[Almost] trashed screens




Hi all! I was going through my computer's folders in order to free up some space. I got into my CoH folders, and found some long-lost screens I took. Warm, fuzzy memories aside, here are some I found and wanted to share:

Uhh....maybe you shouldn't drink the water near the reactor, mister.It doesn't look safe!
That's what happens when you fight me, OK? Man, I didn't realize Paragon Protectors were so flexible!
My first nuke experience in WB. Pudry colors..... /drool
"Don't worry. I got my eyes peeled for these prisoners." You can't write this stuff, man.
"Suddenly, one of city's greatest hero saves a family of 6 from a burning building!" Darn NPC ruined what might have been the greatest screenshot, EVAR!
Yes, my master. It shall be done. Lord Recluse, the first time I'd ever seen a Dev in-game.

Edit: Forgot one, added it.

I've also tried making some "Motivational Poster"-like things.

Blasters. Oh, you know its true.
Wakies. Eh?
AR. Mmmm....candy.

Hope you likey!



Nice screen shots. I like the the wakie "Motivational Poster".

Time Flawed-Grav/Eng-50
Malicious Despot-Crab Spider-50



Haha, that AR one made me laugh.