Logical operators?
I have a suspicion this isn't possible, but I have further suspicion Leandro will know.
Kinda like the snake eggs in that early Villain mission on Mercy Island, right? I'm curious to know, as well. Hmm...
Unfortunately, no - the MA is pretty simplistic in that regard. There's some tricky ways to still make story points work, but not directly like that...
#28470 - MA & YOU! Quick Tutorial
Poster 1481: Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings
Cultist fun in 3586 Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit
Formerly of Perils of Paula!
Does the MA script honor regular expressions or logical operators in any form or field?
The specific thing I'd like to accomplish right now is make a boss spawn if a particular optional objective is failed. This clearly isn't possible to do in the editor proper. However, I can think of a half-dozen ways of making this happen if I could specify, say, a NOT in one or more fields while hand-editing the script. So -- can I? If so, what syntax does the MA recognize?