Arc Title: Escape From the Paragon Triangle
Arc ID#: 164531
Description: A boat has vanished in the mysterious Paragon Triangle. Can you rescue the family and escape yourself?
Author: @satyr69
Alignment: Hero
Length: Long - 3 missions (small map, small map, small map)
Difficulty Level: Solo/Group
Enemies: Custom, Hydra, (Possible Coralax/Possible Arachnoid depending on level)
Just wanted a good old fashioned thriller of a mission!
Arc Title: Escape From the Paragon Triangle
Arc ID#: 164531
Description: A boat has vanished in the mysterious Paragon Triangle. Can you rescue the family and escape yourself?
Author: @satyr69
Alignment: Hero
Length: Long - 3 missions (small map, small map, small map)
Difficulty Level: Solo/Group
Enemies: Custom, Hydra, (Possible Coralax/Possible Arachnoid depending on level)
Just wanted a good old fashioned thriller of a mission!
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