Rack: Compleate!




That's right, I have a full complete rack here... a full rack of... um... okay, that's just not very funny is it? I really should get some sleep... but not before this is posted! And by this, I mean...

Recruitment Drive

Finally, at long bloody last, it is finished. For some odd reason, that one took me the longest out of every bloody watercolor I have done yet... not too sure why. The background did give me fits, but, I finally beat it into submission. Also, ended up using a lot more colored pencils on this one then I ever had, but I really enjoy the watercolor/colored pencil combo... there really is a lot of possibility there. And I'm not able to type any more...

Ya, well, it's done, and no I rest!

But first, up next is... um, Serrate? maybe... I can't remember. But hey, if you want to know, you can check my queue out here and it you want to get in line, well, this should explain how

Oh, and thanks all for your kind coments while I was making this one... I always apreceate the input and all that!

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