I might not have known,...




I might not have known:
-that in the middle of a battle, one should stop and avert all attention to the chat box, once something new, regardless of its relevence, appeared.

-that when running through the poorly designed cave-stages, an enemy mob awaits around a blind turn, thus casuses more aggrovation. Which can lead to Debt.

-that when a teammate types " sk her"/ "sk him", actually translates to "Side-Kick her/him.". So forgive me if it grab my attention considering its resemblence of a "typo" and for not reacting immediately, caused by abbreviations, included in your lack of specifics.

-that standing meaninglessly in a hallway, while a "Morphed Stone-Armor Tanker", blocks the doorway and forgets to make room for people on either side to pass, makes me look useless.

-that when a person is "Away-From-The-Keyboard", some people acutually ARE NOT IN FRONT OF THE KEYBOARD. Therefore not responding to the occasional question, should not be taken as if you are being IGNORED.

-CoH, IS actually a game. A fun game where people interact, desplay their own sense of imagination. Not a breeding ground of reasons to be called S-T-U-P-I-D for making mistakes, or a "sorry excuse for a teammate," for not doing THEIR DUTY ATTRIBUTED TO THEIR CHOSEN ARCHITYPE such as:

-that unless I was a Tank, I shouldn't run into enemy mobs. Violaters will be BOOTED.

-that unless I was a blaster, i cant hang out in the back of the group.Violaters will be BOOTED.

-These ARE ALL, perfectly valid reasons for ridiculing
the gameplay of a fellow CoH account holder.
-These ARE ALL, Justifyable actions for booting members from your WELL-ROUNDED team.
-These ARE ALL, actions which should be retaliated upon by your entire Super Group, including "SG" members not originally involved.

--Now I know.---

----(>^.^)>--FEEL THE SARCASM???--<(^.^&lt--



You might also not have known that you posted this in the wrong forum section. This should be in the CoH general discussion.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




You might also not have known that you posted this in the wrong forum section. This should be in the CoH general discussion.

[/ QUOTE ]


Next question!



Get out, lrn2play, etc.

What they said.



people are jerks, I hate them



And further...

I once took pity on some noob who didn't know anything about the game who was asking some ridiculous questions to a zone full of people. Largely he was ignored, but I sent him a tell explaining some stuff to him. It got so intrusive that I quickly pulled back out of the mission I was soloing so I could devote all my attention to him.

After explaining things, he never asked the same question twice, never asked a blatently stupid question "are blasters good at hand to hand?" or anything, and was generally polite. After the walking tour of the game, we started talking tactics for the character he was running and he says

"I have a lvl 50 on this server, but I'm quitting soon. I appreciate you taking your time to be nice to me and would like to reward you." At this time Mssgt. Riley is lvl 31 or so, so I say "sure", thining he'll drop 100k influence on me or a couple of lvl 50 enhancements I can later sell.

See, Riley was my first fifty, so I had no idea how much influence there was to be had back then. He gave me like 10 million influence, which definately didn't deplete him, but I didn't have to ask for influence ever again.

So I'm generally nice to newbies if they're polite, and I would say most of Virtue is as well. I can't speak authoritatively for other servers.

On the other hand, I found myself getting into it with this dork at a mothership raid not too long ago because he insisted he should lead the raid, and insisted that taking the center first doesn't work and always results in a complete wipe that you can never recover from.

I try very hard not to argue in game. That's what the "do something else" button is there for. I guess I'd had my fill of stupid earlier that day.



Manticore Automaton: "Sarcasm engine failure!"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
