The City Scoop! ~ Front Page ~ May 18, 2009




The City Scoop

City of Heroes Going Rogue

Walk the line between GOOD and EVIL, or cross it.

Official Announcement.

Up until now, toying with your simple dimension has been nothing but an amusement. Now, you have roused my wrath. Now, this is war!

- Tyrant, A Hero's Hero.

This Issue:

Architect Entertainment

Base Showcase

Arts Showcase

The Hecktic Life


Juggertha - Days Of Future Past by Juggertha

by Juggertha

Upsilon Beta 9-6 is a parallel Earth dimension that even the most seasoned of Heroes and Villains fear to tread. Kept under close surveillance by Portal Corporation, this dangerous dimension is home to the Praetorians - twisted mirror versions of our world's greatest Heroes. Led by the ruthless and power hungry Tyrant (a dark version of Statesman) the Praetorians present a constant threat to our world and a chilling reminder that the boundaries between good and evil are not black and white, but gray.

The recently announced City of Heroes Going Rogue expansion will allow Heroes and Villains alike to explore the mysterious alternate Earth of Praetoria and the darkness that lurks beneath the surface of Praetoria's utopian appearance. City of Heroes Going Rogue offers an all-new alignment system that explores the shades of gray that lie between Heroes and Villains. For the first time Heroes can become Villains and vice versa, enabling Heroes to cross over to the Rogue Isles and Villains to experience Paragon City.

Will you fall from grace?

Will you seek redemption?

For further information and details about City of Heroes Going Rogue check out:

Going Rogue - Offical Website and Trailer

City of Heroes Going Rogue FAQ

Official Announcement.

Q: When will City of Heroes Going Rogue launch?

A: When it's ready. We are not announcing the date at this time.

Q: Do I have to own City of Heroes or City of Villains to be able to play the Going Rogue expansion?

A: Yes.

Q: Do I have to change sides in order to play the expansion?

A: No.

Q: If you change over to the opposite alignment, can you change back?

A: Yes.

Q: Can you tell us anything else about the game zones, features, systems, etc.?

A: Not at this time. We will announce more details about this product later this year.

Q: Will there be a preorder for City of Heroes Going Rogue?

A: Yes. It will be announced later this year.

Q: Will there be more free updates/Issues between now and the launch of Going Rogue?

A: Yes, in fact we recently announced Issue 15 Anniversary, launching early this summer.

Q: Will there be a beta test for Going Rogue?

A: Yes, we plan to have an open beta for the product

Going Rogue - FAQ Disussion

A panel of PERC Representatives will be judging the story arcs that have been submitted. The judging period will take place from Monday, May 18th to Sunday, May 31st.

The Award Ceremony and announcement of winning arcs will be announced on June 6, 2009 at 8:00 pm EST in the Galaxy City AE Building.

The top winner in each category will be awarded, 15 Million Influence.



Due Kuche von Barron (Barron's Kitchen)

These grilled chops go great with the bounties of the summer garden. Serve with grilled corn on the cob, fresh tomato slices with basil, and icy watermelon slices.

Grilled Pork Chops in Ginger Marinade


4 boneless center cut pork chops, 1 1/2-inch thick

2 cups dry white wine or distilled vinegar

1/2 cup sliced green onions

4 tablespoons minced fresh ginger or 1 tablespoon dry ginger

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2 tablespoons sesame oil

2 cloves garlic, minced


Combine all ingredients in a plastic self-sealing bag; seal bag and refrigerate 2 to 24 hours.

Remove pork from marinade; discarding marinade.

Grilling Directions

Grill chops, over indirect heat in covered grill, for 12 to 15 minutes, turning once.

Serves 4.

Nutrition Facts

Calories: 180 calories

Protein: 23 grams

Fat: 8 grams

Sodium: 189 milligrams

Cholesterol: 70 milligrams


May 15-19

Fusion Force Five!

Server: Triumph

Date: Friday, May 15, 2009 through Tuesday, May 19th

Time: 8:05 pm Eastern / 5:05 pm Pacific

Host: Emerald_Fusion

Details: 25 events planned over 5 nights! Fusion Force's 5th Anniversary. See thread for more details.

May 17-23

Swashbuckling Villains Week

Server: Guardian

Date: Sunday, May 17th, 2009 through Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

Host: Doctor_Grass

Details: Pirate themed villain teaming week. Grab your pirate costume (and your rum) and head redside.

May 18

ITF (Mixed Levels)

Server: Freedom

Date: Monday, May 18th, 2009

Time: 10:00 pm Eastern / 7:00 PM Pacific

Host: Luna_de_Nocturne

Details: Imperious Task Force with multiple teams and level ranges availible.

May 22

The Teamsters Present: Double Trouble!

Server: Protector

Date: Friday, May 22nd, 2009

Time: 10:00 pm Eastern / 7:00 pm Pacific

Host: Kyo_chan

Details: Team up with fellow players for a low level badge scavenger hunt and matching costume contest.

Because I LIKE To Look At You...

Hey everyone, this is Equation, most of you know these articles of mine as Arbiter Fabulous. Many of you have been asking me why I haven't posted much of late. I know in a few places I have told and linked to the photographs, but I wanted to make an official letter to you all.

On Good Friday, tornadoes destroyed my neighborhood in Murfreesboro TN. My house was damaged only very minorly, but I have been putting in alot of double shifts and the like for that an other things going on in my life.

I do enjoy writing Because I have to look at you, but to sit down and try to come up with humor has been a very trying thing of late. The good news is, I am coming back with a vengeance, I PROMISE next week. I am going to be doing, if Snow Globe will allow it, a record 5 redesigns, including one for Moderator 8.

Alot has happened since I last had a chance to write to you. The Magic Pack has finally been released, heck I think I14 happened between then and now. It goes to show that in this community you can;t take the time to blink sometimes.

I want to thank each and every one of you who has shown support. I can;t wait to come back. I have a new computer as well, so pictures may actually look much crisper! I still plan on doing a before and afterwhen I can as well as the added textfile links so you can take the costumes for yourself.

As an added bonus, I recently met fashionista Tim Gunn, and I managed to have my picture taken with him. I hope you enjoy the tag line I put with it. Yes, that actually IS me IRL. Scary huh?

I thank you for your patience with me, but having your neighbors house ripped in two makes writing the funnies a bit tricky.

However, I have been able to write a bit of serious stuff, and I hope the Scoopsters will forgive me a small call out to my Arc in MA.

No it's NOT the Arbiter Fabulous Strike Force. But it is the Mender Stygian Task Force ARC ID: 9744. I rooted it in CoH lore, and tried my best to come up with something fun for everyone. It's challenging, but doable! If you have some spare time, it would make my day to know I could put a smile on your face.

On a side note, how AWESOME *IS* the magic pack?! I swear as soon as I have the money, I'm sending Jay cookies or something!

Because I have to look at you *IS* still around, even if it's ben on hiatus for awhile..and it will be back, better than ever!

Thank you so much for the support,

Adric J. Mayall ((yes, I'm ACTUALLY named after a Dr. Who character))

aka: @Equation / Arbiter Fabulous



Architect Entertainment

MArc My Words

MArc #15349: "Saving Gloria"

by @Kid Kinetic

4 Missions


Levels 41-54, 20-54, 30-54, and 40-54

Difficulty: Moderate (3)

Pacing: Moderate (3)

Storytelling: Poor (2)

Replay Value: Moderate (3)

Mood: Investigatory

Canonicity: Distant

MArc Rating: 3 stars

Mayor Johnson's daughter Gloria has been kidnapped by "many villains", according to the MArc description, and by Mystic Fire and his "crazy plans" according to the intro text to the first mission. (The Mayor of Paragon City should be Mayor Morales, according to the Paragon Times, but that's probably an obscure reference for most players.) Whether she was kidnapped by simply Mystic Fire or "many villains" remains confused even to the end of the arc, as the contact tells you during the second mission that Mystic Fire only had information about Gloria's location, and in the final mission Gloria is being held by Council Empire, the same group that was filling the first mission containing Mystic Fire.

The second mission requires some amount of suspension of disbelief to get through, as apparently Mystic Fire - the villain who captured or had a part in capturing Gloria - has agreed to help you take down the next villain you need to punch information out of. Of course, through the limitations of Mission Architect, the boss for the second mission spawned closer to the front than the Mystic Fire ally did, but there's little that the author can do to avoid something like that.

Straining my ability to overlook inconsistency, the mayor says that Destructor, the villain in the second mission, has joined Mystic Fire in helping me to find Gloria, and the two will help me kick the butt of the final villain that knows about Gloria's kidnapping... except neither Mystic Fire nor Destructor are anywhere to be found in the final mission. Rather than two Elite Boss allies, I found the Big Bad with two EB allies of his own, one of which had a Psychic Shockwave that hurt against my Mastermind henchmen.

Despite having a 30 minute timer, the final mission is far easier than the previous three, with just a bunch of Council Empire enemies standing around and guarding the hostage - not a single boss in sight, much less a tricky custom critter. The story is about as deep as a radio mission... that is to say, "not very". Aside from the AV/EBs, the missions are filled with stock critters without flavor added, though the Storm Elementals standing by Mystic Fire was certainly a surprise.

It's also worth noting that there are two MArcs published by this author with this title. I assume the double publish is an accident, but I elected to play the higher-numbered arc just to play it safe. If you're interested, this MArc is also published as #15342.

Diamond in the Rough

MArc #51455: "**Origins** Mirai (Part One)"

by @Doubleyooteeheff

Difficulty: Moderate (3)

Pacing: Quick (4)

Storytelling: Moderate (4)

Replay Value: High (4)

MArc Rating: 4 stars

Dr. Kamigawa needs your help to build one of the greatest inventions of our time. Yet surprisingly, the invention was his son's idea!

By Request

MArc #39397: "Welcome to Chapter Six", and

MArc #123195: "Under White Plains"

by @Rast (Rast_of_Guardian)

8 Missions


Levels 1-54 and 5-54

Difficulty: High (4), High (4)

Pacing: Quick (4), Moderate (3)

Storytelling: Quality (5), Good (4)

Replay Value: High (4), High (4)

Mood: Paramilitary

Canonicity: Conceivable

MArc Rating: 4 stars, 4 stars

This is a pair of arcs, one meant to follow after the other. Welcome to Chapter Six introduces you to the organization known as "Chapter Six", and the kind of work they do. Rast has plans to publish several arcs in an evolving story line with this Chapter Six organization. Welcome to Chapter Six, the introduction arc, will remain available for play indefinitely, to bring newcomers into the story. The other arcs will be unpublished as they become old and replaced by newer arcs in the story.

Under White Plains is the first installment of the story past the introduction arc, and is officially for the month of May.

Throughout the two arcs, Rast has fleshed out briefings, dynamic missions, and enemies that do more than just wait to get their heads pounded in. Even the "Find the exit!" objective we sometimes see in the game's canon missions makes an appearance here, working around the limitations of Mission Architect to create an interesting experience you can't find in most other arcs available.

Welcome to Chapter Six introduces us to Jason Rathskellar, our contact within Chapter Six, as well as the Bronzeschädel villains who recurr in this series. Although most of the missions are fairly simple to stealth, you may find that it's not the best of ideas. For example, running through the office to find the roboticist Waffeschmeid may end up with you fighting multiple nearby groups of enemies, plus Waffeschmeid's robots, plus an ambush, and that kind of pileup can get pretty hectic.

Under White Plains has a particularly memorable mission requiring you to pay attention to your clues and use your noggin in order to avoid some difficult EB ambushes. And the clock's ticking, too. If you don't figure it out and disable the system within an hour, the whole base will blow up in your face, destroying the data you're trying to retrieve from Bronzeschädel.

It ends with somewhat of a cliffhanger, with some questions remaining unanswered, but it still is a satisfying journey, and the promise of more to come makes the "cliffanger" ending more of a bonus than a detriment.

While the second arc does have flaws that have already been polished out of the first, it is still part of the cream of the crop in MA, and I highly recommend both of these arcs with my shiny 4-star rating for each. I also anticipate similar quality in the future, as the story develops.


This Is War: the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz.

Arc #ID 1356

"You knew it wasn't over. You knew they'd be back. For you, for me, for all of us. And now it's time."

Straight from the days of "Issue 10: Invasion" comes to our fair city the wrath of Hro'Dtohz himself, seeking retribution for defeat dealt unto him by hero and villain alike at behest of Vanguard. The Rikti offensive stands greater than ever, Vanguard's forces are stretched to the breaking point, and nothing may be what it seems anymore. But one thing stands true: lest you can foil the Rikti Lord of War once more, nothing shall remain of Paragon but blackened glass and stirring shadows - for This Is War: the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz. (Arc ID 1356)



Base Showcase

The Twisted Burrow

Interview with MrHassenpheffer

Q) What is the name of your group and what made you choose it?

A) The Twisted Burrow. The bus that ran over my brothers 3 sparked my imagination...

Q) What is your base designer(s) name?

A) Mister hassenph- mister hassenpilfff... mister hassenpobb... Mister Hassenglowkin... Mister Hassenfobbah... I think I need a new name.

Q) What server is your base on?

A) Infinity

Q) When was your super/villain group established?

A) Shortly after people pointed out to me that Infinity had no insane asylum

Q) What is the approximate value of your base?

A) I plead the 5th.. and Insanity... I didnt do it, nobody saw me do it, and i'll never do it again.

Q) How much time have you/your designer(s) invested in your base since you started building?

A) this all started when every person on the server started throwing garbage at me. I locked myself in my base for about two months contemplating my revenge. I then came up with a horrible labyrinth torture trap. Anyone that tries to find me ends up with nightmares. It worked out well and now everybody is happy. i think.

Q) What is your/your designer(s) favorite base item? Least favorite?

A) Favorite: the bleeding walls are nice. least favorite: lack of updated building tools.

Q) Did you get your inspiration from anyone specific or was it right from your imagination?

A) 100% uninhibited creativity. I would say that my "Friends" helped, But nobody else can see these "Friends"

Q) If you/your designer(s) could give just one piece of advice to a new base editor, what would it be and why?

A) Please don't try to copy what I have done, simply because I can't and won't be held responsible for your therapy bills.



Arts Showcase

In The Scoop

I had heard about an artist named Foo and that he is a big mural artist So I thought that I would check out his handy work and set out to see some of his work. As I stroll through the different zones, I see what appears to be a huge mural on the side of one of the AE buildings! I do believe I have found this Foo that is a big name in the forums.

When I reach the AE building, I am astounded at the mural that was not quite done. Buckets of different colored paint are strewn about with the brushes still sticking out of them. No Foo around the mural side of the building. I suddenly hear this whistling coming from around the corner of the building. As I take a peek, I see an interesting looking fellow all covered with different colored paint. He looks like a walking skittle palette. He looks up at me and smiles as I walk over to him.

I introduce myself and as we shake hands, I comment on how much his work interests me and that I thought that our readers would enjoy reading about him. He smiles and we walk around the building to where his current work is being completed. Foo points to his current mural and says, "This is based on Heath Ledger's magnificent turn as the Joker in the Dark Knight. RIP, sir."

I ask Foo which of his pieces does he like the most. Foo thought for a moment and said, "It's hard to pick just one. I enjoyed doing so many of them and I feel like they're all such great learning experiences that it's hard to say, 'this is the best'. That said, I really liked my line of Fake Magazine Covers and Posters ( ).

"But let's just go with the Angry Baby Positron."

I asked Foo if he remembers what his first creation was. I should have known that this would be a loaded question. Foo grinned and said "I'm guessing it was probably baby poop. Art-wise, I have no idea. I remember drawing airplanes and little solders when I was a kid, though. And dinosaurs are awesome. All my earliest creations were done exclusively on blue lined notepaper with a 2HB pencil in the middle of class!"

Foo remembers "My first City piece was probably some long-lost doodle of one of my characters done on scrap paper while at work. The first one I still have is this piece of my character, Mr. Slate."

I was wondering if Foo had any other City of * pieces in the works, and he replied, "I have a few on the go, but nothing I can show off just yet!"

Foo's talent seems to span a few different styles that seem to depend on the inspiration of the moment. I ask Foo when he or others realized he has artistic abilities. Foo thought for a moment and replied with a smile, "I don't remember a time when I wasn't doodling. I think I probably started making art before I knew that's what I was doing, and definitely before I could write. My mum says I was drawing well enough by the time I was 4 that a friend's father said I should go to an arts/drama school."

After seeing the mural that Foo is currently working on, I asked him where he gets his inspiration. Foo states, "Artist-wise, I'm a huge fan of people like Adam Hughes, Alex Ross, and Alex Maleev. In more esoteric terms, I can't really say. Sometimes I'm just looking at a blank page and my brain throws some idea out and I have to draw it. Quite often, this is caused by a need to take a break from some other activity."

I know that Foo has been a long time member of the City of * family, I just don't know how long time so when I asked him, he said "It says 4 years, 5 months, but I don't know if that's correct or not. I'm both impressed and horrified by this number, regardless." We both laugh. I then asked Foo if he takes commissions, he said with a big smile, "Yes. Anytime I can trick someone into paying me to do art, I will gladly do so! People can check out my gallery at or my website

I asked Foo if the City Scoop may use any of his pieces to spruce up the look of some of the pages and he replied "I generally don't mind, but many of my pieces are commissions, and thus the property of the person who paid for them, so I'd have to tell you on a piece by piece basis. Overall, though, yes, so long as you post a credit!"

I do believe I have all the info that I need to complete my article. So I thank Foo for his time and watch him as he begins to work on his mural again. He is quite an interesting fellow, this Foo. And I am glad to have had the opportunity to talk with him about his art.



The Hecktic Life



Ghost Widow
by EnD-Reitanna

City Scoop

EnnVee - Bases

Mr_Grey - Fan Fiction Spotlight

- The Hecktic Life

VexXxa - In the Scoop

Neuronia - PvP Correspondent

Hostile_V - Humor

TopDoc - Under the hood

- Behind the Walls

Barron_ - Barron's Kitchen

Teldon - Behind the Mask

HumanMiracle - The People On

Fleeting_Whisper - MArc reviews

Bubbawheat - MArc Guides

- P.E.R.C.

- P.v.P.E.C.


More Welcomed.
(Need HTML skills.)

More Welcomed.

Art Correspondents

Event reporters

HTML Layout





Vol. 3, Issue 01
May 18, 2009

The City Scoop a publication for Supers by Supers!

Read the latest publication and then join in on the community discussion!

If you have concerns regarding the content of the Scoop please direct your comments via PM to Niviene.

If you would like to do a feature article, or join "The City Scoop" team please PM Snow_Globe.

If you would like to place a classified ad or have an event covered, contact Cende, EnnVee, or Lemur Lad.

If you need some "Advice" contact Lady_Athyna, would like to "Ask The X" contact LiquidX, or need help with fashion, "Ask Arbiter Fabulous."

If you have a base you would like featured, please contact EnnVee.

Finally if you have a Recipe you would like included please contact Barron_.