Clarification of Character Transfer Service




We wanted to follow up on the recently announced Character Transfer Service and clarify which servers customers will be able to transfer to when the service goes live.

Currently, our plan is to enable the Character Transfer service with no limitations. There will be no restrictions on which of the live servers you can or cannot transfer too. There are no transfers off of the Training Room Test Server, only copies to it. Also, if you have no free character slots on a server, you will need to make room before you can transfer there.

Our main goal with the Character Transfer service is to enable customers to play on the server they want to with the character they want to with their friends. We are sensitive to population issues and will continue to closely monitor server populations and server performance. Should transfers be seen as a contributing factor to a less than optimal gaming experience, we reserve the right to restrict transfers in the future to address such concerns

The Character Transfer and Character Rename services are still in the testing phase. With any new feature, we want to ensure that it is rock solid and ready before we make it available. We are planning for these features to be available in several weeks time. That may shift if issues arise in testing. If it does shift significantly, we will update you here on the forums. We understand that there are customers who are very interested in these features and we are working hard to bring them to you as quickly as possible.

Thanks for your continued patronage and support!

To discuss this announcement, join us on the forums here.

Community Relations Manager

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