The City Scoop! ~ Front Page ~ May 1, 2009




The City Scoop

5 Year Anniversary Address!

Attention Heroes of Paragon City and Criminal Elements of the
Rogue Isles!

It's Positron, and I just wanted to say "Happy Anniversary" to all the Heroes
and Villains who have logged in today. I've been with CoH since it launched and
I am super-excited to be sharing this anniversary with you. I love that I work
on an MMO that has survived five years in a tough marketplace and is actually
thriving in the wake of Issue 14: Architect.

Speaking of Issues, I know you are chomping at the bit for any news on Issue
15. Well, I can give you the title: Anniversary. The plan is to get it on the
Training Room very soon. As part of our gift to you, we are going to give ALL
accounts access to the closed beta portion of the testing! That's right;
EVERYONE gets into the closed beta!

I should probably talk about some of the features in Issue 15. We've got a slew
of tweaks and changes coming for Mission Architect -- things we wanted to add
in at the last minute, but decided that they needed more love and testing
before we could go live with them. Among these will be the ability to set the
level range of your story arc, and even review missions with "key words" that
players can search on. This should ease the pain of finding missions that suit
the play-style you are looking for.

We've also got a new Task Force and a new Strike Force for the issue, where
Heroes and Villains will see the return of one of the most iconic villain
groups to the game.

And free (as in "no extra cost to you"), there are costume pieces! We've got a
ton of cool costumes that we are giving out as part of the issue, as well as a
slew of brand new facial textures that will give your characters new looks.

All in all, we are excited to bring you Issue 15, and to be enjoying the
anniversary festivities with you. If you have a chance, drop by Pocket D on the
Training Room this evening and hang out with the devs. It should be a blast!

This Issue:

Issue 15

Upcoming Events

Fan Fiction Spotlight


Anniversary Remembrance

Exploring the Architect #3: Choices

The Course of Events

In The Scoop

Base Showcase




Issue 15 Overview


Our next update, appropriately named Issue 15: Anniversary, features a host of
new features and content including major updates and improvements to the
Mission Architect system.

5th Column Task Force

Villain Strikeforce (Levels 45 - 50): 5 Missions

* The Villains are hired for what seems like a simple, high-paying job: Steal
information from the Hero 1 Time Capsule. Things go awry when the job ends up
leading to the return of an enemy from the past. Now the villains have to deal
with the mess they've made - while trying to make as much profit from it as

Hero Taskforce (Levels 45 - 50): 5 Missions

* The Heroes follow the trail of some stolen information to find that an old
foe is returning... in a big way! Forced to deal with an invasion, the Heroes
must scramble to find a way to defeat a seemingly unstoppable enemy.

New Costumes - New Issue 15 costumes include the Vines and
Ulterior themed costume sets. More details to come!

New Costume Change Emotes* - Just recently introduced in Super
Booster II: Magic, Costume Change Emotes represent a brand new feature type
that provide fun and colorful transitions between two different costumes for a
given character. Players activate them using the costume change interface,
selectable from the main Menu.

+ Backflip

+ Salute

+ Howl

+ Evil Laugh

+ Peacebringer Transform (Kheldian's only)

+ Warshade Transform (Kheldian's only)

+ Vanguard Sigil

*By default characters only have one costume slot, and must unlock additional
costume slots through activities in the game. This can be accomplished by
completing costume slot missions at levels 20, 30, and 40; and by using
Halloween Event salvage (which can also be bought, sold or traded via the
in-game Consignment Houses).

New Character Faces - Over 20 new character faces provide even
more options for character customization

Mission Architect Updates

* Architect toolbox allows players to better and more easily polish their
content before sharing it with the public.

* Missions can now be selected for both "Hall of Fame" and "Dev Choice,"
allowing players to attain both badges. "Dev Choice" missions also have
selectable reward types.

* Enhanced searching and navigation options like key phrase tagging and arc
difficulty display help players find the content they're looking for even

* New Server-wide Architect Chat channel.

* Plus several other features and improvements to Mission Architect.

Upcoming Events

May 2

Presents Deal or NO Deal

Server: Triumph

Date: Saturday, May 2, 2009

Time: 9:00 pm Eastern / 6:00 pm Pacific

Host: Fanci

Details: Pocket D, hero participants only.
Dolls turn 5 events weekend

May 3

Find the
Missing Dolls Scavenger Hunt

Server: Triumph

Date: Sunday, May 3, 2009

Time: 7:45 pm Eastern / 4:45 pm Pacific

Host: Tiny_H

Details: Dolls turn 5 events weekend - Atlas Park, under the statue

May 4

Sewer Trial

Server: Freedom

Date: Monday May 4, 2009

Time: 10:00 pm Eastern / 7:00 pm Pacific

Host: Luna_de_Nocturne

May 5


Server: Champion

Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Time: 9:00 pm Eastern / 6:00 pm Pacific

Host: Kiloton

Details: Tanker Tuesday #55 AND El Cinco de Mayo!

Server: Infinity

Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Time: 11 pm Eastern / 8 pm Pacific

Host: Textilian

Details: Note that this is a different starting time than usual. See thread for

May 6

Deadline for
Projectionist's Mission Arc Contest

Server: All

Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Time: 3:00 am Eastern / 12:00 am (midnight) Pacific (note that this turns it
into THURSDAY morning)

Host: Projectionist

May 7

Red Side EoE Farming

Server: Infinity Server

Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009

Time: 9:00 pm Eastern / 6:00 pm Pacific

Host: Mrs_OSHA

Details: Hosted by the OSHA Academy. Raid on Sunday.

May 10

Red Side Hamidon Raid

Server: Infinity Server

Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009

Time: 7:00 pm Eastern / 4:00 pm Pacific

Host: Mrs_OSHA

Details: Hosted by the OSHA Academy. EoE farming on Thursday.

May 12

Kid Engineer & Nomme Get Married

Server: Real Life

Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Time: 9:30 pm Eastern / 6:30 PM Pacific

Host: Nomme
& kidengineer

Details: Wedding



Fan Fiction Spotlight

Fairy Tale

Okay, first of all, ignore what the title says. This is not a fairy tale. Yes,
I'm a fairy, and yes, it's a story-or "tale"-about me, but that doesn't make it
a fairy tale, okay?

Fairy tales have-oh, I don't know, handsome princes and damsels in distress and
castles and wizards and knights in shining armor and lords and ladies and moats
and fantastical creatures and quests and prophecies and...and magic, and things
like that.

Well, okay, there is magic in this story. It's kind of a story about magic, I
guess. And there is sort of a lord in it too. And I guess there are a few

That still doesn't make it a fairy tale, though.

Many players make the argument that this game shouldn't have a fantasy element
in it. I think we should take a moment to reflect on that issue for a moment.
We're playing a game where we take on the personae of impossibly athletic
individuals (even at level 1, Sprint is faster than a car) clad in garish armor
or spandex hurling energy, fire, ice, nightmares or even punching enemies into
the sun. If there's nothing fantastic in any of that, then obviously we are
dealing with particularly differing understandings of the concept of fantasy.

My argument is that a story such as this, where a young woman is enchanted or
cursed into becoming a fairy, still has as much a place in the City of Heroes
world as would any other story about any other hero, heroine, or villain.
Protecting/victimizing the innocent has as much place in "dragons and wizards"
fantasy as it does in "skyscrapers and spandex."

Fortunately, we have the talented Kyo_Chan bringing us a tale that still takes
place in the world of Skyscrapers and Spandex. Our heroine is both of this
world and outsider to it (though in a world where countless alien species and
meta humans of numerous bizarre origins battle for order in or control of the
future, it's a little hard to be an outsider). After being transformed into a
fairy, young Jodie Wilkins seems to be more at home dancing on the dewdrops on
the flowers of some far-flung vibrant forest or jungle as a Hyde grazes
peacefully nearby and naiads and dryads lounge at the riverbank, but on the
horizon, trouble's brewing as the Evil Empire seeks to exert its control on the
wild lands surrounding it.

Instead, she's in the here-and-now. A former librarian who read the wrong book,
Ms. Wilkins becomes a fairy who is forced to rename herself Snap Play, and her
adventures begin with this story, which explains her origin and how she meets
her adventuring partner, Blackrazur. With any luck, we'll see more works
featuring this out-of-place heroine.

You can see some more of their story in Kyo_Chan's arc, 100176, "The Fae and
the Feral." It expands on the relationship between the characters somewhat.


Engagement Announcement!

Peony and Alexandre, of the Triumph Supergroup "The League of Extraordinarily
Well-Dressed Gentlepersons", would like to announce their engagement. The
current plans are for an in-game ceremony in late June. More details will
follow, as plans are confirmed.

Projectionist’s Most Enjoyable Solo Mission Arc
Contest !

Submit YOUR best soloable (Heroic or Villainous level) Mission Architect Arc!
Win Art prizes galore! Submit your arc by May 6th at the latest! Find the details
and sign up in
this thread

Anniversary Remembrance

On May 20, 2009, I will receive my 60-month Veteran Badge for being a part of
the City of Heroes community.

60 months. 5 years.

I honestly didn't think I'd be looking back at this milestone. I'd come close
on a few occasions to canceling my subscriptions and letting City of Heroes
become just another MMORPG game that I'd tried, enjoyed for a time, and
eventually moved on towards the next MMO flavor of the year.

That didn't happen. Of course I tried other MMORPG's before I loaded up City of
Heroes for the first time in 2004 (directly ordered from the United States I
might add, before City of Heroes was released in New Zealand!), and I've tried
a few other MMORPG's during the past five years. A few MMORPG's did capture my
attention between 2004 and 2009, but none managed to spark my imagination and
maintain my enthusiasm like City of Heroes has done.

In the end, I never followed through on bidding farewell to City of Heroes.
While the graphics engine may appear dated compared to those of the latest
release video and console games, it's the constantly evolving game play and
additions to City of Heroes over the years that have kept me coming back for
more. I don't always agree with some of changes made to City of Heroes, and
have often wanted to vigorously shake a few of the Developers and yell all
sorts of profanities at them for emasculating some of my favorite characters.
But from my own personal experience, the positive aspects of City of Heroes
have far outweighed the negative.

Many of us 'old hares' still recall the heady early days of City of Heroes when
Blasters did damage equivalent to small nuclear weapons, Tankers waded through
whole groups of opponent with relative impunity, and some Scrappers could go
toe to toe with Arch Villains without breaking a sweat. Of course, those early
days weren't so great for Defenders and Controllers. If you weren't an Empathy
Defender, then you mocked for not being a 'true' Defender; and any Controller
who played anything but an Illusion or Fire Controller was considered somewhat

While the introduction of City of Villains, Invention Origin Enhancements, and
Architect deserve their special mention as worthy achievements, many of the
veteran City of Heroes gamers still consider the single biggest impact to be
Enhancement Diversification.

Introduced on Live Servers with Issue 6: Along Came a Spider, Enhancement
Diversification was vehemently resented and protested against at the time. Many
new gamers aren't aware of the impact that Enhancement Diversification (or ED)
had amongst the veteran gamer base of City of Heroes.

To put things in perspective, the response thread to Enhancement
Diversification on the message Forums exceeded 3,500 replies in the first 36
hours! The Thread grew so large that a second one had to be opened to
accommodate the flow of messages. Long-term gamers, including some who had been
with City of Heroes since the days of Beta Testing canceled their accounts out
of frustration and anger. Looking back at those tumultuous times now, I
consider Enhancement Diversification to have been a necessary evil. An
unpopular decision - I don't dispute that - but in the long run, Enhancement
Diversification gave me the motivation to think outside the box and improvise,
adapt and change how I interacted in solo and group play. And in the end, that
isn't such a bad thing. I can still do the lone wolf thing if I want to, but
the real fun comes from rolling up my sleeves and joining a group of determined
heroes or tenacious villains on their (mis)adventures!

So here's to 60 months, 5 years of City of Heroes. The good, the bad, and the
ugly. At the end of the day City of Heroes is like a favorite computer or
console game that I keep coming back to again and again because it's easy to
get setup, enjoyable to play, and has just enough tricks and twists to me
coming back Issue after Issue to see what's new, what's been changed, and
what's been improved.

I may not game as much as I like on City of Heroes these days, but I don't
intend to emigrate from Paragon City anytime soon.

Happy Anniversary City of Heroes.

You're a classic.

Comrade Hero



Exploring the Architect

#3: Lowbie Logic Puzzle

Hello again, fellow Architects. I'm back with another installment of Exploring
the Architect. This week I decided to try to make a puzzle themed mission. I
had seen a couple others and they really perked my interest. So what could I do
that was different? How about a logic problem. You know what else I've noticed
spending a lot of time on the Mission Architect forums? A lack of suitable
missions and arcs for lower level characters. Now I have my alliterative title:
Lowbie Logic Puzzle.

My next step is to come up with the logic puzzle itself. For those of you who
have never tried to solve a logic puzzle, it's fairly simple. A logic problem
is a set of clues that match up different items in sets. Most people solve them
by making a grid and crossing out the clues that don't match, and placing a
circle in the clues that do match. I decide to go with three sets of five.
First, I have the enemy group: Hellions, Skulls, Snakes, Clockwork, and
Coralax. Second, I have names of their hostages: Brett, Alex, Tinker, Pat, and
Fred. Finally, I have what the hostages are: Man, Woman, Wolf, Demon, and
Robot. Next comes figuring out a good set of clues:

Clockwork don't care about Non-humans.

Fred was abducted by an enemy group starting with "C."

The Skulls abducted Pat.

No humans were abducted by humans.

Brett is a demon.

Alex was abducted by Clockwork.

Tinker was not abducted by Hellions.

Skulls don't like robots.

A man was abducted by a group with no legs.

I went with clues that were hopefully interesting, not too obvious, but not so
difficult that you are forced to use a grid to solve the puzzle. My idea was
that you could just pop open the mission-briefing window when you came upon a
group to check your answer.

That brings me to the second part of the mission: The correct answers. Sounds
simple enough to find a few hostages, though a few were a bit trickier than I
thought they would be to keep it lowbie friendly. I didn't want to make custom
hostages for this mission, so I had to look through level appropriate groups to
find interesting mobs to use as hostages that would be different enough from
each other. The man, wolf, and robot were pretty easy. The demon took a little
more effort, but I found that I could use Infernal's demon pet, which has a
1-54 level range and looks just like a Behemoth Overlord. The woman took longer
than I thought it would, as I didn't want to use just a regular civilian
hostage, but I found one: Penelope Yin. The best part about most of these is
that they can also be used for Bosses.

This brings me to the final part of the mission: The false answers. The correct
answers are hostages, so there must be some penalty for going after a wrong
answer, so they should be bosses. The only downside of this is that the mission
can just be powered through, defeating all of the spawns. I could add a timer
to the mission, but I've done that with my last two and I'm over it. Now to
make it more convincing, the boss animation must be the same captive pose as
the hostages. This way, coming up onto any group, there's enough doubt as to
whether this is a right answer or a wrong answer. There are still easy ways to
figure out the answer without solving the puzzle, but if you're interested in
the puzzle aspect, then you want to solve the puzzle. If you're not interested
in the puzzle aspect, then you're just playing another typical mission. As an
added bonus, I add a line of dialog when you defeat a wrong answer that gives
you an extra clue.

Now for what ends up being the hard part: finding a good map. I chose most of
my objectives to spawn in the back, and I go into the map list to find
something that allows me enough hostage, boss, and ambush spawns. I don't want
to go with a big open map at first because I want to try something different.
Linear maps are also out since I don't want too many groups that force you into
fighting and you can't go around. My first choice is the Cave of the Shaper
from the Sharkshead Strike Force. It's a cave map with several rooms at the end
of many tunnels. My hope is that my spawns will appear in those rooms. I go
through a test run and the first group I see is a correct answer, which is
supposed to spawn in the back. The second group is the second correct answer,
and on through the fifth correct answer. Oh well, the next thing I do is look
around the rest of the map and see how my wrong answers come out. I go through
the rest of the map and I see no more enemies. Hrm. That's no good. None of my
bosses spawned at all.

Another bug to run into, but I want to continue my mission. Maybe if I try a
different map. I suppose I will go with an outdoor map since they allow a large
number of bosses and rescues. How about Atlas Park? That's not too big, it
allows a lot of bosses, but only one hostage; I guess that's out. Anyway, I
find a map that I don't recall seeing very often and doesn't look too big --
City Map 02 (Industrial). Now let's give it a run through and see how it works.
Running around, the first groups I see are three right answers very close to
each other. That's ok; looking around some more I find one of my bosses. Good!
I end up finding a second one of my bosses, though I didn't realize that
Penelope Yin spawns as a Hero level enemy. Yikes! I leave it as is, she is
definitely a wrong answer! Ok, I find all my correct answers, and only two of
my bosses. This isn't going very well at all. But, overall, it mostly works the
way I want it to.

Well, there you have it. Did I finally find a way to get around my bug problem?
Find out by playing Exploring the Architect #3: Lowbie Logic Puzzle. Arc ID#
2271. Exploring the Architect missions #2 and #1 are still available to play
following the Lowbie Logic Puzzle mission. 'Till next time!

The Course of Events

During the course of normal play, various things happen. Mobs, Giant Monsters
(GMs) and Arch-Villians (AVs, which are also Arch-Heroes) all spawn, Rikti and
Zombies both invade, and players find themselves interacting with other players
as they fight these menaces when and as they occur.

Rarely do all of these events happen simultaneously.

On April 28 2009, however, the players of City of Heroes came, they saw... and
they fought a bunch of big battles as the 5th Anniversary month kicked off in a
13-hour fit of chaos. Rikti invasions were supplemented in Atlas Park with
visitations by Lord Recluse and his faithful assistants. Meanwhile, in Cap au
Diable, incursions by Statesman, Manticore, and Positron were beaten back while
Zombies rose up out of the ground. Giant Devouring Earth monsters escaped their
island home to rampage through both the Rogue Islands and Paragon Cities -- and
that was only in the first hour.

The City of Heroes/Villains development and community staff rotated through all
11 live servers and the main test server (test2 was taken off-line for the
duration of the event), sowing chaos and Anniversary titles in their wake.
While all of the participating staff members seem to have had the same tools
available to them, each had their own style, and that style appeared to have
some affect on what situations occurred at any given time. Some players saw
heavier groupings of each individual target; one forum post specifically
indicates seeing 6 Winter Lords in one grouped spawn. Others saw a variety of
targets in each spawn, and still more, like me, report that what they saw
varied over the course of the day.

I got into the game about two hours after the event had already started. When I
got on, I was that there were Rikti in Atlas. The first thing I discovered upon
exiting the base portal was that there was a low-flying drop ship directly
above me, and it was aiming right at me. That should have warned me about the
rest of the day - a lot of things were going to be aiming right at me: Lord
Recluse, many (many) Jade Spiders, Quarrys, Lattices, Sciroccos, Ghost Widows,
Kronos Titans, Jurassics, and Adamasters, to name just as few. As one of my
teammates said, "I feel like I'm in Disneyland."

While the events were happening on the blue-side, I also saw calls to help with
events on the red-side. Deciding to take a break from heroes, I went to see
what the villain action was like. Unfortunately, at least on one server,
mid-day was not the best time to be looking for activity, so I took a break for

Later in the day, my partner and I came back in to play for a while and the
first invasion after we came in happened, surprisingly, in King's Row. I
managed to get a group shot of some of the Kings Row Defenders once they fought
off the invasion. SteelWool, one of the Defenders, commented, "I think that
it's awesome to have seen this game from it's beginning, and grow with it every
day since, to now be a witness to 5 years."

After Positron's message, I popped over onto test to see what was happening in
the Pocket D there. Well, the answer was LOTS. By the time I got on, about 6 pm
Pacific, Pocket D 3 had around a dozen people in it and was quickly gathering
more. Within a half hour, Mynx and NCsoft_Prescient popped in to start the
party. Nemesis and Hamidon soon joined us! BackAlleyBrawler showed up to lend a
hand with Hami, and then announced that he would be hanging out in the ski
chalet for those that would prefer a calmer event.

In the few quiet moments between battles, I asked people to tell me what they
thought of this event.

WRider had the most to say, telling me, "It was a rockin' party! Great hanging
out with everyone and battling the GM's. Nice touch having cover
events too." Apparently, Rider had been on test for quite a while, because he
added, "Partying with Ms Liberty, Synapse, and Mynx was awesome."

Silver-Haze gave some welcome news, and the most amusing word I heard for the
day, "It pulled me away from AE farming, and it was Spectaculicious!!"

Finally, before I left, the day was summed up nicely by Opera Ma'am, who
described it as "fun chaos; nice to see everyone let loose."

Sadly, I wasn't actually able to catch up with any of the staff for quotes -
when I went out to the chalet, Mynx had already gone, and BackAlleyBrawler was
just leaving (with a good-bye present of at least 3 Winter Lords). They
finished what that Ritki drop ship this morning started, and I found myself in
the Pocket D hospital.

At the end of the event, I trying to describe how it all went, I find myself
returning to the sentiment Cobalt-Fusion expressed after helping to defend

Yes, in fact, I believe that will do nicely.



In The Scoop

As I sit here thinking about what I am to write and who should be my artist of
choice, I wander through the forums and start looking at Wassy's work. Wassy
has a few unique styles that are quite eye catching, and many of the boardsters
really like her!

So I sent out a little note to Wassy and received the quickest reply back ever!
She should be in the Statesman Book of World Records for replies! Wassy and I
establish a com-link and I find that Wassy is quite polite, and willing to
provide artwork to the Scoop to help illuminate the City Scoop submissions.

As I talk with Wassy, I discover that she lives all over Freedom in no
particular zone, and has been a member of the City of* family for just shy of
five years! She has always been an artsy type and said to me, "I just remember
always drawing/coloring and really enjoying art class in school." When asked
about her very first piece, she replied, "Probably some hellish crayon mess my
mother had to clean up! And done on nothing it should have been on."

Wassy said that her favorite City of* piece "Is a couple years old, but it's
still my favorite. It's the first piece I did in what is now my more
established style. It also has a lot of personal/sentimental value."
Flowy Frost

She thinks her first City of* piece "Was an earlier picture of the same
character! I don't have it up in my gallery right now because I've moved beyond
it in skill and style. Frost had it as his avatar for a long time back in the
day, if any veteran forumites remember it, heh."

I asked Wassy what her next City of* piece would be. Wassy responded, "I'm
almost done with a large group piece for The Dolls supergroup. I have a few
work-in-progress shots from it at my deviantArt page "
& Wicked

Wassy says that she gets her inspiration "...from everywhere. Obviously,
there's a ton I get from comics and manga. But I also just... look. All the
time. At everything. I probably stare and creep people out.... But there's
inspiration at every turn, so many textures, so many colors, so many angles."

I asked Wassy about her website and commissions, and she replied "I have my own
website at s href=""> with a full
gallery, and yes, I'm currently open for commissions and all my commission
information and order form are on my website. There's usually a wait, but I do
work steadily through the line and have only ever been accused of keeping
clients OVER informed!"

When asked if there was anything else she would like to add. Wassy replied,
"Thanks for the opportunity to get my work out there! I have to say, the CoH
community has been nothing but FANTASTIC to me and I love working with all you
guys. Best forums on the internet."

At the end of the interview, I thanked Wassy for taking the time to chat with
me and for sharing her work with the City Scoop readers and all the boardsters.
Wassy replied, "The City Scoop is welcome to grab anything they want from the
gallery whenever."

And with that said, the com-link was disconnected and I retreated to my office
to share with the Scoop readers what I learned about Wassy!

"The cute part is kind of the perfect example of how you don't find your
style... it finds you. It's never been intentional... just kind of happens!" -



Base Showcase

The Hall of Bases

Greetings! As many of you know (and for those who don't), I try my best to bring
the base world to life in my articles. I am always amazed and intrigued by the
different designs and layouts I see presented to me in the interviews I hold.
Over the past few weeks however, it seems I-14 has taken the reins and stolen
my thunder. I have run dry in my well of presentations; as a result, I have
decided to show everyone that even though earlier showcases may have been in a
"past issue" in the Scoop, they are far from forgotten. So I present to you the
Hall of Bases! I have kept a record of the Bases featured during my time as the
Base interviewer with the City Scoop. I was trained by Bonker, guided by Snow
Globe, and encouraged by the entire Scoop staff as I made my transition from
newcomer to Scoop Family. I hope you all enjoy this "trip down memory lane." I
even included the issue dates of each base in case you would like to look up
the back issue of the Scoop they were in!



The Hecktic Life

City Scoop



Lemur Lad

EnnVee - Bases

Mr_Grey - Fan Fiction Spotlight

- The Hecktic Life

VexXxa - In the Scoop

Neuronia - PvP Correspondent

Hostile_V - Humor

TopDoc - Under the hood

- Behind the Walls

Barron_ - Barron's Kitchen

Teldon - Behind the Mask

HumanMiracle - The People On

Fleeting_Whisper - MArc reviews

Bubbawheat - MArc Guides

- P.E.R.C.

- P.v.P.E.C.


More Welcomed.
(Need HTML skills.)

More Welcomed.

Art Correspondents

Event reporters

HTML Layout





Vol. 2, Issue 44
May 1, 2009

The City Scoop a publication for Supers by Supers!

Read the latest publication and then join in on the community discussion!

If you have concerns regarding the content of the Scoop please direct your comments via PM to Niviene.

If you would like to do a feature article, or join "The City Scoop" team please PM Snow_Globe.

If you would like to place a classified ad or have an event covered, contact Cende, EnnVee, or Lemur Lad.

If you need some "Advice" contact Lady_Athyna, would like to "Ask The X" contact LiquidX, or need help with fashion, "Ask Arbiter Fabulous."

If you have a base you would like featured, please contact EnnVee.

Finally if you have a Recipe you would like included please contact Barron_.