and family. Take an hour of "me time" to vent your frustrations by destroying Doktor Kannoenfutter and his eight elite robot bosses, then approach things with a fresh perspective tomorrow. You will find robots in The Terrible Plan of Doktor Kannoenfutter #185425 by Eraserdog.

Leo (7/23 - 8/22): Math is not your friend this week, especially Bunnygirl multiplication! Be careful where you step. You will find fun in Too Many Bunnygirls! #101165 by Clave Dark 5.

Virgo (8/23 - 9/22): A penny on the sidewalk can be a good omen, but beware of other things made of copper. Be careful at work, especially when confronting a deceptive and two-faced boss. You will find danger in Dr. Dave and the Copper Legion #60280 by the Hedoren.

Libra (9/23 - 10/22): You're in the zone today! You keep coming up with brilliant ideas! Unfortunately, your social awkwardness seems to have increased as well. No worries; soon you will be feeling nerdy and heroic all at once! You will find anxiety in Freaks and Geeks #55715 by El Condor.

Scorpio (10/23 - 11/21): Adventure and fortune are there for the taking so take them. Today a portal can open to an entirely new dimension and horrors you might not have even dreamed about a week ago. This is a moment to join the Horsemen in their vigil of Praetoria. You will find acceptance in The Horsemen Chronicles (Part 1) #195149 by Citizen Razor.

Sagittarius (11/22 - 12/21): The Moon has retreated from your sign and the Sun will not enter for another week. Do not let your enemies take advantage of this! You will need perseverance in your endeavors during this week. You will find blood in The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space #61013 by Aliana Blue.

Capricorn (12/22 - 1/19): This week will be your "Raspberry Heaven", if you have any idea what that means. You'll find familiar faces and laughs aplenty in Enter the Father Hat Gang #21391 by Backfire.

Aquarius (1/20 - 2/18): It's about time for your lucky break. Don't give up on your confidence or you will fail. You will find music in The Audition by MrCaptainMan (221240).

Pisces (2/19 - 3/20): Your house is in strong opposition to Gemini, thus you are destined to fight a villain who has multiple aspects, multiple faces, or multiple bodies. You will find abundance in Escalation #6143 by @FemFury.

If you would like your arc featured in the City Scoop, post submissions here. Horoscope format is not required.



Base Showcase

Paragon Arcanum

Interview with: Ad_Astra.

What is the name of your group and what made you choose it?

Paragon Arcanum. It's taken from a Mutants & Masterminds PnP campaign we currently have running, and I liked the name!

What is your base designer(s) name?

I guess that would be either Maurya or Lady Veridian (both are my alts). The whole SG is just alts made by my sister & me, with a few characters on my husband's account (he never plays them, though).

What server is your base on?


When was your super/villain group established?

That's a tough question. We formed it after CoV was released, but it was at least a few months after. Well before the Prestige Grant of 2007, though.

What is the approximate value of your base?

Not a clue. If I had to estimate, it would be a couple million, backing out from the amount we got in the Prestige Grant less what we have left.

How much time have you/your designer(s) invested in your base since you started building?

This is the second incarnation of the base. I completely rebuilt after Issue 13 released. I spent probably 20 hours on the first one and maybe 30 hours on this incarnation. I'm still tweaking it though.

What is your/your designer(s) favorite base item? Least favorite?

Well since Issue 13, it's the good old floor safe. I use it to stack just about everything. My favorite thing that i actually leave in the room is either the Arcane Floor Pattern or the 2 Anchors for Items of Power - they make really nice wall decor.

My least favorite is the various SG Table - they are all ridiculously over-sized, Have you ever stood next to one of them - the chairs are like 4 feet high at the seat!

What is your/your designer(s) favorite thing about base editing? Least favorite?

Now that Raid Pathing is gone, I'm having lots of fun stacking stuff on top of the platforms, adding chairs & desks and such.

Least favorite - having to play around with camera angles to get stuff in the right places.

Did you get your inspiration from anyone specific or was it right from your imagination?

Most of it was directly from my imagination, after playing around with the wall textures & colors & lighting effects.

If you/your designer(s) could give just one piece of advice to a new base editor, what would it be and why?

Take as many base tours as you can and keep an eye on the "Coolest Room" & "Coolest Items" threads in the forums - lots of inspiration stuff there to be "adapted" to your own use. Also - join the BaseBuildersInc. global channel ASAP - it's great for getting answers in-game.

Slide show: Welcome to the Upgraded Paragon Arcanum!

Old base slide show: First Incarnation of the PA Base



The Hecktic Life




TheCity ScoopStaff

EnnVee - Bases

Reyne_Maker - The Hecktic Life

VexXxa - In the Scoop

Neuronia - PvP Correspondent

TopDoc - Under the hood

- Behind the Walls

Barron_ - Barron's Kitchen

HumanMiracle - Fan Fiction Spotlight

Fleeting_Whisper - MArc reviews

Bubbawheat - Exploring the Architect

- P.v.P.E.C.


More Welcomed.

(Need HTML skills.)

More Welcomed.

Art Correspondents

Event reporters

HTML Layout





Vol. 3, Issue 8
July 14, 2009

The City Scoop a publication for Supers by Supers!

Read the latest publication and then join in on the community discussion!

If you have concerns regarding the content of the Scoop please direct your comments via PM to Niviene.

If you would like to do a feature article, or join "The City Scoop" team please PM Snow_Globe.

If you would like to place a classified ad or have an event covered, contact Cende, EnnVee, or Lemur Lad.

If you need some "Advice" contact Lady_Athyna, would like to "Ask The X" contact LiquidX, or need help with fashion, "Ask Arbiter Fabulous."

If you have a base you would like featured, please contact EnnVee.

Finally if you have a Recipe you would like included please contact Barron_.