OK so I've had this idea floating around in my head for a while. The idea is loosely based on the end of the 90's Spider-man cartoon where he teamed up with alternate versions of himself to fight yet another alternate version of himself.
Being that Statesman allready has a few Multiverse counterparts I wanted to use him for a simular styal story arch.
I know Statesman, Tyrant, and Imperious are allready in the mission creator but what about Reichsman?
Where would I look for him in order to add him into a mission. I thought he'd be listed with the rest of the 5th Column but I can't find him allthough I haven't looked to see what "Unlockable" content has been added sence i15 so maybe I just need to go spend some archetech tickets to get him or was he only added for the TFs?
Anyway, the story I have in mind won't be ONLY about Statesman. My own level is an alternate universe counterpart for a character I created with my dad when I was in the 6th grade. (I'm 23 now, this was a character he drew and I wrote a character description.)
Sence then the character has spawned multiple alternate universe counterparts includeing...
Neptune - Primal Earth - After swimming near an abandoned chemical plant his body was altered giveing him aquatic powers.
Professor Donald James Hansen - Freedom Earth - Professor Hansen is from an alternate universe that is truely a free world. No rules have ever been made to try and controll others yet no wars have ever been started here. Because of the lack of war in this universe no weapons have ever been created insted everything that man has invented has been to help others not the hurt. Scientific achievments and technological advances have happened much faster in this world includeing Portal Corp. being founded nearly a decade earlier than on Primal Earth by the at the time 12 year old Professor Hansen. Hence this counterpart is not a super hero, but rather a highly inteligent citizen.
The part about Portal Corp. was only added in 5 years ago to tie his story in with the game but the character has been around much longer.
Mallardman II - Tragidy Earth - The first Mallardman was of course his father. All the alternate Donald James Hansens start out as his sidekick Ducklingboy except for the Professor. In this reality the original Mallardman was killed and his son took his place as the new Mallardman.
The Gothic Sword - Borgmutate's Earth - On Primal Earth Professor Borgmutate worked in secret exsperimenting on homeless people to create his minions. A clone of Donald stole a sword he created and ended up killing him. In this alternate universe the clone was never created but insted the REAL Donald stole the sword however he did not have the same mentality as his clone and never killed Borgmutate. Because of this he continued to build his armys and eventually took over the world.
Allthough I've never created Professor Borgmutate in game the Freakshow actully remind me of his creations. I only made him about 2 years before the game came out but his real name is Bob Morgan. Exsperimented on himself and others to enhance their DNA allthough the exsperiments allways fail and while some things do enhance others get weaker and have to be reinforced with robotic implants. Hence the name Borg-Mutate. So unoffically even though he's dead he's responcible for createing the Freakshow.
Lord Imperial - Mythical Earth - Not even going to exsplain this one, just point at my sig.
OK so I've had this idea floating around in my head for a while. The idea is loosely based on the end of the 90's Spider-man cartoon where he teamed up with alternate versions of himself to fight yet another alternate version of himself.
Being that Statesman allready has a few Multiverse counterparts I wanted to use him for a simular styal story arch.
I know Statesman, Tyrant, and Imperious are allready in the mission creator but what about Reichsman?
Where would I look for him in order to add him into a mission. I thought he'd be listed with the rest of the 5th Column but I can't find him allthough I haven't looked to see what "Unlockable" content has been added sence i15 so maybe I just need to go spend some archetech tickets to get him or was he only added for the TFs?
Anyway, the story I have in mind won't be ONLY about Statesman. My own level is an alternate universe counterpart for a character I created with my dad when I was in the 6th grade. (I'm 23 now, this was a character he drew and I wrote a character description.)
Sence then the character has spawned multiple alternate universe counterparts includeing...
Neptune - Primal Earth - After swimming near an abandoned chemical plant his body was altered giveing him aquatic powers.
Professor Donald James Hansen - Freedom Earth - Professor Hansen is from an alternate universe that is truely a free world. No rules have ever been made to try and controll others yet no wars have ever been started here. Because of the lack of war in this universe no weapons have ever been created insted everything that man has invented has been to help others not the hurt. Scientific achievments and technological advances have happened much faster in this world includeing Portal Corp. being founded nearly a decade earlier than on Primal Earth by the at the time 12 year old Professor Hansen. Hence this counterpart is not a super hero, but rather a highly inteligent citizen.
The part about Portal Corp. was only added in 5 years ago to tie his story in with the game but the character has been around much longer.
Mallardman II - Tragidy Earth - The first Mallardman was of course his father. All the alternate Donald James Hansens start out as his sidekick Ducklingboy except for the Professor. In this reality the original Mallardman was killed and his son took his place as the new Mallardman.
The Gothic Sword - Borgmutate's Earth - On Primal Earth Professor Borgmutate worked in secret exsperimenting on homeless people to create his minions. A clone of Donald stole a sword he created and ended up killing him. In this alternate universe the clone was never created but insted the REAL Donald stole the sword however he did not have the same mentality as his clone and never killed Borgmutate. Because of this he continued to build his armys and eventually took over the world.
Allthough I've never created Professor Borgmutate in game the Freakshow actully remind me of his creations. I only made him about 2 years before the game came out but his real name is Bob Morgan. Exsperimented on himself and others to enhance their DNA allthough the exsperiments allways fail and while some things do enhance others get weaker and have to be reinforced with robotic implants. Hence the name Borg-Mutate. So unoffically even though he's dead he's responcible for createing the Freakshow.
Lord Imperial - Mythical Earth - Not even going to exsplain this one, just point at my sig.