
Red Valkyrja



This happened to me yesterday. I was able to get on all servers but my main (Freedom). I got on Virtue, sent a petition, and tech support contacted me via email quite quickly. They told me to run a GameAdvisor diagnostic and send them the results. From these results they told me that I needed to have some TC ports open. The thing is - I didn't do anything that they told me to do other than run the diagnostic and send the results. A few hours later I was able to log on to Freedom.

Hope this helps...



The only time I used to have DBserver connect issues, is when CoX is updated, and it would have issues with Norton.

Even though my exception in Norton said that CoX.exe and the Updater.exe were there. I found that re-accepting them solved the issue.

Did I mention that I hate the resource-sucking pig that is Norton?