Character Background Help
Some other bits of info on my character...
She has a somewhat addictive personality and has become addicted to the "Rush" of addrenalin from being a hero and fighting the "bad guys".
She is a bit impulsive and tends to act before she thinks. This has gotten her into more than one tough situation that she's had to struggle to get out of, but what does not kill us makes us stronger right? :-)
Having spent a large part of her life with only herself to rely on she is a bit non conforming and tends to do as she pleases. Its kept her alive up til now why change? :-)
She has spent much of her life constantly on the move becuase sitting still for to long could have ment her death. Because of this she tends to get fidgety and restless if she sits still for to long. This has also tied in with her impulsiveness to get her into yet more trouble.
Something she tends to try to hide is the fact that she is for the most part illiterate. She has begun her learning but things have moved so fast for her since she escaped from the catacombs that this combinded with her restlessness has made learning more than the absolute basics quite difficult.
It sounds like you have it pretty well fleshed out, not sure what you need help with really.
However, try writing it up a couple different ways: A story, A newspaper article, as described to a friend/other superhero, as a flash-back, etc.
That always helps me. Concepts are good, but put them down a couple different ways and it will sometimes spark a bit of an idea that wasn't there before.
"Shut up Mr. Burton, you are not brought upon this world to get it!" - Lo Pan
Thanks for the reply; I guess one of the main things Im concerned with is whether I have an acceptable set of events and if they fit in the timeline correctly. Im still a little unsure of just what is acceptable to include in your background. Is it ok to have the extended time living in hiding from the Rikti in catacombs under Paragon City, and if so do I have the events set to a correct timeline? Id hate to come up with something and be completely off the mark with what I have my character doing.
As for the suggestions of writing a couple of different ways, I like that. Ill give it a try. Thanks! I wanted to make sure I had a sound concept before I spent a lot of time writing it up.
Don't worry about whether it's acceptable by anyone else or not. If it's acceptable in your oppinion, than it's acceptable period. You don't need our permission to do this stuff. Anyways, you've got a great storyline going on here. The timeline may be a bit off (not so sure myself), but that is easily remedied. Overall, it's very good
Thank you, yeah thats what Im not sure about. All Ive been able to find out about when the hollowing took place is that it took place several years ago. Now to me several years would mean more than 2 or 3. The Rikti war was 3 years ago if current in game year is 2005 and Im pretty sure they didnt happen at the same time so Im seeing it as some time before the war. Thats as accurate as I can find. Whats your suggestion for a remedy?
On a side note, got any ideas how her parents might have died and got her stuck in the catacombs? Im drawing a blank on that.
Maybe ask a dev for the timlines, or somone that reads alot into the Paragon history. Near as I can tell, the Hollowing took place before the Rikti war, but I could be wrong
Hi, I was hoping I could get some help with my characters background details. Ive got a basic idea of what I want but Im new to CoH and dont know much of the history other than whats on the main site and Im having difficulties with timelines. Here are the notes Ive made about my character, Miserys Child. The ages are a complete guess based on what Ive been able to find. She is a Natural Scrapper Martial Artist. The idea is that since the Rikti had visited well before the actual attack to set up caches Id have her have been stuck in the catacombs the Rikti used under Paragon City for an extended period of time (think newt from Aliens only for many years) and thus living under the constant threat of death she developed exceptional skills at fighting.
5 y/o parents killed and she is left to fend for herself in the catacombs of the Rikti under Paragon City. (Dont have any idea how or what killed them, ideas?)
12 y/o the Hollowing opens a way for her to escape from the catacombs.
13 y/o after having gone through months of reconditioning in prep for reentering mainstream society she is enrolled in school. a week after starting several kids are harassing her because she is still not quite "normal" and sometimes acts a little odd. As one of the boys grabs for her, her ingrained instincts from years of living in an environment where everything wants to kill you kicks in and she puts him in the hospital. This quickly alienates her from most of the rest of the students. She finds console in the other "outcasts" at the school.
13.5 y/o the Rikti invasion begins. Having survived while living around them for years it is easy for her to find safe places to hide. She brings along her new friends. During the next 6 mos as the war continues she has several encounters with Rikti even successfully killing one of them. Her friends, absolutely amazed at her fighting skill explain to her just how exceptional she is at fighting. She had taken it for granted that what she could do, because this type of encounter wasn't uncommon where she grew up, was normal, that everyone could do what she did.
14 y/o the war ends and shortly thereafter she discovers that she had missed the adrenalin of her past life and over time comes to crave it again. To get it back she begins to seek it out by looking for it on the city streets late at night.
16 y/o after a publicity visit from some superhero's at school she realizes what she must do and sets out to become a superhero.
17 y/o registers as a superhero in paragon city.
Well, thats all I have so far. Help?