#181351 -- Trolls and Tribulations




<ul type="square">[*]Arc Name: TROLLS AND TRIBULATIONS[*]Arc ID: 181351[*]Level Range: 1-50[*]Faction: Heroic[*]Enemies: Almost 100% custom. Not cheap or overpowered!
[*]Summary: The Trolls are back! Thanks to a mysterious ally, your favorite green-skinned thugs have returned for levels 1-54. What bizarre mutations will you encounter as you fight to prevent the Trolls from taking over Brickstown? "Me have body by"...what??
[*]Difficulty: Medium. Balanced for challenging but not cheap solo and group play. No AVs. Allies are available for EB encounters.[/list]
Please note this is my first AE story so I would really appreciate ratings/feedback. I spent 20+ hours on it so I believe it's pretty polished. Thanks!