The City Scoop! June 15th!




The City Scoop

June 15th, 2007

Vol.1 Issue.5

Rainbow Prom Hits Pocket D

the Entities

There's only one question this week. Everyone has
been majorly busy. Between Invasion news and her plans to bash Freakshow during
the Event weekend, Serafina was too busy to sit down with me. So I went to the
main man himself, Positron. Here is the one question on a lot of people's
minds. I can't say it's the only one, because news of the Invasion has everyone

How do your pick the Double Experience weekends?

"Um, I chose the 15th because it was my birthday
Sounds selfish, but I don't even get to PLAY that weekend, as even I have plans
for all three days. I see it as my birthday gift to the community. Plus you've
got Father's Day, the end of the school year/graduation, and the start of
summer to celebrate.

As for what goes into our decision: we don't want
double xp too often, then again we don't want it too rare. In addition, we need
to make sure the double xp event code works with the current version of the
game (which is why things like "do an eclipse" and "double the drop rates on
salvage and recipes" are impossible to do at this point)."

Thanks Positron, that's a great answer. I also want
to take this chance to apologize. Remember a time about 18months ago, someone
jammed a few apples into your exhaust vent, and it backed up and the fumes gave
you a headache? That was me... I'm sorry. In my defense you had just sent us
out on a Task Force with an incompetent leader and it took over 8 hours. I was
a rookie! I didn't know anything! Please don't revoke my license to be a
prosimian or something...

Boudicia's Leather Weather Report

Well, with a Rainbow Prom to attend and a Double XP
weekend approaching, who has time to go outside? If, by chance, you're one of
those hearty souls venturing into the great outdoors this week, expect plenty
of sunshine and warm weather! Some areas can expect continued cloudiness, fog
and smog, but otherwise, live it up, it's summertime!

On June 10th, Rainbow Prom was held in City of Heroes and City
of Villains! Hosted by DJ blu of the Super Group Rainbow Alpha, the event was
held in honor of the LGBT community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender) that populates the City of Franchise, though anyone and everyone
was welcome to participate. It was on the Victory Server.

The party start at eight o’ clock, PST, and those who made the
mistake of arriving late were to find themselves in the relatively quiet Pocket
D 2, this writer included. After some tenacity and luck, this writer was able
to attend Pocket D 1, wherein things were loud and festive.

Not widely enforced, a request of DJ blu was that everyone bring
a date, something the Mewrotic observed. When asked if she brought a date, or
if she coordinated outfits with said date, she responded “Yes and yes. Poor
Lord Cat kept getting asked if he already had a date… by guys! He was with me,
and he is straight. Double strike out. Sorry boys. Heh.”

Although the invitation stated the color code (black and blue)
and the dress code (tuxedos preferred), just about every costume imagineable
was to be seen at the party. From the elegant Mia Starmaker to the less than
subtle Gaycicle, players of all genders, orientations, and lifestyles were in
attendance. Some people were so costume and character crazed that they would
log on and off with multiple characters. “This event has been a blast,” said
Mystic Raver during the party, “been here since the start with multiple toons,
dance macros, etc.” The wide variety suited the mood well, and was conducive to
a wonderful costume contest that was to be judged by DJ blu.

Due to the nature of the dual Pocket Ds, there ended up being
more than one costume contest. After careful consideration, and very hectic
D-hopping and chatter among the host and his team of Divas / Judges,
Captain Pride
enjoyed the highly coveted "Best Overall" , with many
donated prizes including custom made toon art, "Hottest Couple" went to the
Rubberlad and Rubberhubby
! "Most Bizzare" went to
and Best Villain was decidedly won by
Mommie Dearest
when she whipped out her ghost slaying Ax. “My favorite
part of the event was the costume contest,” commented Pride-Warrior. “It was a
lot of fun seeing all the great get-ups everyone put together. Everyone looked

Not all costumes were made for the sake of the contest, however,
and many were there purely to be seen or to show off their mastery of costume
design. An entire team of celebrity impersonators were, at one point, gathered
at the Hero-side bar. Phyllis Diller, Carmen Miranda, Judy Garland, Lucy
Ricardo, and Ethel Mertz, could all be seen having drinks and laughes, much to
the entertainment of themselves and others.

It was after these events and festivites that the atmosphere
became more relaxed. People began to simply dance with each other and make
witty banter on the Broadcast channel, enjoying the custom music mix that DJ
blu had been streaming for his guests..Then the Golden Titles began.

Within moments, the majority of party goers had received the
Golden Title “Rainbow Connection ‘07”. As Gold Titles can only be given out by
employees of NCSoft, this caused a ripple through the crowd, who realized that
Ex Libris was in attendance. Shortly after her appearance, Lighthouse was to
make an entrance. There was much fussing, adoration, and begging for Golden
Titles, until Lighthouse suddenly invited everyone to go skiing. The ski chalet
had been opened! Without hesitation, nearly every member of the party headed
towards the top of the snowy peak, and the group proceeded to race down the
hill at top speeds. Had it not been for certain Heroes and Villains with Super
Speed, it may have actually be an even competition, too!

The party eventually quieted down after this. All in all, it was
a fantastic event that lasted well over its three hour time slot. The impact of
the Rainbow Prom was significant, as, with Lighthouse and Ex Libris’s
attendance, this LGBT received more attention than was previously normal for
the community to receive. “I was personally very impressed,” says F. Paxil Zap,
leader of an all women’s SG on Virtue named Sapphite Institute. “I think
Rainbow Alpha made history in gaming, especially with developer support. I
thought the music was great, the company was wonderful, and it made me proud to
be a bisexual gamer.” Paxil was not alone in her opinion, as there was much
chatter towards the end of the party that was discussing the empowering feeling
this party gave many players.

event looks to have a lot of support, and this reporter took the liberty of
asking DJ blu if this event will be recurring, to which Blu replied “OF COURSE!
It will have to be a PRIDE tradition from now on.” A repeating event may be
necessary, as many attendees have already committed to the next year’s event,
such as Pride-Warrior, who claims “This was an absolute blast, and I can’t wait
to have that kind of fun again soon!”

DJ blu will be hosting various events throughout the year, with
weekly BBQs all summer long in City of Villains, and big event planned in

This Issue:

Main Page


Ask the Entities



State of the Archetype

Super Secret Diner

Dear Athy


Travel Guide

Market Watch
Advice from the X

Behind the Mask

Interviews with:


Milk Weasel

Iron Sites


Art and Entertainment

The Week in Art

Featured Artist

Collecting Character Art


The Hero's Quiz: Atlas Park

Upcoming Events:

June 16th



A rare extrasolar event will occur during the upcoming weekend,
an event that may cause a dramatic increase in the rate at which super-powered
individuals gain in power and experience. The cause of this unpredictable event
is imperfectly understood by modern science, but there is no question about its
effects: many supers swear by its powerful flux.

Over the upcoming weekend, most super-humans can expect an
almost twofold increase in the rate which they accrue power. This increase is
best measured by the Experience Bar, a creation of infamous inventor Dr.
Reichart Von Gehirnsturm.

Von Gehirnsturm, recently known as Dr. Brainstorm, developed the
Experience Bar as a means to precisely measure the acquisition of superhuman
powers. Though the device is no longer manufactured by Electrodynamagic since
the company declared bankruptcy in 1998, many superpowered citizens carry one,
or a similar device built on the plans of the publicly owned patent, to measure
their own progress.

The extrasolar radiation expected this weekend will affect
nearly all residents, with or without super powers, irrespective of weather
conditions, indoors and out, from Paragon to the Rogue Isles and beyond.

This flux effect will be heightened due to the season, says a
Paragon resident who specializes in weather phenomena. "It is summer in the
Northern Hemisphere so we’re getting more direct sunlight this time of year,"
reports Climate Shift (level 3, Protector). "The earth is [the size of] a pea
compared to the sun, so it’ll be hard not to get bombarded by this energy."

Many heroes plan to help measure this unusual phenomenon this
weekend, by calibrating the increased power ratios on their Experience Bars.
"It would not only be my civic duty," reports Carbon Crux (7, Protector), "but
an expectation of myself and other heroes to participate."

Because the radiation will be blanketing the Earth in cosmic
rays, it does not benefit simply the heroes. Local hero Da Dockta (50, Liberty)
theorizes that the radiation will benefit others as well. "If the extrasolar
activity will boost existing superheroes to new heights in power, it should
convert normal citizens to super status."

Ghostmaker (46, Liberty) agrees. "I imagine the surge will spark
off numerous mutant talents, bring them from latent to active. I’m kind of
hoping for spontaneous emergences, myself, preferably of citizens who are being
menaced by the various gangs. Nothing rattles them quite like having a victim
suddenly becoming a hero."

Even the gangs may experience a burst in newfound power over the
weekend, returning to the streets in ever-greater numbers. "Since this is a
global threat," says Dockta, "all of us need to be on high alert and even more
vigilant than ever."

Increased threat levels from villains are inevitable, Crux
believes. Crux, a Tanker, says although criminal gangs may gain a slight
advantage from this power fluctuation, heroes are up to the task. "With our
numbers amassed as well, the threat should be minimal."

This view is echoed by Asto Kainen (10, Liberty), who warns, "I
assume we won’t be the only ones affected. If that gives them reason to do
something foolish, they’ll regret it."

Ghostmaker looks forward to a change in the routine. "I know I
tend to perpetuate the scrapper mentality," he said, "but the more targets I
have, the happier I am."

Although the weather forecast calls for cloudy skies over the
Rogue Isles this weekend, few expect this to seriously blunt the effect of the
radiation on superpowered residents there. "From what I read, the flux will go
right through it," says Beholder (7, Infinity). "Kind of like ultraviolet

Beholder experienced similar conditions previously in his home
state of Texas. "There was a bunch of newly awakened people and it was such a
mess. Everyone was too busy to do much, but try to keep the mayhem to a

When asked what he had done to minimize the mayhem, the
Corruptor said he’d "rather not say."

Desticarto (5, Infinity), a Stalker on Mercy Island, has never
experienced such an event. "I am curious what solar flares will do to my
powers," he said. "Honestly, I wouldn’t know. This is the first solar flare for
me since I became a super villain."

The predicted extrasolar phenomenon may strain international
relations with the Rogue Island chain. Some residents suspect paramilitary
action could be timed to coincide with the flux. "I’d sure like some payback on
those meddling Longbow," said Beholder. "Red and white really gets my dander
up. They weren’t exactly hospitable when I was their guest, if you get my

Residents of the Rogue Isles refused to let threats of Longbow
or Wyvern action dampen their enthusiasm for the weekend. "Nothing will stand
between me and my goals," says Blightlord (50, Guardian). "I always take
advantage of opportunities to get ahead of those weaker fools who seek to
challenge me."

Which fools? "They know who they are," Blightlord said darkly.

"Every day there are attempts on the leaders of Arachnos,"
Blightlord went on. "The increase in power changes nothing."

Despite this assessment, Da Dockta plans to spend the weekend
assisting Statesman with the troublesome villains. "I’m most worried about
Ghost Widow," Dockta admitted. "She has been known to be tough to begin with.
I’m sure she will be over-confident and boasting as usual."

Asto Kainen plans to monitor the work of the Clockwork King and
his technomagical minions. "I’m sure they’ll be charging up anything with a
gear and a battery, with the increase in solar power," he said.

Ghostmaker plans to thwart the plans of the Praetorians. "I
might take time to pass out some well-deserved beatings among other villainous
groups, though," he added, "such as Nemesis or Council."

An increase in newly minted villains is suspected in the Rogue
Isles this weekend as well. "It has in the past," said Blightlord. "They won't
present much of a threat for a while."

He added menacingly, "To all the villains hoping to take
advantage and rise to the top of the ranks, I'll be waiting to make sure you
stay where you belong."

The cause of this extrasolar event remains a mystery, although
there is no shortage of theories. "Probably the equinox," guessed Beholder.

Paragon’s resident expert on radiation, Positron, was reportedly
too busy to comment on the possible timing of this event, because it was the
weekend of his birthday.

Climate Shift believes the upcoming weekend will see a
tremendous influx of new heroes due to the extrasolar rays. "I’ve heard that
there are already a lot of heroes that owe their genesis to radiation of all
sorts. I know a guy named Infrasapien that got his start due to a solar storm."
Even ordinary citizens may begin to exhibit superpowers in this radiation, it
is believed.

It may already be happening. A citizen passing along the
pavement strong-armed Shift out of the way. "Hey, I’m walking here!" said

The event is predicted to last from Friday, June 15th at 8:59 am
PST / 11:59 am EST to Sunday, June 17th at 8:59 pm PST / 11:59 PM EST.


In honor of double rewards weekend, the point-counterpoint
article for this week is about leveling and leveling speed.

This week’s subject – Leveling Speed Increases


There are certain advantages to increasing the leveling speed of
the game. The biggest advantage is that people like to see their characters
progress, and leveling is the chief way to accomplish this, so increasing the
frequency of those level increases will provide players with a greater
enjoyment of their characters. But there are other advantages. For some players
parts of the game which seem slow normally would take less time, perhaps
encouraging those players who may be tempted to stop playing to continue
playing instead. Positron mentioned that Issue 9 will provide the devs some
data mining tools to examine the leveling curve.


But there are also certain disadvantages associated with
increased leveling speed. Those players that like to see as much content as
possible with a single character will have a harder time doing as much per
level as they used to. There is also an existing contact system which could be
disrupted such that it might not be possible to progress through the contact
tiers in the way the devs intended. Leveling speed increases suggest to players
that the primary reason to play is to level characters, which may limit certain
play styles, and It is also likely that players will reach the final level for
a character more rapidly and more often, which will increase the requests by
players to increase the content for characters at the level cap.

There have been numerous options offered to modify leveling
speed, most to increase it, but some also to decrease it. Here are some of the
most Robust ideas for modifying level speed, and some of the Pros and Cons:

1. The ability to skip levels.

PROS: Allows players to skip levels they believe are less
interesting than other levels.

CONS: Limits the number of players playing in the level ranges
skipped. Dark Age of Camelot used this technique, with mostly negative results
for the player base.

2. “rested” exp rate increases.

PROS: Allows players who do not play certain characters as
often to level them faster when they do decide to play.

CONS: May be viewed as a punishment for playing a particular
character a lot. Castle mentioned that resting increase to experience is not
something he favors.

3. An Experience earn bar, similar to the difficulty bar.

PROS: Can be used to both increase or decrease speed as

CONS: Many players would select the highest setting,
essentially functioning as a base level speed increase; however, teaming with
those players that do not will create team leveling disharmony.

4. Temporary exp increase powers.

PROS: Allows players to select which levels they find less
interesting, and decrease the time spent playing in those particular levels.

CONS: Teaming with players that are not using those powers
will create team leveling disharmony.

5. Certain missions being known to be worth larger quantities of
exp, for instance, One of the list of 3 missions from Police Band or Newspaper

PROS: Allows players to select higher experience missions if
they wish.

CONS: Players may focus so much on these missions that other
content is ignored.

6. Special Increased exp times, such as x2 exp weekends.

PROS: Already implemented. Can be used to increase server
traffic during these times.

CONS: Not everyone can participate during these times. Some
players have computers which have difficulty handling the increased server

7. Target certain level ranges (1-20, 30+) and increase the
experience earned in those levels.

PROS: Improves the leveling speed for all players in those
level ranges.

CONS: No player control over leveling speed.

8. Modify debt. Perhaps allow inf to be used to pay off debt, or
increase or decrease the debt cap.

PROS: Improves the situation most often associated with
decreased game play experience (being defeated). Increased debt limits allow
players to slow leveling speed if so desired.

CONS: Decreased game risk for defeat may produce poorer play
abilities, and reduces the overall challenge of the game. Buyable debt relief
favors inf rich players. Increased debt limits might further discourage players
who are disappointed by defeats.

9. AT Respecs, where you can change one AT, Primary or
Secondary, into some other APS.

PROS: Does not modify existing leveling speed, but allows
players to try new character types at advanced levels.

CONS: Encourages players to select easier level ATs and Powers
suited to particular level ranges. APS information are defining characteristics
of a character.

10. Allow players the ability to self-exemplar/malefactor

PROS: Allows players interested in seeing more content on a
single character to do so.

CONS: Reduces the interest in making additional characters,
limiting replay ability. The devs have mentioned that such an ability to
“Flashback” is not something they are currently pursuing.

If you enjoy increased rewards and can participate in this
weekend’s double rewards event, enjoy the bonus. If you like teaming, server
traffic is likely to be up, and the chances to team should increase. Most of
all have fun. Hopefully this article has got you thinking about some other ways
the devs can modify leveling speed, and if one particular way interests you,
feel free to suggest to them they implement your preferred option.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.




to front page

State of the
Archetype: Masterminds

Masterminds are the classic villain role of an evil genius
ordering his minions around to do their dirty work. They can be a pushover if
caught by themselves, but that seldom happens. With the ability to quickly
summon reinforcements they can out-tank a tank when necessary and become an
unstoppable force of destruction. Their power is not only their minions it is
in the secondary powers. Masterminds have numerous ways to enhance their
minions from defensive sets like Force Fields, to offensive sets like Poison,
to tactical sets like traps and arrows, and AoE goodness that is Dark. This of
course leads to internal bickering on which combo is best. The true answer is
there is no best, but what type of Mastermind are you?

Being a Mastermind is not for the faint of heart. With the
lowest hit points in the game one must understand the many nuances of the
archetype to be successful. The thing that is not mentioned when rolling a new
Mastermind or set by default is Bodyguard mode. It is the thing that the can
make the lowest hit point AT laugh at a flawlessly executed assassin strike. It
makes taking the alpha strike for the team fun. What is it? Bodyguard mode
distributes damage taken by the Mastermind to all of the pets in supremacy
range (60') and in defensive follow. Again this is not mentioned in the game
and not set by default. For the new Mastermind the first thing one should do is
right click on the follow button and change "Follow Aggressive" to "Follow
Defensive". That one change makes a night and day difference for the new

Masterminds must also be able to control their pets. It is not
good enough to simply have them attack and run wild. Pets need a short leash to
keep them from aggravating multiple spawns of mobs. Not being able to do that
will label you as a bad Mastermind and a liability to any team. In order to
control pets many keybinds or macros must be used. The best example of keybinds
Sandolphan's Revised MM Numpad Pet Controls
. Although there are many
ways to control your pets, Sandolphan's method should be required reading for
any Mastermind. Basically, it does not matter how a Mastermind controls their
pets only that they do control them.

has Inventions done for Mastermind pets? The answer is a mixed review. For the
most part Inventions has been great for Masterminds. There are two unique auras
available for the Mastermind: a defense (5%) and a resistance (10%) aura which
are effective in a 40' radius around the mastermind. These auras are always on
just like Supremacy. Inventions sets give Masterminds the ability to change
conventional wisdom slotting of 2Acc/3Dmg/1secondary to something that can give
90%+ bonuses in accuracy and damage with some endurance bonus. However, the
sets are damage only sets meaning they only enhance the big three acc/dmg/end.
There is no provision for pet secondary powers like hold, fear, defense, and
debuffs. Meaning, no one set wins the Best Set award although Blood Mandate is
the choice for the 40+ crowd. Currently Masterminds will be mixing and matching
sets to get the bonuses they are after. The 47+ crowd will still be coveting
Hamidon enhancements to get those pet secondary powers boosted.

Currently Inventions favors Thugs and Necromancy the most. This
is due to having a fourth pet power that is eligible for a pet damage set
meaning that the unique auras can be slotted there without "gimping" the
primary pets. Masterminds are looking forward to future pets sets that are not
just damage based and do something for pet secondary powers.

What has Inventions done for Mastermind secondary powers? Some
have greatly benefited from Inventions like Force Fields. A FF is able to five
slot Luck of the Gambler for a 37.5% recharge in all of their powers. All of
Poison's signature powers have been left out due to a lack of debuff sets.
Traps on the other hand have sets available for all of the powers.

What is the verdict? Inventions from the Mastermind perspective
are good for a first pass, but far from complete.

What are the pressing issues for Masterminds? Pet AI is on top
of the list. AI issues such as Mercenaries flash banging parking meters to
Ninjas just running amok to unresistable lava baths and pain crystals. The
biggest offender would be the Bruiser after the L32 upgrade. The Bruiser
continues to throw rocks from point blank to staying at range never going in to
attack. The most painfully obvious and simple fix has recently given to fix
this: to simply swap rock throw and knockout punch in the Equip and Upgrade
powers. One of the most requested features would be to have an
auto/ranged/melee switch added to Mastermind pets. The ability to tell pets to
stay at range or stay in melee would benefit all of the pet classes.

The other issue is in PVP. Specifically in the arena of not
being able to set up before being attacked. There is a short time to activate
self-affecting powers which does not allow a MM to summon pets. The opponent
can turn on all of their toggles and super speed over to get a kill in before
the second set of pets is summoned. Then the MM is caught in a hole that is
almost impossible to get out of since the pet timers are not reset and the MM
is left not being able to summon pets for the next round. Unless an opponent
with class is found willing to let the MM set up the arena can be next to
impossible for the MM. The arena should be area where two AT’s can meet head on
at full force in a “fair” fight. Not saying anything about the
rock/paper/scissors aspect, but just to be able to start on an even level.

Not everyone is cut out to be a Mastermind. Getting others to do
our work while we survey the situation, and maintain the big picture is where
we excel. Turning the game’s weakest archetype into one of the toughest takes a
full understanding of the class to be considered a true Mastermind.

Super Secret Diner : In
Front Steakhouse

A predominate feature on the landscape of Paragon City, since
the 1940's has been In Front Steakhouse. In urban and suburban settings, one
could hardly miss the large white Angus steer and the tag line “World Famous
Smokin' Cowboy Food and Fun.” Do not let this fool you, In Front is a
restaurant that might cater to family ambiance but the food is all grown up.

Walking in to In Front, there is a lot of “Cowboy Ketch”. Framed
cowboy boots and lariat ropes adorn the walls. All of the lighting is fashioned
out of horse shoes and cattle horns. The seating is rustic and covered with a
mishmash of cow hides, denim and worn leather. There is even an area where you
could dine seated on hand made western saddles. All soft drinks, and even some
more adult drinks,are served in mason jars. Woven throughout the restaurants
are half inch scale dioramas, chronicling the Western expansion and the worlds
obsession with the American Southwest as well as the American Indian tribes.
These dioramas, of which most are motorized, highlight the wonders and sorrow
of the people, places and things that connect this country, from sea to shining

The menu of In Front is all grown up. Hand trimmed USDA Prime
beef from Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska. 36 ounce Porterhouse steaks to 6
ounce petite fillets and everything cooked over an “Open Pit” wood grill. No
gas or charcoal here. The hard wood fire is a proprietary blend of hickory,
maple, mesquite, and apple woods. All entrees come with a choice of soup or
salad, baked potato, rice or beans and a vegetable.

Appetizer choices include foods that you would normally see on a
menu, such as nachos and cheese sticks, with a few specialties that only In
Front could have. Being a steak house, then do serve “Rocky Mountain Oysters”.
These are not an urban myth and are an unique experience to say the least. They
also have a very nice beef sausage, cheese and cracker tray. In Front only
serves one type of salad, tossed green, and one type of soup, they call it
“Campfire chowder”, although there is nothing “chowder” about it. Thick cuts of
beef and vegetables in a flavorful broth. The salad may be simple with fresh
greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, shredded carrots and croutons but the dressings
are anything but. Picking amongst the six homemade dressings is hard enough,
but saving room for dinner is even harder. Prime Rib roast, 16 ounces of it,
graced my plate with fresh au jus and fresher horseradish. A loaded baked
potato, piled high with butter, cheddar cheese, sour cream, hot bacon crumbles
and chives, came on it's own plate. My tabled shared another specialty of In
Fronts as a vegetable, Frosted Cauliflower. This is only something that a table
can order, as the presentation is a whole head of cauliflower, and the
recommend that only parties of 3 or more order it. A head of cauliflower,
smothered in sharp cheddar cheese, is brought out on a large serving platter
and "carved" table side. It's a great way to get the kids to eat their
vegetables. For dessert, a stunning array of sweets ranging from chocolate cake
to cheese cake, from fresh fruit pies to a chocolate chip cookie sundae.

In Front Steakhouse will set you back a few dollars, but you do
get what you pay for. Open for dinner only Tuesday through Sunday, they accept
all major credit cards and, of course cash.

In Front Steakhouse marinade

The chefs at In Front generally use this marinade on the traditionally tougher
cuts of meat, like skirt steak and shoulder steaks. If you are unable to get
USDA Prime beef at home, this marinade is great on all steaks.

    1 cup of soy sauce[*]
    1/4 cup of canola oil[*]
    1/4 cup of lemon juice[*]
    1 tablespoon of Worcestershire Sauce[*]
    2 cloves of garlic minced[*]
    salt and pepper[/list]

    Marinade your meat from 15 minutes to 12 hours, depending on cut, tenderness
    and taste.

In Front Steakhouse Blue Cheese Dressing

This is a classic blue cheese dressing "liberated" by In Front's original owner
from another steakhouse in Kansas City Missouri

    1 cup mayonnaise[*]
    1/4 cup whole milk[*]
    1 tablespoon red wine vinegar[*]
    1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce[*]
    1 teaspoon garlic salt[*]
    1 teaspoon lemon pepper[*]
    5 ounces crumbled blue cheese[/list]

    Combine all ingredients, in order, in a medium bowl. Blend well and refrigerate
    for at least 30 minutes.

Frosted Cauliflower

This is a quick and easy version of the dish, for home preparation, it serves 4
or more.

    1 medium head of cauliflower[*]
    1/2 -1 cup of mayonnaise[*]
    1 -2 cups of shredded sharp cheddar cheese[/list]

    Clean and de-core cauliflower. Place the whole head on a large microwave plate.
    Cover loosely with plastic wrap and microwave for about 2 -3 minutes (depending
    on wattage). Remove cauliflower and liberally frost with mayonnaise. Cover with
    cheese and microwave for another 1 -2 minutes until all the cheese is melted.
    While the dish is still warm, slice into wedges and serve.

Dear Athy

"Dear Athy,

Lately I have been too tired to do even the
simplest things. Let me hasten to add that I am active, very active, until I
run out of endurance. I've been looking for ways to improve my fitness but
getting started seems to be too big of a hurdle. At first I was aiming to build
up quite a reputation as a powerhouse, but lately the group I run around with
has been complaining that I can't keep up and threatening to kick me out. My
wife is a stronger defender of mine but while she is empathetic so far she is
unable to help. What can I do?

- No Real Gas"

Athy asked around the newsroom trying to get
several opinions for you. However, it would seem that there’s some stigma
associated with ‘under-performing’ as it were. No one would give me a straight
answer. Can you believe it? Later though, there was a note on my desk directing
me to speak with a representative of Wentworth’s. I was quite intrigued. I’d
mistakenly assumed the consignment shop was merely for new clothes. Boy was I

After some “Hello’s” with the greeter (she likes to
be called Marge), I asked, point blank, about endurance and performance. Let me
tell you, that woman can talk! And talk she did! Apparently, there’s these
specialty type enhancements, like designer quality, that when combined have
added, cumulative effects. One of these effects is on the amount of endurance
used. Wow. So, a little more prodding (not much actually, did I mention Marge
loves chatting?) and I got a hold of a nice little list of just which of these
designer sets affect endurance. And, I’ve got a copy of it right

Athy your questions!


Controller – You are well-disposed to others at this time, but you should
be careful of "bending over backwards" just to help someone or please someone.
You may feel yourself used now.

Defender – Sun square Moon creates conflicts between you and loved ones who may
have different ideas about what you should be doing. Bottling up problems is
not healthy!

Scrapper – To avoid discontent, rebel against monotony by initiating
exciting new activities. 'Life goes by pretty fast; if you don't stop to look
around once in a while, you could miss it.' - Ferris Bueller.

– Jupiter transiting the Second House designates a time when you have "lady
luck" and may increase finances through speculation or contests. However, you
may also be apt to lose influence as quickly as it accumulates and you should
take caution in engaging in enterprises which entail the accruing of many

– Mercury square Mars can bring about irritability and grouchiness to you at
your place of work. It's important to lighten up and try to enjoy the day and
your work as much as possible. Care should be exercised if investments are made
at this time.

Peacebringer – Sun transiting the Tenth House marks a time when you
should enjoy great success and attention through your profession. Being in the
"spotlight" is common to you during this transit and you should realize that it
is a good time to be humble and see where work can best help others.

– Neptune transiting the First House tunes you to the thoughts and feelings of
friends and family. Interest in religion or mysticism is high now, and your
sympathies for others is great. You may be of tremendous help to an associate
or stranger because of your compassionate nature during this transit.

– Mars transiting the Tenth House shows a tendency for you to be extremely
hard-working and ambitious on the professional level. You may tend to ignore
others or "use them" to achieve success, though. It is important then to
develop a "team attitude" so as not to alienate fellow workers.

– Moon square Mercury indicates a time when you may experience a great deal of
misunderstanding in your professional life. There may be conflicts about the
direction a certain project should go or, people working under you may not
perform up to your standards.

– Saturn conjunct Jupiter marks a time where restrictions (either external or
self-imposed) make you restless or even pessimistic. You must decide whether to
persevere in your present conditions or take the initiative and change them.

– Mercury conjunct Jupiter confers enthusiasm and quick mindedness. Your
comprehension of issues is broadened today and your inner peace makes you
tolerant of dissenting views. Your judgment is good today and leads to

– Uranus conjunct Mars is a transit of spectacular power, and the explosive
energy may flood into any facet of your life. You will find it difficult to
control or even mask your emotions. Constructive expression is the key today.

Horoscopes provided by Lady Athyna

Welcome to Talos Island

"While wrestling with the Chimera in the waters of the bay,
Talos tore a rift in the ocean floor. Although the hero never rose from the
waters, the island that formed was named in his honor."

- Plaque inscription at the base of the statue of

Talos Island is in many ways the cultural heart of Paragon City.
It's a glittering jewel of commerce, society and travel. Moreso than any other
area, its story exemplifies the heroic ideal we all strive for. Talos made the
ultimate heroic sacrific to protect the city from evil, and the resulting
island serves as the basis for a thriving community. However because of this
vibrancy, there are always threats to its safety. It's up to modern heroes to
honor that kind of sacrifice, and protect the local communities built from it.

The docks in the western parts of Talos are not as large and
vital as those in Independence Port, but they provide a steady link to the
highways of Skyway City and from there the Airports. This makes them an
irresistible lure to criminals. Because of their smaller size, the Family
doesn't take significant interest in the area, but Talos Island's role as a
cultural center means many rare and precious commodities are imported here,
making it a target for groups that deal in ancient magical artifacts and modern
technology. The Tsoo, Warriors, and Circle of Thorns all vie to plunder these
commodities as they come into or exit the city. Sometimes even the Freakshow
join in solely to cause chaos. I'm not a student of magic, but it's obvious
that letting them collect these artifacts is a bad idea. You can earn a lot of
credit by working to weaken Tsoo Sorcerers and Ancestor Spirits, as well as
leaders of the Warriors or Freakshow.

The neighborhoods of the island form a shining core with many
bad elements along the edges trying to pick away at what is good. In the
southeast of the zone, the presence of the Banished Pantheon shows that the
evil that consumed Dark Astoria does not rest, and must be watched. The office
blocks are safe enough during the day, but at night when the workers go home,
the Pantheon Spirits wander. The more people you bring to beat back the threat,
the more the Mask Spirits appear. It's more efficient to bring some friends and
work together to beat back the darkness. To the northeast of that area are some
uninhabited stretches of wilderness that have been infested by the Devouring
Earth. It's never clear what the children of Hamidon are up to, but their
proximity to the heart of the city is worrisome.

Anyone who has been out to Striga Isle knows the sad story of
the Moraine, lost at sea over seventy-five years ago. Talos Island plays a role
in her story even today, because of the mysterious nature of its disappearance.
The ghostly remnants of the ship and crew still ply the waters of the bay, and
even sail over land! Everyone should take care when the ship passes over the
heart of the island, leaving behind shades of dead sailors, and waking restless
neighborhood spirits.

In closing though, I choose to remind everyone of the good
things we're defending in this zone. The many thriving businesses all in close
proximity make shopping easy for hero and civilian alike. Popular hangouts like
Spanky's Boardwalk let everyone relax and have a bit of fun. Sporting events in
the arena could stand to be revitalized, but the building is still an example
of a growing city. New and active facilities such as Wentworth's and Vault
Storage Incorporated stand along with offices of long-time inhabitants like
Cryptic Software. The criminals may try to interfere, but as long as we're
vigilant, all these things will be around for a long time to come.

Protea's Market Watch

It’s been a strange week for the market. Speculations about
manipulation were suddenly cast into a whole new light when the price histories
suddenly disappeared early Tuesday morning. What could this portend?

Always with his ear to the ground, yours truly has been avidly
investigating the rumors. And though I can’t reveal all of what I’ve learned, I
will say that the subpoenas of Countess Crey, head of
Crey Industries
, have everyone’s lawyers in a tizzy. With links now
confirmed to both Wentworth’s and the Black Market, and untold millions in
patents and other holdings, Crey’s influence on the market could cause
considerable damage should she wish to wield it with malice.

Heroes and villains alike are warning each other to approach the
market cautiously under these conditions. Remember, never trust the other party
to set the terms of your transaction: if you offer low, be prepared to close
low. You never know who your trading partner will be – and the Countess gives
no quarter.

Top 5 sellers for each market as of the morning of 6/14:

RHA Pangean
4,680,000 +0%
RHA Prophecy 3,880,000 -21%
RHA Magical
3,700,000 -1%
RHA Essence
of the Furies
3,340,000 -16%
RMA Deific
3,240,000 -9%

Black Market
RHA Prophecy 2,900,000 +16%
RHA Pangean
2,320,000 -17%
RHA Hamidon
1,870,000 -5%
RHA Deific
930,000 -2%
RHA Magical
845,000 +8%

View the full report


Advice From the X

"Dear LiquidX,

What's the password for this [Censored] book?!


A. Williams

Dear A. Williams,

It's Klaatu Barada Ni... Nnnnn... Noodle? ...Necturn? ...Nickle?

...Sonofa... It was an N word. Definitly an N word... Klaatu... Barada...
Ni*coughing fit*. There, I said it. That's it. Now go away.

Seriously. We're done here.

I said the column was finished!


I *SAID* the word! GO AWAY!

Ask the X for advice!

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



the Mask

Back to front

Iron Sites

Liberty Server

is your home server and why did you end up picking it as your home server?

Actually it wasn’t my picking of Liberty that caused me to come
here. When I first joined the game my friend (& near future cofounder of
our SG) invited me for a free trial. I liked the game & stayed here because
he was already on Liberty.

Where do you live?

Houston Texas

What else do you like to do in your free time besides play CoX?

I play other PC games; watch a movie or spend time with my kids
&/or girlfriend

What are your favorite movies?

300; Army of Darkness; Excalibur; Starship Troopers;
Independence Day

What are your favorite Books and authors?

Wow trick question! Hmm well I used to read the old MechWarrior
(Battletech) & Dragonlance (D&D) series of books but there were so many

What TV shows do you like to watch?

Farscape; Star Trek; Star Gate; The Simpsons; Family Guy; Heroes

How did you get drawn to this game?

A friend introduced me to it. I tried it out & was hooked. I
was impressed by some of the original features of it & stayed with it even
though I was never a big comic book genre fan & that’s saying something.

What is your favorite aspect of the game?

I have always been big into customizing characters as much as
possible. I would say the ability to custom pick & slot powers as well as
costume options.

Who is your namesake character and what are they?

My main is known on Liberty as Iron Sites. I have always been a
fan of the whole natural hero idea (highly skilled humans or a gadget type of
hero). So I made an AR/Dev blaster & he was my first 50. He also founded
the SG.

Which of all the archetypes and powersets would you say is your

For a person with altitus like myself that’s an extremely hard
question to answer. I like several different ones for different reasons given
the AT I’m in the mood to play that evening. For the most part I would say I’m
a blaster man. However I like assault rifle; Fire & Ice…all for different
reasons too. For superior AoE tick damage I go with Assault Rifle. For Boss
killing or PvP I go with Ice. For a balance of the two & good burst damage
I go with Fire. Sorry but there was no single answer for that one lol

Your least favorites?

I would say defenders & controllers mostly because I’m a
Tanker; Blaster; Scrapper kind of guy. I have one Controller & two
defenders on my account just to have more options though.

Do you prefer Heroside or villainside?


What would you say is your greatest strength in the game?

Well when I’m on my game I would say team based tactics. I like
developing a good plan & seeing it work. I guess it’s like one of those
sports guys who write plays in play books all the time heh.

Your greatest weakness in the game?

Hmm I would say being tired. If I get home from work & I’m
tired then I tend to make mistakes more often; die more often; etc.

What zone is your favorite?

I would say Faultline because it has the most recent complete
story arc content added to the game.

What is your favorite Storyline in the game?

A Path Into Darkness – I like fighting Council…its cool when
they randomly turn into werewolves.

What one feature would you like to see added to the game?

More story arcs! Seriously we need more story arcs to choose
from especially in the mid to late game. Adding a patch; Inventions or more
badges is not “content”.

We need more story arcs & I hope I10 brings that to the

What advice do you have for any new players to the game?

Listen to advice when veteran players try to give it. The most
annoying thing in this game is a newbie who won’t listen to others or try to
follow a battle plan. People should be so lucky that veteran players are
willing to help out & give advice.

Also if you have a “concept character” please try to make it as
effective as possible. Do your homework & read up on the limitations of
your powers then respec! Please ask questions! It’s the best way to learn

Any closing comments?

CoH is an excellent game. Despite the bugs & nerfs you can
still find a way to love it. The devs did a good job on the GUI & the chat
system (customizing tabs) is really nice. I also feel the graphics engine does
a good job of making it feel like a comic book.

However after being in the game nearly two years all I want to
see now is more content & power sets. & please oh please no more
nerfs…nerfing SOs in I5 was enough. I don’t feel that Inventions added any new
content to the game; content is story arcs. I think a good example is The
Faultline, I’m begging the devs for more story arcs! However I would gladly
forego any content being added in a future issue just so the devs could focus
on fixing bugs. I bet the majority of 1+ year players would agree with that.


Liberty Server

is your home server and why did you end up picking it as your home server?

Liberty. I don't know when I first went to make a toon I looked
at all the names of the servers and thought Liberty sounds really nice and
patriotic! Lucky for me I was right, its extremely nice!

Where do you live?


What else do you like to do in your free time besides play CoX?

I love to listen to music, I love to read, I also love to watch TV, I'm forever
playing catchup with my DVR. I also spend a good deal of time at work.

What are your favorite movies?

My favorite movie of all time is Ghost. I enjoy the Xmen series,
Spiderman series and I like the first Star Wars trilogy (Episodes 4-6) and
Indiana Jones.

What are your favorite Books and authors?

Anything by Dean Koontz, Janet Evanovich, Stephen King, or Carl
Hiaasen. I love to read.

What TV shows do you like to watch?

Supernatural, 24, Nip/Tuck, Heroes, Smallville, South Park (that
WoW episode was classic...), Reno 911, 2 and a Half Men and Jericho.

Do you have any pets?

yes, 4 cats. They range in ages from 3 years to 14 years. I'm a
sucker for a sob story.

How did you get drawn to this game?

My brother in law had it up on his computer when I came over. I
got a hold of a copy and have been hooked ever since. He jokes that he's my

What is your favorite aspect of the game?

I love being able to just get online and I can just do whatever
I want, finish up some badges, make some new outfits, spend some time crafting,
or just running around selling things (I'm a big fan of the auctionhouse).

is your namesake character and what are they?

My namesake toon is Monkeybutt (nka Princess Monkey her name got
generic'd, but she is still called "Monkeybutt" lol), she's a level 50
fire/rad. My absolute favorite toon.

Which of all the archetypes and powersets would you say is your

I love fire/rad and fire/kin the most, and ill/storm is a close

Your least favorites?


Do you prefer Heroside or villainside?


What would you say is your greatest strength in the game?

I can make a team in a flash.

Your greatest weakness in the game?

I have the amazing real life super power of being able to fall
asleep at my desk...while playing....

What zone is your favorite?

Peregrine or Croatoa.

What is your favorite Storyline in the game?

The AV Arc from Maria Jenkins is my favorite.

What one feature would you like to see added to the game?

More powersets.

What advice do you have for any new players to the game?

friends, join a big sg so that way you have veteran players to help you. Don't
be afraid to swap out to different alts and find the one that really "pops" for
you. Don't be afraid to ask the vets questions, most will answer you politely.

Any closing comments?

Bring back all my controller pets! (hey...I say it everywhere
else...hehe). Seriously though, I would just like to say that I have enoyed my
time in COH immensely and would not trade it for anything in the world.

Milk Weasel

Liberty Server

What is your home server and why did you end up picking it as
your home server?

I started playing the game, one of my friends told me to play on Liberty
because he had a character there. After 3 months of my school not allowing the
right ports open (I lived on campus at the time) I finally got on and still
remembered to choose Liberty. By that time my friend no longer played though,
so I never did get to play with him.

Where do you live?

Orlando, distributor of millions of stupid hats with mouse ears
on them.

What else do you like to do in your free time besides play CoX?

The majority of my non-CoX spare time is spent hanging out with
friends, usually at restaurants or on the Frisbee field.

What are your favorite movies?

Big Lebowski, Mystery Men, Kung Fu Hustle, Bowfinger, Dumb and
Dumber… mostly comedy apparently

What are your favorite Books and authors?

I used to read a lot as a kid but sort of stopped when I hit
puberty. But I like the Hitchhikers trilogy, the Hobbit, Shel Silverstein and
Roald Dahl a lot.

What TV shows do you like to watch?

I’m not too big of a tv fanatic anymore. I love Futurama and
Family Guy, giggity giggity goo.

Do you have any pets?

Two dogs, a boxer and an English pit bull. They’re both dumb but
the pit’s too cute and lovable to hate and the boxer is my roommate’s so I
can’t do anything about him.

How did you get drawn to this game?

I really don’t remember for sure, but it probably was the first
time I read “create your own superhero and play him” that hooked me. That’s the
most thought out part of my game and each one of my alts has a distinct look,
backstory, and playstyle.

What is your favorite aspect of the game?

Second to character creation, I’d say the unique challenges
within it and figuring out how to surpass them. For example, I was one of the
leaders of Hamidon Death Squad back when it was pioneering the raid process
before the average player had even thought of challenging him. In fact, before
joining that SG I led the first widescale raid on him testing a ranged snipe
theory on the mitos. It didn’t work but the raid gave HDS a chance to recruit
and try out the huddled mass which worked. I even got 2 mito kills with my name
on them, so it was like a little bonus pat on the back.

Who is your namesake character and what are they?

Well my namesake actually comes from a small joke I had in high
school about Lithuanian milk weasels. I don’t really play my Milk Weasel alt
much though. Instead I’ll talk about my favorite alt. Cross Dresser is a man’s
soul trapped in a female spine/dark scrapper’s body who’s looking to get
revenge on the Circle mages who put him in the predicament. Mostly I named her
that to avoid being hit on by skeevy guys and still be able to play a girl alt,
but the story followed pretty quickly behind the name.

Which of all the archetypes and powersets would you say is your

Corruptors are definitely my favorite. They get to make mobs
helpless while mercilessly shooting them to death and get the nifty scourge
ability. I love the high damage of the fire blasts and the debuffs in the
radiation set on my alt Beast Infection. And Dark Armor is a really fun set
because of all the versatility in it and the challenge it gave me to overcome.

Your least favorites?

I hate controllers despite the fact that they share the debuff
with corruptors, whom I love. Their primaries are just very boring to me. I
like to dish out damage and they focus on letting the teammates do it while
they make the enemies sit there.

Do you prefer Heroside or villainside?

Well, heroside has larger amount of content and way more of my
friends on it usually. But villains have more fun ATs, better looking
environments and storylines that keep my attention very well.

What would you say is your greatest strength in the game?

Granite Armor. Heh, just kidding. I’d say my friends, because
without them this game would lose all it’s appeal. They’re always there to help
if I need it and keep me enjoying it all. I’d also like to give a shout out to
all my boys and gals at The Legion and my cousin Rayray.

Your greatest weakness in the game?

A bizarre test of my limits I suppose. Often I find myself
running from mob to mob to test my character trying to see how much damage I
can inflict before I’m brought down. This sometimes leaves my teammates trying
to cope with healing the dumb blaster who ran in before the tank so he could
inferno. Luckily I took the fire ancillary set with the self rez.

What zone is your favorite?

The Storm Palace. It’s gorgeous and really fun, for me, to
navigate with all the jump jets. But the first time I was in it I was wow’d and
went around taking pictures of it’s Palace and the environment.

What is your favorite Storyline in the game?

I hope I don’t give any spoilers but I love the one where you
find out where the Rikti come from and why they came to Earth in the first
place. The whole concept of who they really are shocked me when I first read
it. Probably because after two years playing and I learned the truth and it
changed my whole outlook on them. I had to tell everyone about it in my SG chat
when I found out.

What one feature would you like to see added to the game?

Coalition for all levels (or at least 20+) between heroes and
villains. I’m sure that the storywriters could come up with a good threat or
something that requires all sides to fight it. But I really want to level up my
villains some more and all of my friends have been glued to their heroes

What advice do you have for any new players to the game?

Make friends with people similar to you. They’re good for a
laugh and are a big motivation to stay with the game.

Any closing comments?

Please donate all of your miracle:+recoveries and
Numina:+regen/recov to me. I know a dying child that really wants them and I’ll
be sure to get them safely to him.


Liberty Server

What is your home server and why did you end up picking it as
your home server?

Liberty Server is my home. I chose it because of all the named
servers, Liberty meant the most to me.

Where do you live?


What else do you like to do in your free time besides play CoX?

I like to golf. I am not very good but I love the game. I am
also very interested in politics and history.

What are your favorite movies?

My favorite movie is Gone With The Wind. Adding to that list;
Tombstone, Wyatt Earp and The Long Riders.

What are your favorite Books and authors?

I was a voracious reader of everything Stephen King wrote, then
I read Dean Koontz for a while. John Grisham is probably my favorite author. As
for a favorite book, I'd say To Kill A Mockingbird is probably a favorite but
Gone With The Wind is the favorite.

What TV shows do you like to watch?

The Sopranos is my favorite show on television. CSI and Law and
Order are good, too.

Do you have any pets?

We have two dogs. One is a purebred black lab, named Jacob The
Valiant, and the other is an adorable black lab and boxer mix, named Dixie,
that was rescued from the pound.

How did you get drawn to this game?

My son bought the game and I watched him playing it sometimes. I
was drawn in by the character creator and then the people in the game.

What is your favorite aspect of the game?

Hands down, the best part of the game for me is the character
creation tool.

Who is your namesake character and what are they?

That's an easy one! Green Eyed Lady. She is an illusion/empathy
controller and I am known in the game by her initials, GEL.

Which of all the archetypes and powersets would you say is your

That's a tough choice. I am very thrilled with my
invulnerability/super strength tanker, but for sheer fun factor I have to say
fire blast/fire manipulation.

Your least favorites?

I don't really think there are any that I don't like, but it
sticks out that I don't have any defenders at level 50. As for powersets, I'd
say all of the dark powers have not caught my interest.

Do you prefer Heroside or villainside?

I am most assuredly a heroine! I played the villain side some,
but it never even came close to capturing my attention like City of Heroes did.

What would you say is your greatest strength in the game?

Hmmm. My familiarity with the zones, maps, missions, story arcs
and task forces helps me the most as I find myself with the star on teams more
often than not.

Your greatest weakness in the game?

My biggest weakness in the game is the numbers. I have never
been a number cruncher or a min/maxer. I play for fun and sometimes the "fun"
power wins out over the "smart" choice. I don't hurt my characters, but
sometimes my power choices befuddle my teammates.

What zone is your favorite?

Talos is my favorite zone. It is so beautiful there. It is also
the zone where my in-game marriage was performed so it holds an emotional tie
for me as well.

What is your favorite Storyline in the game?

The Lost and the Rikti plight with chicken pox are among my
favorite stories. The Udelmann arc is probably my all time favorite as I am
interested in everything about history and it has a World War II tie in.

What one feature would you like to see added to the game?

Only one!? If I could add a single feature, it would be that
teleport would be a true teleport. You should be able to teleport anyone on
your team, across any server or map in the game, to your location.

What advice do you have for any new players to the game?

I think the best advice I could give a new player is patience.
Don't let a few rude players or bad incidents turn you away. There are far and
away more great people in this game, especially on Liberty, than not.

Any closing comments?

This game has given me so much that I feel a bit sheepish about
how I once thought of online game players. I considered it a big waste of time
and never understood the attraction. My time in CoH has changed all of that for
me. I have met so many wondeful people and forged so many friendships. The
people in the game are what draws me back virtually every night. Especially
those in my supergroup, The Sisterhood.
They are an extended family to me. I have had highs and lows with them, but it
isn't any different than with my real family. We continue on and we stay
together and we love each other. These relationships and the comaraderie of all
of our friends is what ties me to CoH and Liberty Server. I hope this game
continues on for many more years to come.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Arts and Entertainment

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The week in art

We're back with the 3rd installment of your week in art. This is
where i go through and give ya all the latest happenings in the art world here
on the forums. I'll go through and list my top five picks out of the pieces
that were done for the week.

- The long anticipated collaboration between Graver and DaosX was
revealed this week and what a masterpiece it turned out to be! Check it out

by Thally
- Thally is at it again but this time drawing Hemily in a
bikini lol!

by LadyJudgement
- LJ is on a roll lately with his commissioned works.
This was one commissioned by Dark Kerse for his good friend Jala.

Colette by Toxic_Shia
- Shia does more Virtue art! woot!

VG Portrait by Guildhelpers
- The team over at guildhelpers are at it
again with this amazing WIP.

That does it for the top five! Thanks for checking back here and
remember. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!!

This new installment is something Bayani has cooked up for us.
It's the first installment in a series about collecting comic book art! Take it
from me you'll wanna listen as this man knows what he's talking about!
Take it away brother!


CCA: Reference Shots

Collecting Character Art (CCA) is a series of articles written
by Bayani. Bayani has over two years of experience collecting comic
book-related art.

Summer is just around the corner and the convention season is
underway! With the resurgence of the comic book industry and the increasing
visibility of amateur and professional artists on the Internet, collecting art
of CoV/CoH characters is growing more popular than ever. Each article of CCA
will offer practical advice to help get your art collection started.

Quality art of your CoH/CoV character starts with clear,
detailed references:
a portrait
a full body shot
. If your character has a cape or important details on
his/her back, you will need
a three-quarter turn
shot as well. The key to a good reference shot is
starting big. The screenshots you take will include everything on your game
client, therefore your character should to take up as much space as possible.
For best results, have another player be your photographer. He/she can really
zoom in and focus on your hero or villain. Make sure that the photographer
turns on all of the game’s visual bells and whistles. Your in-game setting is
important as well. Take the screenshots during the daytime cycles or in
brightly lit instances. This will make your character’s costume and details
stand out clearly. The examples provided were taken inside the CoH Arena
buildings using a second character as a photographer.

The next step is preparing the screenshots for printing. Image
editing programs get pricey, so unless you already own Photoshop or another
similar program, copy the raw images onto a blank CD and head to a Kinko/Fed-Ex
store. Purchasing time for their computers are inexpensive to use and the
systems usually have photo-editing software pre-installed. Edit your
screenshots to fit “standard” photo dimensions such as 4x6 or 5x7 and use a
dots per inch (dpi) setting of 300. You may also want to “lighten” the image a
bit, as CoH/CoV environments tend to be on the darker side. After that, save
your edited images and you are all set. You can take your disk to almost any
photo shop have your images printed on photo paper. Choose a matte because your
pictures will get handled a lot and glossy photos tend to get all sorts of
fingerprints on them.

The whole process is easy and cheap: expect to spend anywhere
between $10-20. Great reference shots will save you and the artists a lot of
time and ensure an accurate depiction of your character. Remember, you are
paying for the art, make sure your get your money’s worth!

Next Installment of CCA: Conventions

Featured Artist


LJ thanks for joining me this week for the featured artists
interview. Over the last year you have become quite the artist and have
recently taken on doing commissions. How's that working out for ya man?

It's amazing actually, I can't thank the COH community enough
for their support. Actually a year ago when I first wandered into the art forum
here, it was your gallery of collected art that inspired me to do this kind of
work. I had always wanted to my whole life, and now that I'm actually getting
paid to create comic art, I couldn't be happier.

Any characters out there ya like drawing more then another?

I'm partial to female characters, but I find the best ones are
those with an extensive back story... There's that Unofficial Guide to the
Virtue Universe, which people have been filling with detailed biographies on
their toons, and the entries on that are so great, it's like reading a
mini-comic! I could draw those for days...

you've developed a new flavor to your art, a new style in coloring. Wanna take
us through in how ya accomplish the look?

I grew up on the traditional methods: pencil, paper, black ink,
watercolor, colored pencil or marker. You try and translate that to Photoshop,
and it's quite the headache!

My wife, who is a very talented vector artist herself, taught me
to draw in Adobe Illustrator, and I have been spending the last year
researching anything I could find on Cell Shading, Comic Cuts, CG Painting, to
get that look in current comics. I figured that's the style that people want to
have or own.

So now when I begin a piece, I may scan a really rough pencil
drawing, or sketch directly in Illustrator in varying grey tones to mimic the
look of pencils. After that I ink the piece on a separate layers in heavy
blacks, varying my line weight. I sometimes use special brushes to give the
feel of cross hatching, or zipatone...

In the end it goes into Photoshop and about 15-40 layers of
separate flats, shading, highlights, glow effects and what have you. Depending
on the toon's intricate costume, the background and or additional figures.

Who were the artists out there that have inspired you to

I grew up on Barry Windsor Smith, being a rabid Conan fan. Over
the years you can't ignore the clean design appeal of people like John Byrne,
John Romita Jr. and Jim Lee.

When I could afford comics, those are the people I read, but
these days, I look to the Art Forum people, I get inspired by my fellow artists
(Syrus B, Images by Alex, Juggertha, Doug Shuler... )and their inventive takes.
This forum is my morning paper...

Any major projects ya got going on lately?

All my "major projects" are basically the pieces I'm currently
working on. Actually I just downloaded about 15 James Bond theme songs, to get
me in the mood for my "Larissa Rasputin" piece.

She originally wanted her toon holding a globe of the earth
which is slowly icing over... but I think we (meaning I) can do better than
that... So I'm gonna turn her into a Bond Girl believe it or not, the kind you
use to see floating in the title sequences. After that I have 2 people who
might have to wait till the Double XP weekend is over for me to start on
them... lol

Can we expect to see an LJ website soon?

HA! Who's got time for that? I think my time would be better
served getting better and faster at what I do well first. Then maybe down the
line, I'll feed my ego with a website... but hey if you wanna design it for me,
I won't say no. There's always my gallery at Deviant Art

Whats it like to play in-game with your fellow artists?

It's the best! Not only do they get what you're talking about,
when it comes to art, movies, etc... but most of them have played their AT on
several servers, so we know what we're doing.

The Envisionaries! Fighting Crime, One Sketch At A Time!

By the way, we recently took down Infernal, like he was a red
headed step child! And in the same night, Dominatrix, Malaise, and
Shadowhunter... And of course there's all the art we do of one another, it
doesn't get any better than that.

Any quirks ya have that have to happen to inspire you to

I'm a nut for research. I waste a lot of time downloading
images, I "think" I'll need for some future piece down the line. Then I find it
again, and my brain will go, oh yeah I was suppose to draw that, or I won't
remember and think, huh? What the hell was I thinking, I don't need pictures of

But I always work to music, and or my huge collection of odd
DVDs playing in the background. Yesterday I had to watch something "cold" to
sketch Larissa's toon, so I put on "The Day After Tomorrow". lol

What are the four pieces of art that you are most proud of?

Well most proud of in chronological order:

1) Thor's Assassin vs Dr. Doom - You were my white whale when I
started, I knew that I wanted to get comfortably better before I attempted a TA
piece I could be proud of, that could compare to the stuff you already got. I
think this lives up to that expectation...

2) Soul Train - This was a turning point with my work, cleaner
lines, better color, a closer feel to the vision in my head of what the final
piece should look like. Sometimes you start something and it goes in a
different direction, this was pretty close to what I envisioned first, and then
made concrete... well digitally concrete if that's possible.

3) The Sisterhood - My first groupshot, I met this SG on a
passing run by the train one night in Talos Island, and they were all dressed
in white and green for St. Patrick's Day. So I casually asked them if they
would like a group piece done for in game influence... My new alt was hurting
bad for DO enhancements.

Well it worked out amicably as they were mostly 50th level
people, and I learned a lot on the logistics of taking on a 7 person project.
Now I know 4 is my limit... Anything more, and someone's gonna buy me a
cadillac, ya know!

4) Sarix Morrisson - And this was my first official commission
ever, for my buddy Turbo-ski... Originally it was only suppose to be a piece of
the kneeling figure, but she had such a great story behind her, I had to
interpret this part of it, that inside of her were 2 separate entities...
Conceptually I think it works, and I'm happy to say the owner was very happy to
get the finish.

Finally, any advice for a beginning artist that maybe wants
to get into the game?

Myself, the difference has been absorbing a lot more comic
related stuff. I have Jim Lee's blog bookmarked, I've also recently expanded my
library on "how to draw, color, create comic art"... which includes Japanese
Comickers, Korean Manwha, DC & Wizards Guidebooks... there's so much and
it's like fillng a visual hope chest.

And let's not forget our own art community, see when I first
found this section, I fell in love with it right away. I started skipping in
game hints and announcements, and went straight to "Screenshots and Fan Art",
looking for the latest gem of art or art tip I could find. And it's addictive,
it makes you wanna draw superheroes even if you haven't in ages. Before I found
COH, I was a traditional portrait artist since 2001.

So when I started posting work, at first it was to share what I
could do, and in truth it was getting all the rust and cobwebs off of my brain.
But I knew that I didn't want to just barge in here and bark at people for
commissions. So I did some and still do... a lot of freebies. Gift art,
sometimes for people's birthdays, sometimes because of a joke said in a thread,
and sometimes because that person had never had their toon drawn.

I look at it as good karma, you give back to a place you want to
be a part of... Kind of paying it forward. It's the difference of having
supporters and not going it alone OR just relying only on yourself the whole
time you create... Without some kind of feedback, you might as well draw on a
deserted island. I've only scratched the surface of this community, it is very
giving, and in my humble opinion, the best one on the boards!

LJ Thanks so much for the great interview man!! Keep
bringing the heat with that great art! We always look forward to it!

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Week's Crossword Answers

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The Hero's Quiz: Atlas Park

  1. Atlas Park is named after the hero Atlas, who perished while saving Paragon
    City from the Fifth Column invasion during World War II. In which city zone did
    Atlas bravely hold off the Fifth Column until the Freedom Phalanx arrived?

  2. The most prominent feature of Atlas Park is the giant statue of Atlas in front
    of City Hall. Within 25 feet, how tall is this statue, from the sole of his
    boot to the top of his globe?

  3. Only two statues in Atlas Park other than Atlas's statue are officially
    identified by name. Who are the only other heroes whose statues we know?

  4. One of Atlas Park's perennial sights is the blimp that floats above the zone.
    This blimp is the latest in a long line that has been soaring the skies since
    1935. What is the name of this majestic airship?

  5. The American flag that flies above City Hall was originally not a flag at all.
    This symbol of freedom donated to the city by Statesman was originally what?

  6. When heroes started protecting Paragon City, none of them were allowed to have
    capes in deference to the heroes defeated during the Rikti War. Before too
    long, however, the City agreed that heroes would be allowed to wear capes at
    security level 20 as a tribute to Hero 1's memory. Capes became available at
    the launch of which issue?

  7. If you do want a cape, you will have to go see the City Representative located
    in City Hall. Although many think of her as simply a nameless bureaucrat, the
    City Representative actually does have a name. What is the City
    Representative's name? (Bonus kudos if you know the name of the man who's
    posted at the Supergroup Registrar's desk!)

  8. Each of the five origins has matching organizations based on them, each with
    offices in Atlas Park. Match the organizations with their corresponding
    origins: MAGI, DATA, GIFT, SERAPH, and ELITE.

  9. Other than a few ambushes by other villain groups, Atlas Park has always had
    its share of problems with Hellions, Clockwork, and Vahzilok. Lately, however,
    what enemy group found mainly in the Rogue Isles has also been observed
    regularly appearing in the zone?

  10. Two of the hero contacts in Atlas Park are actually blood relatives. What is
    the shared last name of this brother-sister duo that heads up the offices of
    DATA and ELITE in Atlas Park?


Name this Atlas Park contact, who was only present a short time during the
holiday season of 2005:

Lord Recluse's plan seemed so flawless

That Statesman decided to call us.

"We mustn't let fear

Take our Holiday Cheer!

So go now and seek Agent _______!"

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