MA issues with latest patch




This latest patch made my story arcs baloon in size. Like, they're way over 100%. Also, the "Custom" setting for enemy powers no longer works. Finally, Buckshot is once again being forced for custom critters using AR. Stop forcing Buckshot on me, my custom NPCs don't need/want it!

EDIT: Was the Paragon Protector map removed? It's the only overtly Crey-themed map! I was using it for one of my story arcs!

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



I went on just to check this out and my jaw just dropped. When my arc went from I14 test to I14 live my arc ballooned in size 10% with no explanation. Well I went onto I15 beta and copied the arc I have on live now which I had trimmed down to 99% and the thing increased in size to 131%.

It made me almost want to cry. I don't have a clue how I'm going to trim another 32% of file size off the arc. And if the way arcs ballooned last time is any indication than this change is here to stay.



It's a bug and they're working on it already.