With the rise in popularity of Issue 9: Breakthrough and the increase in commerce within Paragon City and the Rogue Isles we have seen more issues of annoying spam behavior to advertise Real Money Trading (RMT) web sites.
We wanted to make our customers aware that we have a zero tolerance for any such activity that interrupts normal game play through the use of advertising tells. Accounts that engage these practices are quickly closed and banned from further activity in all NCsoft games.
Should you receive such a tell in City of Heroes or City of Villains advertising a web site, or any other such annoying behavior, please first use the /gignore and /ignore command to ignore that user globally and locally to stop any further such tells. Then make use of the in game /petition command to let our Customer Support Team know of the activity so we can address it.
We appreciate your feedback on this issue and your continued input about new spammers that crop up. We are working hard to provide the best play environment possible!
If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.
With the rise in popularity of Issue 9: Breakthrough and the increase in commerce within Paragon City and the Rogue Isles we have seen more issues of annoying spam behavior to advertise Real Money Trading (RMT) web sites.
We wanted to make our customers aware that we have a zero tolerance for any such activity that interrupts normal game play through the use of advertising tells. Accounts that engage these practices are quickly closed and banned from further activity in all NCsoft games.
Should you receive such a tell in City of Heroes or City of Villains advertising a web site, or any other such annoying behavior, please first use the /gignore and /ignore command to ignore that user globally and locally to stop any further such tells. Then make use of the in game /petition command to let our Customer Support Team know of the activity so we can address it.
We appreciate your feedback on this issue and your continued input about new spammers that crop up. We are working hard to provide the best play environment possible!
To discuss this announcement, join us on this Discussion Thread.
Community Relations Manager
If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.