? Can't log in?
Heh, just be glad it wasn't THIS, the ultimate 'Ban Hammer': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLMTOiNwtGk
Formed when 3 spaceships combine, it's a planet-buster melee weapon used by a single mecha.... *evil laughter*
indeed... I too always thought that was the cheesiest part...
Yell what yer gonna do... Dramatic pose... Action!
...imagine if it were in real life...
me :...6 pack of Bud Light!.... Move to the Counter!!!
Cashier: 6 pack Bud Light!!! 5.99!!! Engage Total!!!
me:.. 10 dollar bill from wallet... RELEASE!!! to Counter for EXCHANGE!!!!
..hmm, it'd be a better video...