Announcing Issue 11: "A Stitch In Time"




Announcing the details of the next free expansion coming to City of Heroes, Issue 11: "A Stitch In Time"

Features include:

    [*] Ouroboros System: Gain the ability to "Flashback" and travel through time and relive major events from the history of Paragon City and the rogue Isles.
    [*] Weapon Customization: Players will be able to change their weapons in the same way that they change their costume parts!
    [*] Two New Power Sets: The City of… universe expands with two new amazing power sets: Dual Blades and Willpower!
    [*] New Inventions: Issue 11 brings with it new invention sets including “Very Rare” Purple sets, as well as brand new invention sets for Taunt, Buff and Debuff powers, among others.[/list]
    For all the details, please visit the Issue 11 Feature Page

    To talk about Issue 11 with your fellow players, join us on the Discussion Forum

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