Karaoke Night at Pocket D (Open RP)




It was Karaoke Night at Pocket D; the ever-elusive DJ Zero wasn't in evidence yet that night, likely having made plans to be far out of this dimension in case some of the less... adept singers got up to the mic.

The first up on the stage was the Red Hand, his trademark bandana taken off due to the heat of the club's many bodies and his wraparound shades tucked away-- red leather painted with black glyphs making up the rest of his costume, though it didn't conceal his identity. He'd never really made much of an effort towards that sort of thing. A smile quirked his lips as he swept the mic from its stand, offering casually to the crowd, "Figured I'd get up here before I had too much to drink tonight... god knows what I'd start singing then. So. Let's get to it. This is with -abject- apologies to Kim Wilde..."

"Lookin' down at dirty ol' Kings Row, down below, the cars in the city go rushing by...

I hover alone and I wonder why...

Friday night and the gangs are all moving, I can feel the heat but it's soothing -- heading down..
I search for the crime in this dirty town...

Down town the Hellions are going,
Down town the Kraken are growing...

We're the Heroes in Par-a-gon!
We're the Heroes in Par-a-gon!

Everyone with super-powers, get down!

Bright lights, the Rikti come faster--

Look boy-- don't shirk on your watch, don't be slowing down!
There's villains out there, honey, doing bad!
Hotshots give me no problems--
Much later, baby, you'll be saying-- thank you, boys!.
You know, crime is cruel, villains-- never kind.

Weak hearts don't make a new story--
Weak hearts don't grab any glory.

We're the Heroes in Par-a-gon!
We're the Heroes in Par-a-gon!

Everyone with super-powers, get down!

Come closer, honey, that's better

Got to get down to Terra Volta, there's a plot--
The nukes're attacked, baby-- time to fly!

Outside a new villain's planning,
Outside the gangs are all rioting everywhere.
I've got to go, baby...

Kings Row to east Steel Canyon, there's a new wave comin', I warn ya--

We're the Heroes in Par-a-gon!
We're the Heroes in Par-a-gon!

Everyone with super-powers, get down!

We're the heroes-
We're the heroes-
We're the heroes in Par-a-gon..."

(To the theme of 'Kids in America', with apologies. )