Hellfire Warrior's Safeguard Mission Guide!
Added some content, as said, this is a work in progress. Any input would be appreciated, especially any info missing as of yet.
One small note on the rewards. I just found out recently to my personal disappointment that you can earn the temp power associated with stopping the robbery ONCE. I went and got my 40 kin defender to redo the Steel Canyon safeguard to regain the very useful TP Team power, was exemplared, and still did not get it again. Bummer.
Aye, that's why it says "only occurs first time you do the mission"
Ok, work in progress here, but I wanted to get this down and out as it seems its information a lot of people are needing. Also, this is my first guide, or quasi-guide, so please bear with me. I'll be adding mission specific information as I develop it.
First of all, there are many similarities between Safeguard Missions and Mayhem Missions, but there are also many differences, and they shouldnt be approached in the same way.
They are similar in that each Safeguard (Atlas-lvl 5-9, Kings Row-lvl 10-14, Skyway City-lvl 15-19, Steel Canyon-lvl 20-24, Independence Port-lvl 25-29, Talos Island-lvl30-34, Brickstown-lvl 35-39, Founders Falls-lvl 40-44, and Pergrine Island-lvl 45-50) occurs at a certain level after doing a pre-determined (3 or 5) number of Newspaper/Scanner missions in a given zone. It doesnt matter what zone you do the missions in, youll get the Safeguard mission for your level range. Each mission contains an exploration badge, though they are not in the same locations as the ones found in the Mayhem missions. Both Mayhem and Safeguard missions have a 15 minute timer, and have bonus time awards for completing various objectives.
The main, most important, difference is when your timer starts.
For Mayhems, this is immediately when the first person zones into the mission.
For Safeguards, its after the robbery is stopped.
There are two different triggers that initiate the robbery, however. First is coming within as certain distance of the bank. This distance APPEARS to be about 75 yds from the bank door. The second trigger is a 5 minute timer that is not visible, and begins when the first person zones into the mission. Because of this setup, THERE IS NO REASON TO RUSH THE BANK! It is much better to allow all of your teammates to zone in completely, apply any buffs available, and then either fight your way or rush to the bank as you desire and time permits. Once at the bank (and the robbery is started, of course) if you are solo, or have an invisible TPer and a good tank, you can run right by all of the mobs before the vault and head directly for the villain. This allows you to prevent the villain from breaking open the vault door, thus allowing you to pick off the remainder of the villains thugs at your leisure (this is nearly impossible with big groups due to how fast a big villain group will crack the vault, but small groups can pull it off). They will NOT run out of the bank until the vault is open and the loot is grabbed. Be careful, however, as even a single mob in the villains group left alive will crack the safe and start the escape. Make sure you get every member of the villains spawn group. The side villain spawns will appear as soon as the villain is defeated, so leaving one of the bank robbers alive (one that is not in the villain's vault breaking group) will allow you to do all the side missions without a timer!
Now that the robbery has been prevented, we can move on to the side missions and clear vandal groups. Throughout the map, there will be a dominant baddie type (i.e. Clocks, Hellions, etc.). In addition to these, there will be scattered groups of baddies of a different type, which will correspond with the type of baddie that was with the villain. These groups will be either Vandals, which are indicated by a suffix after their names (i.e. Vahzilok Looter, Vahzilok Lookout, etc.) and appear at random areas on the map, or side mission groups, which spawn at designated spots on the map and have normal names. Defeating every member of a side mission group will award your team a key that will open a specified door to a side mission.
The absolute best way Ive found to work a map after the robbery is thwarted is to exit the bank, keep the team together, and systematically sweep through the map, starting at the bank door, and taking any side missions as you come to them. This prevents people trying to spread across the map, searching out vandals or side missions, and getting picked off one by one. It seems best to ignore the Vandal groups unless they are in your path of travel. The measly 1:30 you get for defeating vandal groups is nothing compared to bonus times you get for clearing a side mission. Besides, this gives the vandal groups time to injure themselves on the exploding barrels and crates they break, possibly even killing themselves and giving you the time bonus without having to lift a finger! Also, a well organized team or solo player can street sweep through to the missions, and complete them in an amazingly short amount of time. When solo, without touching a vandal group unless I stumble upon them as I clear, I typically have at least 15 minutes left on the timer when Ive completed all objectives and cleared the streets of all baddies.
Now to break down the side missions. There are 5 different types. You can Prevent the Arson Stop the weapons deal Prevent the Jailbreak Prevent the Bombing and Prevent the break in at the store. The all the missions give 5-8 extra minutes after completion.
The Arson
The fastest and easiest of the side missions. Your team enters a small office lobby, containing a group of baddies and four barrels. While the rest of the team distracts the baddies, one member can click the barrels, disarming the bombs and preventing the arson. I recommend this person be the mission owner, as only the person disarming the bombs gets credit toward the arson badge. Also, there will be ambushes entering the lobby from the outside doors while the bombs are being disarmed. These ambushes will be aggroed on the bomb disarmer initially. Completing 5 of these missions awards the Fire Marshal badge.
The Weapons Deal
This mission involves a fairly good sized map (scanner mish sized). You objective is to click the glowie box, thus taking the weapon and preventing the deal. A straightforward glowie mission and the person who clicks the glowie may get a temporary power. Example temp powers include a Stealth Shield Flamethrower First Aid Kit and other such powers. These dont seem to award every time, though I dont know what criteria determines whether it awards or not. Perhaps its a random chance? Be careful, however, as an ambush approaches from outside shortly after you enter the map. Completing 10 of these missions award the Interceptor badge.
The Jailbreak
This mission occurs at the jail. The completion criteria is defeating the villain thats upstairs in the jail and his spawn group, and this awards the completion time bonus. However, this does not award the badge. The badge is awarded for Rescuing the PPD members on the first floor of the jail. There are 3 per mission map. They are rescued by clearing the mob around them, after which they will fight by your side. After defeating the villain, an ambush will spawn on the first floor of the jail. Rescuing 20 PPD officers awards the PPD Deputy badge.
The Bombing
This mission will start in the sewers. This too is a disarm 4 bombs mission, however its much bigger than the arson, and awards more time. The baddies have dug a tunnel from the sewers into a building, and intend to blow it up! Disarm the four bombs and receive the time bonus. Completing 5 of these missions awards the Bomb Squad badge.
The Break-In
In this mission, the baddies are breaking into a jewelry store/pawn shop. Inside, there are 3 victims to rescue and a baddies breaking into a vault to stop. Victims are rescued simply by defeating all the baddies in the group around them. As you approach the group breaking into the vault, an ambush will occur. Completing 5 of these missions awards the Security Expert badge.
The Various Zones
Atlas Park
This zone offers two random side missions, and the reward for preventing the bank robbery (only occurs the first time you do the mission) is a Raptor Pack (temp power, flight, 2 hours use time). Basic baddies are Hellions, Vahzilok are the side/vandal mob type.
King's Row
This zone offers two random side missions, and the reward for preventing the bank robbery (only occurs the first time you do the mission) is a Zero G Pack (temp power, Super Jump, 2 hours use time). Villains are Martial Gloom and/or Pyre, side mission mob type are Skuls, Clocks are the map mob type.
Skyway City
This zone offers two random side missions, and the reward for preventing the bank robbery (only occurs the first time you do the mission) is Resucitation (temp power, Self Rez)
Steel Canyon
This zone offers three random side missions, and the reward for preventing the bank robbery (only occurs the first time you do the mission) is Summon Teammates (temp power, Recall friend that effects all members of your team in the zone)
Independace Port
This zone offers three random side missions, and the reward for preventing the bank robbery (only occurs the first time you do the mission) is Movement Increase (temp power, small boost to run, fly, and jump)
Talos Island
This zone offers four random side missions, and the reward for preventing the bank robbery (only occurs the first time you do the mission) is Endurance Increase (temp power, small boost max endurance)
This zone offers four random side missions, and the reward for preventing the bank robbery (only occurs the first time you do the mission) is Health Increase (temp power, small boost max health)
Founders Falls
This zone offers all five random side missions, and the reward for preventing the bank robbery (only occurs the first time you do the mission) is Life Insurance (temp power, debt protection)
Perigrine Island
This zone offers all five random side missions, and the reward for preventing the bank robbery (only occurs the first time you do the mission) is Regeneration Increase (temp power, small boost to regeneration, suppresses when attacking)