A film noir tale of treachery, deceit and a prized object d'art. Assist a grizzled and overworked PI, by the name of Sam Diamond as he unravels a convoluted web spun by the Fat Man and his co-horts.
Custom mobs, bosses and a particularly large EB stand in your way of solving the crime and finding the goods before the bad guys can.
Arc Name: The Maltese Bird of Prey
Arc ID: 207827
Faction: Neutral
Diff Level: 37-50
Playtime: 30-60 mins
A film noir tale of treachery, deceit and a prized object d'art. Assist a grizzled and overworked PI, by the name of Sam Diamond as he unravels a convoluted web spun by the Fat Man and his co-horts.
Custom mobs, bosses and a particularly large EB stand in your way of solving the crime and finding the goods before the bad guys can.
Arc Name: The Maltese Bird of Prey
Arc ID: 207827
Faction: Neutral
Diff Level: 37-50
Playtime: 30-60 mins