Random Thoughts..From The Spider.




I've fought crime and upheld justice with a swift and deadly hand. I've been to the wall against the evil that surrounds us, I've saw things that make a normal person tremble and quake with fear. I've stood against insurmountable odds and come out victorious...

In all honesty, I may retire. I'm young..at the peak of my powers, my fellow teammates depend on me. Alas, I grow weary..

My duty is to protect and serve the citizens and law of Paragon City. That is my reward. Justice be done..Its the only thing I live for.

I've gotten tired. I need your support. Here are my thoughts...

I'm powerful, and strong. Why am I constantly getting pushed around by our citizens we are sworn to protect?? I cant have a simple conversation with a friend without RUDELY being shoved to the side? I was shoved by a young girl yesterday that I could SWEAR I saved from the Council just the day before! DONT get me started about the ones with cell phones! I asked a man yesterday if I could borrow his phone...I was in my street clothes and forgot my team communicator. I saw a giant robot being built RIGHT in front of him! He was in danger and He wouldnt budge! (He may have been a superhero in disguise..I dunno) But I tried!

Ok, Paragons great and all, but the choices for eating out are slim. I frequent the Natural Store for all my groceries at home..but every once and awhile I like to eat out. The food..is substandard. Most times, I get a call to rescue someone or save another citizen while I'm out. Having a troublesome digestive system I try to stop at the train stations to..well..you know. I cant open the DOORS to the BATHROOMS!

On top of that there are some pranksters in every SINGLE station constantly flushing the toilets. Anyone tell me whats going on? I've tried busting down the door and hopefully putting an end to this major problem. (The cities water bill HAS to be enormous)

I also would like to speak to the people or persons responsible for hiring Paragons Police force. I know, I know..The cities are overrun with criminals, superpowered ones even. BUT THESE COPS ARE CHICKENS! AND SKINNY! Its gotten to the point where they walk RIGHT past someone in need! Ive seen it! Then they run like their hair is on fire! Whos to blame!?!

Ok, Paragons DMV REALLY needs an overhaul. They are giving licenses to the most inept bunch of people I've ever seen behind the wheel. They even try to swerve and hit me...ME! Believe it!?!

Im done..waitaminute..I just looked out my apartment window at the new construction site across the street. Hmmm..those guys digging look like they could use a hand. I can probably move that earth alot faster..


Duty Calls..

((Im bored, thanks for listening))