I Can't Tie My Shoes... Can Queue?




Ack, I already skipped two people.. If I do that, please tell me, cuz I don't mean to

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



queue me baby

fallen skye and the back

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry I forgot you the first time around :3 I get stupid like that sometimes

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



its all good .. I can never complain its all what the artistes want to do anyway.



The Queue
-Updated 9.8.08-

1. Aqauian Dracomun [color=#FF9900]*~*Finished*~*

2. Algon

3. Mr. Chisoku

4. Teldon

5. LadyLiberty

6. Plasmastream
<ul type="square">[*] b.[*] c.[*] d.[/list]7. Jala
<ul type="square">[*] b.[*] c.[*] d. [/list]8. Tundara

9. Sungryphon Group Pic + CBRXX Blackbird
<ul type="square">[*] Group Pic – Work In Progress[/list]10. Felis

11. Tashalia – Biography

12. Frosty Femme

13. Plasma Warrior

14. Green Mongoose – Biography

15. Fallen Skye
<ul type="square">[*]b.[/list]16. Kyuui Jisan

17. FallenDarkness <ul type="square">[*]b.
[*]c.[/list]18. War Patriot

19. Igniitus

20. Mouse Police

21. IceEmBaby

22. @Moggy

23. Blade of Canada

24. Thor's Assassin

[color=#48A4FF]Please note: The queue will always be open for more requests. There is no stopping point, so keep on requesting. One request/person/month, please.

Also note: Words in yellow are links. You can click on them to view WIPs or Works In Progress

[/ QUOTE ]

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



lol heya BAS!

Great to see ya still at it brother! You could add the TA in there if ya have the urge! You have come a long way too! Looking great lil brother!

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Excellent work BAS, I can see a lot of improvement in your work.



thx BAS she looks great

[url="http://teenage-kid.deviantart.com/"]My Da page![/url]
Ninja-Bee- 50 Ninja/Dark MM
Aqurian Draconum- 50 Archery/Fire Blaster
Korrawi- 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Tank Plus many others!



*Notices Kyuii on the queue*

Oh, cool, I forgot about that! xD



lol heya BAS!

Great to see ya still at it brother! You could add the TA in there if ya have the urge! You have come a long way too! Looking great lil brother!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey TA!!! Man, how ya' doing?! Great to see you I'll def. add you

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



lol heya BAS!

Great to see ya still at it brother! You could add the TA in there if ya have the urge! You have come a long way too! Looking great lil brother!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey TA!!! Man, how ya' doing?! Great to see you I'll def. add you

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah poor ole TA.. got no art

LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom



thx BAS she looks great

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm so pleased that you're pleased

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Excellent work BAS, I can see a lot of improvement in your work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Eee! :excited: Thanks so much!

(( Boo for no cool deviantART emotes on CoH Boards ))

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



(( Boo for no cool deviantART emotes on CoH Boards ))

[/ QUOTE ]

I know... They need more emotes here.



The Queue
-Updated 10.6.07-

1. Aqauian Dracomun [color=#FF9900]*~*Finished*~*

2. Algon

3. Mr. Chisoku

4. Teldon

5. LadyLiberty

6. Plasmastream
<ul type="square">[*] b.[*] c.[*] d.[/list]7. Jala
<ul type="square">[*] b.[*] c.[*] d. [/list]8. Tundara

9. Sungryphon Group Pic + CBRXX Blackbird
<ul type="square">[*] Group Pic – Work In Progress[/list]10. Felis

11. Tashalia – Biography

12. Frosty Femme

13. Plasma Warrior

14. Green Mongoose – Biography

15. Fallen Skye
<ul type="square">[*]b.[/list]16. Kyuui Jisan [color=#FF9900]*~*Finished*~*

17. FallenDarkness <ul type="square">[*]b.
[*]c.[/list]18. War Patriot

19. Igniitus

20. Mouse Police

21. IceEmBaby

22. @Moggy

23. Blade of Canada

24. Thor's Assassin

[color=#48A4FF]Please note: The queue will always be open for more requests. There is no stopping point, so keep on requesting. One request/person/month, please.

Also note: Words in yellow are links. You can click on them to view WIPs or Works In Progress

[/ QUOTE ]

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



The Queue
-Updated 11.26.07-

1. Aqauian Dracomun [color=#FF9900]*~*Finished*~*

2. Algon

3. Mr. Chisoku

4. Teldon

5. LadyLiberty

6. Plasmastream
<ul type="square">[*] b.[*] c.[*] d.[/list]7. Jala
<ul type="square">[*] b.[*] c.[*] d. [/list]8. Tundara [color=#FF9900]*~*Finished*~*

9. Sungryphon Group Pic + CBRXX Blackbird
<ul type="square">[*] Group Pic – Work In Progress[/list]10. Felis

11. Tashalia – Biography

12. Frosty Femme

13. Plasma Warrior

14. Green Mongoose – Biography

15. Fallen Skye
<ul type="square">[*]b.[/list]16. Kyuui Jisan [color=#FF9900]*~*Finished*~*

17. FallenDarkness <ul type="square">[*]b.
[*]c.[/list]18. War Patriot

19. Igniitus

20. Mouse Police

21. IceEmBaby

22. @Moggy

23. Blade of Canada

24. Thor's Assassin

[color=#48A4FF]Please note: The queue will always be open for more requests. There is no stopping point, so keep on requesting. One request/person/month, please.

Also note: Words in yellow are links. You can click on them to view WIPs or Works In Progress

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!