Dark times in rogue isles(im very new) open rpg




This is an rpg about Villans. Not heores in shiny spandex....but villans in blood stained costumes..... the storyline is whatever we want.... starts out in mercy island as we are all new and have broke out of zig to make our way in life...... there will be lines drawn in the sand...aliiances.....fighitng...... many things...this can be however you want it because im alwasy open to ideas...and construcitve critiziscem.... im new to prgs and to coh/cov so give mea break with my illiteracy..... i used to rp on marvel.com so its were my krappy writing is from..... i hope to get back in the swings of things.... so ummm you can post your character on here and start right away.... once iu get confirm after u post on here from me that is...... lol but ill prob accept you either way...... your profile skeleton should be following



Primary Power Set:

Secondary Power Set:

Costume looks like:


heres mine

Name: Silent Night

Archtype: Stalker

Primary; Claws

Secondary: Dark Armor

Costume looks: colors are black and blue... weres all ninja for head...with jounin headband... standard armor pants...tight upper with blue flames on arms......


1. No godmodding.. we dont needa million lord reclsues waking around..... also use powers appporiate to how big od a threat you are...aka no mercys gonig off with soul transfer

2. PG-13!!!!! keep it kinda clean guys

3. have fun!



Calvin Took the Superdine adnd felt the effects immediatly...boosting his powers like no other...but suddenly the effects dropped...not working on his metablolisim and his powers returned to normal. Cursing he didnt hear the first bell, the bell that signaled a attack on the prission and cons escaping. He heard sounds he knew were arachnoas that were firiing on the cops. Suddenly his cells inhibitors broke and his teleporting returned to him. He ported to angel lopez and got instrutions to go to the pilot. Once at the pilot he got in the plane and took off for rogue isles where he was to meet a person named Kalinda. He stepped out of the plane and looked around when suddenly another villan came up from behind him........................