COH Desktop wallpaper contest winner still around?




There are a few really good wallpaper creators here, but, to my knowledge, I'm not sure if that one posts here. If your looking for some wallpaper help or whatnot, Powerforge may be able to help you.

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Thanks for the reply. I am getting a new laptop for when I am out of town and they will put your own image on the front of it for you. I have alwasy liked the contest winners style and thought that his entry would look good on the laptop.
So I wanted to get his permission to use it.
If one of the other artist has some good art work with Statesman or other COH art that I can use, I would be greatful.

Thank you.



I believe he would not object you using this as your wallpaper.

I think it is Overbite who did this, try to PM him.



Well I think I can give the correct answer. I was the 1st runner up and everyone had to sign a form saying that you gave CoH rights to you art. So pretty much CoH can do anything they want with the art, which is fine by me. So basically you can use anyones wallpaper from this site. Here's the LINK



Thanks everyone, I appreciate the help.