Main change, Evil Orb killed Human Orb after they both traveled back in time, instead of Evil being sent to another dimension.
With his knowledge of the future he quickly made use of it by kidnapping the man who would free Green Ax, he also killed
Before Human Orb died completely he captured his own soul into an orb and sent it to an unlikely ally, Agent X1, where he was able to inform X1 of the power of Evil Orb and how it is X1s duty to reunite the children of the 12 to rise up against Evil Orb and stop him from conquering the world.
Evil Orb begins to grow in power, quickly by getting information to his father in the past to take out Lord Recluse before he can even grow in power, and starting the Empire of the Orb on Rogue Island.
Now there is a small band of resistance fighters working against the Orbs. Led by X1, he was able to save War.Renegade, Frost Falcon, Song Blade and Blade Song, Zymack (dark defender), , Dr. Tic Toc, War See, No. 13, Cat, Cold Crusader
Either the others are jailed, dead, or never were. Green Ax, never got out, Frozrad never existed, Letterhead was never created, Spider Troopers never came about, Man Brute killed, Brutal Force never existed, Frozen Rat never existed, Doc Sonic Death killed, Merc4Hire, sent off to Ritki home world, WarSpite in Jail, near death, Zan the Blue, never traveled to future, Clocks were never set free. Mushroomhead missing
note: all char listed are mine or my 3 freind char.. be gentle p;
Errr, be gentle about what? What is this supposed to be? Something to do with one of the RP threads?
Alternate Dimension for Liberty
Main change, Evil Orb killed Human Orb after they both traveled back in time, instead of Evil being sent to another dimension.
With his knowledge of the future he quickly made use of it by kidnapping the man who would free Green Ax, he also killed
Before Human Orb died completely he captured his own soul into an orb and sent it to an unlikely ally, Agent X1, where he was able to inform X1 of the power of Evil Orb and how it is X1s duty to reunite the children of the 12 to rise up against Evil Orb and stop him from conquering the world.
Evil Orb begins to grow in power, quickly by getting information to his father in the past to take out Lord Recluse before he can even grow in power, and starting the Empire of the Orb on Rogue Island.
Now there is a small band of resistance fighters working against the Orbs. Led by X1, he was able to save War.Renegade, Frost Falcon, Song Blade and Blade Song, Zymack (dark defender), , Dr. Tic Toc, War See, No. 13, Cat, Cold Crusader
Either the others are jailed, dead, or never were. Green Ax, never got out, Frozrad never existed, Letterhead was never created, Spider Troopers never came about, Man Brute killed, Brutal Force never existed, Frozen Rat never existed, Doc Sonic Death killed, Merc4Hire, sent off to Ritki home world, WarSpite in Jail, near death, Zan the Blue, never traveled to future, Clocks were never set free. Mushroomhead missing
note: all char listed are mine or my 3 freind char.. be gentle p;