Roleplay Suggestion




This may sound dumb to some people, but I think it would be cool to have a family of heroes, doesnt have to be seperate accounts, it could be the same account.

I have many heroes with the last name De'Goma, in my Biography boxes I put that Saden De'Goma or Lunar De'Goma etc. are brothers, or this is their sister and what not. I find it fun, and I think it would be cool to be able to create families.

What families get:

Logo: Go into a "family mode" or something, and you have another Emblem on yourself for your family.

Influence sharing: I get tired of trading inf. from my main Scrapper to my new characters, think it would be easier to have some kind of system to have influence sharing easier.

Unique Costume: This might take a while to implement, but new things for your costume just for that family. Examples would be: Wings, helmets, gloves, etc. that all are the same, but they are on each of the members.

This just kind of came to me so it might sound just completely stupid. The only way you can have the family members is if they have the same last name. Not everyone puts a last name on their char cause its not needed, but what if you could also switch from your Hero name to your "Human" name?

Some exceptions would be: The family has to accept a new member, no one can just make a char with a last name of an awesome family, and be in it, the family must accept the new member.

To create: Similar to SG's, have a group(your family), full or not, and create it talking to an NPC of some sort. The family is created and the unique costume object must be obtained. To obtain the object the family must fight through an Issue of 10 trials, each trial has a trick to it.

Trial 1: Defeat 10 of every mob listed(the mobs will be every mob that is in a zone, not a mission).

Trial 2: Defeat an Archvillain with your family.(Any AV, any level)

Trial 3: Help at least 2 people in your family get 5 levels.(the starting level of the 2 MUST be lvl 30, can't make a level 1 and be lame ;O)

Trial 4: Complete a story arc for 2 members of your family.(any story arc)

Trial 5: Investigate a Crey robbery.

Trial 6: Complete a TF with your family.

Trial 7: Complete the Terra Volta Trial with your family.

Trial 8: Hack into Crey computers.

Trial 9: Destroy Crey's secret weapon, or find and arrest Sharpshooter Phantom.

Trial 10: Destroy Crey's secret weapon, Ghost-Weapon X.

In trial 9 you never find the secret weapon, but you find Phantom.

The trials must be completed by only 1(ONE) of the family members to be able to select the unique costume option. Once the family member does this everyone else can wear it.

Just an idea of some sort.