Atlas and King's Row Mayhem Missions




Recently I've seen more and more people asking for various mayhem missions. It was easy enough to level passed the first couple of Mayhem Mission prior to AE, Meowing, etc. etc.

So as a psuedo public service, I've an alt with the above Mayhem Missions and I thought I'd throw it out here for those who need the badges. My alt's name is "Effreti" and while any spontaneous expressions of pecuniary gratitude are much appreciated, they are neither required nor will they be otherwise solicited.

I will keep the mission open for as long as possible and cycle through as many people as I can before it times out.

Anyway, Atlas Mayhem Mission. Starts 10 P.M. EST. May 27th, 2009. Contact Effreti

King's Row Mayhem Mission. Starts 10 pm EST. May 28th, 2009. Contact Effreti.




Alas, called off due to lack of interest.