Nemo's (new) Energy Manipulation Factbook (fixed)
like this, I'm linking in my guide.
Alright, for anyone who reads and/or watches this guide, I'm getting ready to post an update for I9. Like my guide to Electric/Electric Brutes, I've been putting time in to try and get an I9/Inventions update going...and it will be coming soon! I've also overhauled the guide in general to read easier and include a variety of slotting by type, to increase the use of this guide to all Blasters, be they Ranged, Balanced, or Blapper.
The I9 Issue is what I am eagerly awaiting! I have a Lvl 50 Ele/Nrg Death Machine(or I did till I fiddled with the Slotting that was more random than planned). Being one of those that is dedicated to the cause of the Sg (Hey they got the goodies that get me where I need to go, Pick Me Up for when I get knocked down {We are Blasters the Debt Badges are OURS no one elses}I'm so broke I'm in debt to Attention. I wont go into details as to what I got slotted where but in the spirit of 'Hey check this out!' Hey Check THIS Out!! As I look at it now Im thinking maybe Set slotting Zapp (Snipe) Tesla Cage (Holds) And Voltaic Sentinel (I call it Zott and I know its a not well like power but Zotts been there to keep some enemy from waxing me while held {You know it happens to you too, Blaster doth not live by BreakFrees alone} while it cant be attacked and doesnt hang out long it does distract and does Damage when your otherwise occupied) with 1-3 Of a sets IO's (Still kinda up in the air about this some have recovery bonuses with 2 Slotted others have Regen w/ 2 but seeing as how Most of them dont have a SetName : Damage IO the % numbers arent as high as if you just replaced your SO slots with Common IO's which have a higher %)
Ok Ive babbled enough Look forward to the i9 Guide
I believe Power Boost increases effects by 149% at 50, though I don't know the level it is at when you get it (I think it scales upward in power as you level).
TW/Elec Optimization
Glad to see others are awaiting the I9 update. Sorry it's taken so long, but it will definitely be up by Saturday!
Also, I don't believe Power Boost scales to level...if you can find a source to confirm that it does, please let me know!
Glad to see others are awaiting the I9 update. Sorry it's taken so long, but it will definitely be up by Saturday!
Also, I don't believe Power Boost scales to level...if you can find a source to confirm that it does, please let me know!
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok, so I lied. However, I'm working on fully updating my guides, by which I mean NOT being distracted by the game and actually sitting down and editing the updates. This WILL be up by the end of Feb!
I believe Power Boost increases effects by 149% at 50, though I don't know the level it is at when you get it (I think it scales upward in power as you level).
[/ QUOTE ]
I think 149% is for Defenders and 119% for blasters (City of Data)
My Guide to the Hero-side Venomous badge
(622 Badges on my badge-guy)
number of lvl 50's: 24
number in the 40's: 3
Since the original EM bible has not been updated in...ever, I am going to unabashedly here steal information from Pulsewave's Original EM Bible and Yusaka's Excellent guide to the Energy Blapper. This is specifically information on EM, however, and does not include anything about syncing with primaries, just the powers, what they do, some advised slotting for different purposes, and a few observations. Act is activation/animation time, Rch is recharge, End is Endurance cost, KB or Dis is chance of Knockback or Disorient, and KB and Dis will have a note in (#) or (#, #s)format giving a number (Knockback in feet, or Magnitude of Stun followed by duration). Eng is Energy, S/L is Smashing/Lethal. Damage is in Damage Scalar Format (for the Data Standardization Project). I obtained my Damage numbers by converting the known BI values from Bean Sidhe's E^2 Guide, and have been confirmed (with minor correction) by independant testing Here. If you want to convert to BI because you're an outdated dinosaur, just divide the DS value by 0.36 (you dinosaur, you), or heck, just check out Bean's guide.

Energy Maipulation
1) Power Thrust
Act: 1 / Rch: 6s / End: 8 / KB: 100% (30) / Dmg: 0.8 (0.4 S/L, 0.4 Eng)
The first punch, the open-palmed wonder, and required to take as a Blaster with EM. The purpose of this power (other than 2 Brawls) is the 100% chance of Knockback on a hit target. Any Blaster who has learned to use this effectively will tell you that this is a very important solo tool throughout their career, and can even be a team saver (need to get rid of that high-health mob on your H34lz0r? WHOOOSH!). Slotting is up to you, but the default slot should be given over to Accuracy. If you're going to slot it up, another Accuracy, a Recharge (for faster sending action!) or one or two KB (this is mostly for amusement more than actual effectiveness purposes, tho). A few Blasters DO use this power for Damage, however this is mostly for builds that focus on being in melee like a Scrapper. Speaking of personal amusement, however, if you get bored of dancing in Atlas, slot this power triple KB. This adds to the base KB by some ridiculous number like 360%. Activate your Vanguard Medallion (Power Boost on a 25 minute timer, really) and then Power Boost. Go hit any level one Hellion for around 660% of the (already drastically more effective because of the 49 level difference) KB and have fun!
2) Energy Punch
Act: 1 / Rch: 10s / End: 6 / Stun: 25% (2, 5s) / Dmg: 1.96 (1 S/L, 0.96 Eng)
Quick and dirty, with a chance for a Stun that will get a minion for sure if it goes off. As a punch, it's default slot should go to Accuracy. Extra slots should go to Damage (up to three) to maximize it, with potential for another Accuracy and Disorient (not necessarily reccomended, but it helps a stun that goes off stick). Not for all Blasters, but a very good attack (especially at low levels) with ridiculously high DPS (not burst damage, just out the gate over time) and minion popping power.
3) Build Up
Act: 1 / Rch: 90s / End: 6 / Duration: 10s
+100% (Base) Damage, +33% ToHit. For 10 seconds. That's a few attacks, or a snipe and a follow up, in practice. This power is one that all Blasters should take, and you get it early (yay, you!). Use the Base slot for Recharge, and only slot more if you particularly find you want it up more often. 3 Slotted Rch can get you a 45s Recharge, but it's up to you.
4) Bone Smasher
Act: 1 / Rch: 15s / End: 10 / Stun: 50% (3, 10s) / Dmg: 2.6 (1.82 S/L, .78 Eng)
(*long, low, whistle*) That'sa one spicy meatball. Take this early, one shot minions with it, and oggle. While not quite that effective in the late levels, this power is one mighty punch. Slot for Accuracy (1-2), slot for Damage (3, you fool!). Putting an End and Rch in is wonderful (and 2 of either is fine too). Slotting for Disorient will help a sticker keep a minion or Lt. stunned longer, but slotting for what happens ~1/2 the time isn't always wise. It's up to you, but I'd hold off until you know you can afford it (or have Hami-Os!).
5) Conserve Power
Act: 1 / Rch: 600s / End: 10 / Duration: 90
This power cuts the cost in powers effectively by half for 90s. With 3 Rch SOs (the only thing to slot for, really), you can have it up just about every 300s (5 minutes). So you can have it up just shy of 1/3 of the time, getting closer to that with Hasten. Some take Stamina. Some take this. Some take both. YMMV, and it's up to you. I personally don't use it. Yusaka swears by it (and has Stamina). Pulsewave uses both it and Stamina. Try it yourself, and find out (it will be useful enough to justify it until you can respec out if you truly don't like it). When I did use it (and the way it is primarially used) is as a pre-Nuke. Using it right before your normal buff chain and then Nuking, you still crash. But by popping a Blue, you get back X End and are now able to use it twice as well!! This means that you can use it with a Blue to really stay in a fight post-crash. Assault Rifle and Archery being the obvious exceptions here.
6) Stun
Act: 2 / Rch: 20s / End: 10 / Stun: 100% (3, 10s) / Dmg: 0.25 (.15 S/L, .1 Eng)
Stun is a utility tool, and as a WEAKER THAN BRAWL level attack, should NEVER be slotted for Damage. However, popping an Accuracy in the default (with another for good measure) and some End, Rch, and Dis (I reccomend 1 Acc, 3 Dis, 1 Rch, 1 End, myself if you really want to slot this up all the way) this power can be a great utility tool. This sure fire Lt./Minion stun is a great way to take an enemy out of the fight long enough to deal with their friends. With 3 Disorient Durations and a Rch, you can chain stun non-Bosses using just this power reliably. However, your wind-up fastball has Activation time issues that keep you from Blapping or Blasting. This power can wait, but is great for stacking stuns on bosses (especially resistant ones) and keeping Sorcers or Nemesis Lt.s (or any other annoying Lt.) out of a fight.
7) Power Boost
Act: 1 / Rch: 60s / End: 10 / Duration: 15s
Doesn't affect Damage or Accuracy. Gives +100% (that's DOUBLING the base value of): Disorient Duration, Sleep Duration, Confuse Duration, Fear Duration, Immobilize Duration, Hold Duration, Knockback (KnockUp) distance, Repel stregth, Run speed, Fly speed, Defense Buffs, Heal, Accuracy Buffs, AND Endurance Drain. With 3 Rch (HIGHLY reccomended by me), you run and fly faster (great for Hover manuevering and fly travel), Heal stronger (awesome for Aid Self and Aid Other), Disorient longer (great for opening chains), KB farther, and a whole grab-bag of other goodies. While I didn't take this right off, I took it pre-Total Focus. Like Pulsewave, I find that this power grows on you (fast). This power is crucial to chain-stunning bosses (Boost, Focus, Stun, BS, EP, keep chain active). When combined with slotting for Disorient, you can get a lot of mileage out of this power just from the rest of EM.
8) Boost Range
Act: 1 / Rch: 60s / End: 15 / Duration: 30s
+54% range (just shy of THREE Range SOs). With three Recharge SOs, this power can be up 100% of the time. This will not help any power in EM, but will help ANY Blast set. This power allows you to outrange mobs (and actually be able to use range as a know, like we're "supposed" to be able to), and can give Snipe the ability to...well...actually Snipe. This can also let your "Burst Power" (high Dmg, short range blast) reach a heck of alot farther and be more than effectively another punch for any set that has one. YMMV based on Primary. If you find you want it, then slot it thrice. If not, then leave it be.
9) Total Focus
Act: 3 / Rch: 20s / End: 22 / Stun: 100% (4, 10s) / Dmg: ~3.56 (1 S/L, 2.56 Eng)
A set defining power, it's not hard to see why. This power will Stun most bosses. Alone. Combined with Stun, the Magnitude stacking will stun those few bosses who resist stuns. This power is a mighty, mighty punch that will make the team jealous. Slot the base for Accuracy. Slot in 3 Dmg NOW. Don't wait, NOW. Why are you still here without 3 Dmg in your Total Focus?!?!?! DO IT, THE POWER OF HEROES COMPELS YOU!!!! (*COUGHAhem*) Sorry about that outburst. Slot in a variation of another Acc (for facing higher level foes), a Rch, an End, and since it's 100% Disorient, those certainly aren't bad ideas. I reccomend 1 Acc, 3 Dmg, 1 Rch, 1 End until HOs, where you have the freedom to slot 1 Acc/Dmg and 2 Dmg/Mez, with a Rch and End thrown in and one more of choice (Acc/Mez reccomended!). It's slow, but powerful enough that skipping this power is insane in 99.99999% of cases.
Creator's note: This guide is essentially a 1.1 version at the moment. If you find an error in any of the numbers (for example, testing indicates that a stun chance is off, or a slightly lower/higher DS value, or whadevuh), PM me or post and I will be sure to fix it, since I want to keep this guide updated and accurate throughout upcoming issues. This guide was designed pulling all known player-tested data and is therefore designed to be complete, but if you see something that is just plain it or PM me so I can make it complete! --Nemo