Zapros - Colors!




Zapros is le fine, for now. This is my first penciled, then inked, then colored piece, so I'm pretty (Ok, REALLY!) excited! These are, as you fancy artsies would say, the flats (?) I believe, but I still love it

Hope you enjoy it man You deserve it for all the help you've given me

Comments, critiques, suggestions, feedback, criticzism, euphoric exlcamations of joy, etc. are welcomed and CHERISHED!!! Thanks!


Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Yay! Thanks, BAS!!

That's really nice of you! XD

Dunno if I should be critiquing my own gift art, but, uh.. I guess I will. Anywayz:

What really makes a drawing pop is shadows and highlights. How I do mine, is I make a new layer above everything but the Linework layer. Name it shadows, or something of the like. Choose a shade of gray, (Some other colors may work as well) and set the layer to Multiply. (It should automatically be on Normal.) Think of the parts of the human body as a buncha different shapes.. And shape the shadows around that. After you're done with the shadows, make a new layer right above the shadows layer.. name it highlights. Choose Hard Light or Soft Light for the layer setting, choose a shade of gray, and go wild. Also, for both of those, you can either choose a hard brush, or a soft brush. I like soft better, personally. Makes it look cooler, in my opinion.

Sorry for critiquing my own gift.. >.>;;



Hey! Thanks for the tips, Derek!

Nice pic, BAS.