This week's work! (WIP)




Thought I'd share what I got done this week. Focus has been hands and muscles (Though not scaled down hands, I'm still not happy with those. ) Here's what I've got in the form of... Shadow Scorcher .



I like it, although there are a few things that don't seem quite right.

The part I zero in on is the relation between the sides of the pecs and the shoulders. The shoulder usually falls more alongside the pec, instead of the pec undercutting the shoulder as is depicted here, (an exception would be if the subject is doing an exaggerated shrugging pose with the shoulders, as in a lazy "I dunno").

As you know, the hands also need some work, but I'm not so worried about them because you have the right idea in terms of general shape. They just need to be a bit bigger (a hand should be big enough to put a claw hold over most of the face), and other than that just keep looking at your own hands and improve your feel for the muscles (especially the chunky connecting the palm to the thumb) and joints.



With hands, try having someone pose for you with their hands in the position you want, or take a picture of someone with their hands in that position. That helps me.



Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it.



considering where you were with drawing before its quite a step .. follow the advice of these good people