A little help?




A little help from a talented artist would be greatly appriciated

I've always wanted an illustrated picture of my hero: Earthen Dude. But I never seem to get that massive load of money over to spend it so perfectly on mmoart.com So I thought,, why not ask our talented artists on the forum? At least one will answer i'm hoping What I really want most of all is like a "sig" a banner which I can put at the end of my signature, and something flashy with the name:

Earthen Dude "ED" - Earth / Kinetics Controller

or whatnot, I don't know these things. I am just a good dresser I guess :P hehe. I will submit two photos of him, and I hope that I remember the html coding. LOL

Here is one picture of him flying

And here is another one of him flying, this time with wings

Any help would be greatly appriciated, and you would be my best friend forever

peace - ED



One problem: You can't use sig banners on these forums.

But post in Derek's Art Thread (Should be on the second page or so) and I'll draw ya. Specify the stuff it says to in the first post, and by the way, do you want him to have wings or not?

PS: Derek's Art Thread is not my first thread, if you want to see some stuff I've done, you can try and dig up Derek's Sketch Thread hehe...



Oh sorry, the one with the wings is the final look of him So that's what im looking for

No rush tho, i'll let you guys play around with it all you want.



Why I want ya to post in my thread is so you choose what pose and stuff you want, and so I remember to draw you. I often forget about drawn stuff that's outside my thread.