The clock strikes twelve (open rp)




Why was he tortured so? He was once a popular Minion, but that is gone now. He had it all, and now he has nothing.
He was a lead commander in the army of clockwork, But the Clockwork-King made a newer and better model. Thus throwing him aside. But he swore revenge, everyday he went and attacked hordes of clockwork. He threw their bodies onto trashheaps and watched them squirm among the twisted metal. He hated it all, People looking at him in disgust. He had enough and made himself armour. Armour that noone can see through and he could hide away from. He would weave threads of electricty so he could capture his foe. He would hide and wait, always for the right moment. And when he found that moment he would strike, and then he would shock them and make the suffer as he did. And after he would make sure they were quite dead, and then they would always end up in a trash heap somewhere, noone would find them until the stench from the carcass got too unbearable. And then they would know who had done this crime. For every person he killed he left a momento, an electricly carved clockface embedded into the persons chest.
His name was Tick-Tok
"In other news today, The Vigilante Known only as Tick-Tok.
Has killed another victim, Leaving the body in a trash heap with the same marking: A clockface. Again the police are asking anybody who has seen him to report this and try to capture him" The reporter on the T.V. announced before it was zapped.
"They know nothing!" Shouted the robot as he paced his broken down apartment in "BoomTown" as it was aptly named.
"They will all pay!" He screamed, the sound of his voice echoing through the abandoned building. The reason he chose to hideout here was so noone would find him. He ran out the window stopping himself before he hit the ground.
"They will all see, the true power of Tick-Tok" He screamed as he rose into the air and flew into the city.
(sorry, forgot to put the open rp thing up)



Vorick was making a routine patrol of Kings Row when he smelled it. It was the smell of a carcuss. He checked the trashheap nearby and saw the body of a dead Skull. He checked the Skull's chest and saw the signature of Tik-Tok. "Damnit, this is a fresh one, just missed him." Vorick checked the area and found nothing. He went over to Steel Canyon and checked around the Boomtown entrance. It was dark now, and not many heroes were here. Vorick caught the flash of something and turned quickly. He saw someone move into the shadows of a nearby alley. It was quiet and then, then a scream. He readied his Assualt Rifle and headed for the alley...



Tick-Tok stood up from another victim.
"I should go home now, 2 is enough for tonight" Tick-Tok said.
He threw the corpse into a nearby dumpster and flew in the direction of "BoomTown".



Vorick saw a shape fly quickly over him. It was Tik-Tok. "Gotcha!" He jumped up and tackled Tik-Tok in mid-air and they both fell onto the roof of a building. Vorick leapt to his feet and prepared to open fire...



Tick-Tok lifted his hand and a string of electricity shout out and circled around his victim.
"Don't even bother" Tick-Tok said as he left the hero and flew towards "BoomTown".



Vorick broke free of the electricity, but too late. Tik-Tok was already through to Boomtown. Vorick went to the entrance and entered. Just as he got in, he saw Tik-Tok jump over a building. Vorick switched his rifle to Full Auto and readied a Web Grenade. "Here we go." With that, he jumped toward the building...



Tick-Tok sat down and watched as day rose anew.
"Why does everyone hate me so?" Tick-Tok said to noone.
"I stop criminals, in my own way..." Tick-Tok said to himself.
Lately he had been having second thoughts about what he was doing.
"But my revenge is close..." Tick-Tok said to himself again.
This was confusing.
((Anyone can join! more people should join! JOIN!))