New J-Ranger Comic!




This was suppose ta be done on monday ... but wasn't
Anyways fer the 12 people out there who still care here is the third part of the Fall of the J-Ranger!

Now this is interesting, because you see all of my J-Ranger's Detective Agency stories thus far have been in 3 part arcs but this is not the finale oh pie no. This story arc is going to go until I have completly destroyed the J-Ranger as we know him. Yay noir!

Of course only you the cruel and demanding public kin tell me if'n I did my job or not!

JDA30: Fall of the J-Ranger act 3

An' fer all you unassumin folks:

JDA28: Fall of the J-Ranger act 1
JDA29: Fall of the J-Ranger act 2

-The Legendary J-Man-


