Little Flash animation I'm working on




Well I'm learning how to animate in flash during Media Arts class and I figured I'd try to make an animation.
This is by no means finished or polished I just thought you guys might like to see what I have done.

BTW it really has nothing to do with CoX.

I think it's ok for my first animation.

Anyone think I got a future in this type of stuff? (ie animating)



I'm going to add more to the beginning. A part where we actually goes down a hill instead of just randomly going.

At the end in the back ground you'll see a dot fall of screen and then shine ala super smash bros. and then the sled will fall down and stick up outta the snow.



When does that happen in SMB?

Good flash animation, BTW. I've never tried it myself.



You know when you smack someone off screen and then they slowly fall down far in the background and the make a little light shine or glint and then they lose a life. Like that.



Yeah, I know what you're talking about but when in Mario..? Oh, Super Smash Bros?