Arc ID: 199761 Length: Medium First Published: 05-29-2009 Morality: Neutral Mission 1: Medium size map, level range 1-54, Contains Boss Mission 2: Large size map, level range 1-54, Contains Boss Enemy Groups: Custom Groups Description: The Venatorum, a secretive cabal of mystics, soldiers, and warriors, has invited you to test yourself against their collective power. Victory in their trial grants you membership within their ranks, and their respect. (This is an AV Heavy Trial! Be Advised!)
I created this with the intention of making it a brief, trial-like, ordeal for groups. The first mission has one AV, while the second one has FIVE(each thankfully spaced out enough.) I had tried to create a full arc with them, but decided on this... if only to test out the custom groups.
I am looking for critiques on the Custom Groups; Both The Venatorum itself and their "Ranks." Of course, mission critiques are also welcomed.
I look forward to hearing your comments, be they positive or otherwise.
Arc ID: 199761
Length: Medium
First Published: 05-29-2009
Morality: Neutral
Mission 1: Medium size map, level range 1-54, Contains Boss
Mission 2: Large size map, level range 1-54, Contains Boss
Enemy Groups: Custom Groups
Description: The Venatorum, a secretive cabal of mystics, soldiers, and warriors, has invited you to test yourself against their collective power. Victory in their trial grants you membership within their ranks, and their respect. (This is an AV Heavy Trial! Be Advised!)
I created this with the intention of making it a brief, trial-like, ordeal for groups. The first mission has one AV, while the second one has FIVE(each thankfully spaced out enough.) I had tried to create a full arc with them, but decided on this... if only to test out the custom groups.
I am looking for critiques on the Custom Groups; Both The Venatorum itself and their "Ranks." Of course, mission critiques are also welcomed.
I look forward to hearing your comments, be they positive or otherwise.