What Dante accomplished this semester




I took -Drawing I- in college, and decided to share what I think was one of my best pieces overall. Now do realize that this is a basic principles course, basically. It deals mostly with form and shadow, so we use lights and boxes, bottles and objects like this to learn from. Anywho, just thought I'd show you guys what I've learned shading wise.

Box, square pillar and cylinder pillar

Thoughts, critiques. I did take it with my webcam but i tried to make it presentable alittle in photoshop. I need money...for a scanner lol.

Edit: I forgot. This was gestured in light pencil, and actually done in charcoal.



that came out great. well done. almost has a grainy faded black/white photo look to it. ~

...the sword is truth...




That's probably from my webcam... >.< lol but thanks haha.



WAY better than the stuff I did in Drawing 1 two semesters ago.

I liked straight black lines far too much to do anything this awesome.



Very nice. I shade terribly, I admire your... persistence. In shading, that is. Whatever. I make no sense.



is it me or does that actually have an underwater feel to it the way the charcoal and the camera kinda shimmers the light and the shading?

Looks good better then moi



Especially the left pillar. I'm guessing it is because the camera made the uneven tone even more noticeable, to the point of looking underwater light filter-like. Thanks for the comments guys!