TA/Arch what can I expect to bring to a team?




And as far as this goes:

Each time you fire Blazing Arrow at the oil slick, you're not firing it at an enemy and therefore wasting the damage from that shot. Sure, it recharges, but since it's the big hammer in the archery toolbox, using it for no greater effect than the piddly origin power seems like a waste to me.

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Also a good point, but when you're basically melting an entire spawn at once (along with debuffs and RoA), do you *really* need to have BA up that one more time? IME, not really. That's me though, and YMMV, of course.

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Particularly when, after firing Disruption Arrow, Acid Arrow (both bump the effective damage of a flaming Oil Slick), and Explosive Arrow (more damage to all the targets in the fire), Blazing Arrow is back up again to use on anyone who looks particularly obstreperous about lying down and playing dead for you.

Overall, I enjoy playing my TA/Arch Defender; he's never going to be a soloing powerhouse the way my Fire/Rad Controller or Ice/EM Tanker or DB/WP Scrapper, but on teams where I don't notice that the Tanker is relying on Gauntlet to hold aggro (and, as a result, discover that I can pull aggro away from a non-taunting Tanker) take a dirt nap, it's not at all hard to see the difference in the rate and ease with which spawns go down with and without my contribution.

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-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers