spinal surgery




Revolving Spine haha get it SPINE-al surgery uhahah ha ah...no not that funny. ok i would like some volunteers 1 villain one hero. one you wont see much of and the other will have got their booty beat hehe. it may not be the 1st two to submit just so you know. i wont tell you how im picking either haha. wow okay i tried reading this and had trouble haha my typings arent so okay at 4 ams :P



I volunteer any of my stable of alts Link's in the sig!



I have a villain Lillith, she's in my scraps section on DA (link in sig)



You can try any of my characters, T.

Here is the link to some of their costumes, as well as a detailed bio.

They are all heroes

BAS' Heroes

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



im going to kinda bump this and wait one more day before starting the pic. heres some progress on my spinal surgery pic. still quite a bit to be done. only about half way finished with his face



well what i wanted to do was alot harder than i thought but i did remember a certain someone who ive owed some art for a loooong time. not finished but here my wip on one of BAS's Chars .