Is it worth it




Hello all.

So I just hit 47 last night and I was really excited because now I could respec and work on my endgame build, I'll post it below. I haven't had the chance to do that yet and as more time goes by I wonder more and more if it's worth it. This guy was going to be my first foray into IO sets and I've accumulated about 500 mil by scrounging all the inf from my other toons, playing the AH, and getting some lucky recipe drops. But now that I think about it, I don't plan to solo AVs, and don't think I can justify spending so much just to see if I can do the Rikti boss challenge and once completed never do it again. This also got me thinking about just what exactly do i do when I hit 50.

Below is the build I was planning on but as I said I'm not sure if it's worth it anymore. If I don't plan on soloing AVs do I really need to take things like tough, weave, stimulant, and aid self or try to reach softcap?

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5935B4F13411886A72717DA6D4B29A51C7B044A392C3 4F1424541114D508AD|
|52A576A5DDA1136D92C4DB71889C6E0BD579AE8953FC478E5 DF50FF89E2F21DA6D5|
|7B37E9FBEC4EDFEF9B776667AB2FB774214E37842F76D3365 DB7516F76CC765B76B|
|45DB37BDC316DBD6ED9D2E9E6EA5DCB39D08410133D47A32A 6D298DAD63D36E6CDA|
|664BBAB9FE5F5BF2B9745C696C3B2F8E6D4776CC7DCBB6BA2 7896DE75076A09DD1B|
|BD16B4747B6B123CD36B4E787DB56D791AE1B550F07873833 3F5565CB6A5A8E4CDC|
|6A5B4D63F3A875D2A89A6E57764EC62059197EAF30225D9E1 0354041ACE1908F860|
|2220D37D322B60AA888588550BC4878AD299BF042BE670287 FC26639F106C325A84|
|A56F7E2192E21A5405B82A18B84B8D06AA8C5D42E61EA3461 8057B488509A568E8C|
|2773FE107A1782630E11BF06914C70B691C46E7303A87C973 9865C958245C85AA41|
|D57D3003372511CE32F284628110025F847D22B24CA569188 AF2903FCA894A9CA8F|
|C93B00186B8EA1DE7DE43DC7B889BE68B8453F025D4362638 F930271FE6E4239C7C|
|446DA345D0A02AC9DD43C9FBB42F638F187B84DC3675CFDD6 1ACD37B1C80AA94CA9|
|47A4F31473F303E12329F08EBE04B2B5F9AB3CF70F639DE97 395EC25BF08DABECE3|
|BFA874E237E38C30F587E111F22E65BF0155933E7A5781C93 0A59D89326284E508E|
|13AF8A6D5164FCFD2022AF3346F6586E00343561DDE2C1FDE 4D182AA8E405EEBDC0|
|DD16788A259E2200BE59E59BE515CEF10A4BBCC212AF3008B E79E59BE77E65EE57E|
|67E0BDC2F03BE451565719296998521439D7483875614F885 ADD409157E6F75F82A|
|565587553E9E53C17F3E4E0F2EB113EC7F9B42E4C9540BF63 F43E1E3BAEC5FD77F5|
|D5FF4DEFC830FC2A00F516A287B288F519EA03C453151F651 9A28DED77E75FC1206|
|BA8C7205650DE51D9AB4084804454789A2C450E2284328499 451940994CF28DE39C|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />

Any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated.



I've found the added survivability to be worth it in many common situations - psi heavy missions, or just teaming ; being able to play tankerlight is fun, so is duoing AVs or GMs with friends (imho). It's also cool to have a toon so tough you know you'll be able to handle whatever the game throws at you even if you end up in a terrible pickup group.

I'd say you should ask yourself are you trading anything for this stuff, like any other power you'd rather have ? If the answer is yes, I'd go with the powers you want instead of tough/weave/aid self.

Otherwise, well, it doesn't matter much anyway. You might as well go for the great survivability. The build you posted should be affordable for about 300-400m if you're moderately patient with your bids, so I say go for it. Worst comes to worst, if you finally get bored with the character, you can always use respecs to move the IOs to your next alt, so all the money you spend won't be wasted in any case.



Alright, I'll give it a go and see what happens. If anything I'd probably end up dropping the medicine line and picking up the rest of the attacks I need for the sweep combo just to have an additional attack option.