Is there a guide like this for MAYHEM missions??




Does anyone something like this for Mayhem missions??
Atlas Park (5-9) - 2 side missions - Raptor Pack reward
Kings Row (10-14) - 2 side mission - Jump Pack reward
Skyway (15-19) - 2 side missions - Self-rez power
Steel Canyon (20-24) - 3 side missions - Summon Team
Indy Port (25-29) - 3 side missions - Speed increase
Talos (30-34) - 4 side missions - Endurance increase
Brickstown (35-39) - 4 side missions - Health increase
Founders (40-44) - 5 side missions - Debt reduction
Peregrine (45-50) - 5 side missions - Regen increase

But for Villians??
I find this REALLY helpful!!



Yes. The level ranges are the same, like so:

Atlas Park (5-9) - 2 side missions - Raptor Pack reward
Kings Row (10-14) - 2 side mission - Jump Pack reward
Skyway (15-19) - 2 side missions - Self-rez power
Steel Canyon (20-24) - 3 side missions - Summon Team
Indy Port (25-29) - 3 side missions - Speed increase
Talos (30-34) - 4 side missions - Endurance increase
Brickstown (35-39) - 4 side missions - Health increase
Founders (40-44) - 5 side missions - Debt reduction
Peregrine (45-50) - 5 side missions - Regen increase

It's really helpful.



One slight difference.... Atlas Mayhem has only one side mission. <_<

Also, the side missions available for villains are: Kidnap (escort to map entrance), Arson (click all bombs), Raid (click glowie), Jailbreak (get an NPC assistant), and Robbery (click the glowies and break down the vault).

Edit: Just realized the OP was quoting one of my own posts.

Edit2: And for locations of badges and side missions, check out the Mayhem Maps, which comes from the free PDF file from Issue 7, located here. =^_^=\m/

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